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Any guilty confessions?


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I'm entirely not guilty about this either but

Once the game comes out I have an entire favoritism package that I will shove at Rinka to counter the terrible hand the devs dealt her

I may not grind, but I'm not above taking literally everyone's resources, including Kamui's, and throwing them all at Rinka

In fact I'm going to use Kamui as her resource; one fighter coming up

(good thing I heard Ryouma is OP anyway and doesn't need shit)

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I plan on letting Suzukaze die in Hoshido, because I will play it as Mamui first and marry first gen so someone has to be forever alone. At least this way there is a 'tragic' reason for it.


I plan on marrying myself to Eponine and Foleo after marrying their dads. I go from them beaing my children to spouse.

When I do a "canon" run of IK where I play as MaMui and marry Azura I plan on possibly killing off a female child to have equal numbers. Probably Sophie since she is so generic.

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Not as hardcore as you guys, and I haven't gotten the game yet, but Im specifically getting it for Zero.
Otherwise, there'd be nothing motivating me to get this game other than it being Fire Emblem.
..Also, the only women that appeal to me are 2nd gens. Ophelia, Kinu, Velour..It could be worse.

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I don't think very highly of Silas as a unit.

I play mostly on casual now to try different shit mid map.

Trueblade Kamui or bust.

I think I may be partially gay for Kaze.

Aqua x Harold is my top OTP yet I've never done it because pairing off Aqua is an ordeal.

Takumi/Oboro is overrated as an OTP but still pretty superior to basically everything else in Fates I can't even lie.

I'm salty I can't make Kamui's skin darker.

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Not really guilty but

-I have absolutely no desire to play Hoshido since IK gives me access to the characters I like from it.

-I have almost no attachment to the Hoshido siblings, except maybe Ryouma.

-When I see someone online who has married Elise or Midoriko, I go out of my way to beat them up.

-I'm not attached to almost any pairings in FE, nor many children, as I was in Awakening.

-I switched to Hard/Casual halfway through Nohr ;_;

-I hate male Kamui's dumb Build 1 face.

EDIT: -oh yeah, and sibling marriages (on both sides) really gross me out. I'll never judge someone for doing it, but I'm kind of sick of seeing so much of it since I personally don't agree with it, particularly with Takumi and Leon. Like I said, I don't mind if someone does it since the game supplies the opportunity but I'm just a butthurt baby.

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Somewhat related to my first post here, but:

I despise f!Kamui/Takumi. At this point I'm convinced that my hatred for that pairing isn't just because I like Oboro/Takumi, but it's more to do with Kamui as a character and their actions in Nohr.

The only "guilty" part of that confession is that I hate how petty I have become over a fictional pairing, I don't like that I hate it so much but at the same time I can't help but hate it. And I respect that other people may like that pairing, which is why I try not to complain about it other than the generic "siblings shouldn't have been marriage options" complaint that extends to all the siblings. I guess in the long run I'm still human and have things I irrationally dislike.

So yeah, long story short. I hate f!Kamui/Takumi. I don't have a problem with people who do like it, you guys are cool. If you want to talk about it, I'm leaving somewhere I can't see it. And now that I got this out of my system hopefully I will never feel the need to say it in public forum again.

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I haven't played the game, but I think I'm kind of prejudiced against Nohr and I find that prejudice extremely stupid. And it's not that big anyways, because I'm still gonna play Nohr anyways lmao

Mm I'm not a fan of the avatar because I don't like self-inserts too much but whatever floats your boat honestly.

I keep calling Fates 'Fartes' and I keep forgetting no one calls it that except for a few people. This is the guiltiest of them all

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This one's probably not too bad, but I've nearly completed grinding out every character's primary, marriage, and buddy class skills in IK, as well as getting gold statues for every character. What's actually bad about this is that I have every intention of doing it all over again for the English release. Please IS, just release Paragon already ;_;

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I like the skinship feature a lot. I'm all for more ways to interact with the characters even if it's kinda weird.

I love that I'll be able to buy skills. In Awakening, by the time I got the skills I wanted on my characters, they were way too strong. There was no challenge to the game at all no matter what difficulty. Now I can get the skills I want without having to worry about over-levelling anyone.

I dislike Aqua and Felicia. So much so that I want to send them to their doom asap so I won't have to look at them in the character select screen. Of course, it's all for naught because they'll only retreat and still be forced on me through the story (Aqua) and because I'll be playing as male Kamui (Felicia).

In return for the mechanics thrown at you that you cannot break this game no matter what.

Status Immunity/Status Resistance would solve this, but they cannot be obtained. Status Immunity, no. Since your never granted anything that good without hacking. Status Resistance, maybe. As you can stack it with Clear Mind.

Felicia's voice is annoying more than anything. I hope that she gets a better voice actor in the localised versions.


I have two confessions...


I just don't like her characteristics at all. She's even worse by joining you.


Just another Shinon.

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-I didn't feel anything for the plot mandated character deaths.

-I didn't feel bad about Tsukuyomi being forever alone in my Hoshido playthrough.

-I pair characters who I think fit each other best or for relationships I find the most disturbing, because I'm a decadent and capricious shipping god.

-I'm going to pair Sakura!Grey and Hinoka!Midoriko because double cousins amuses me.

-I'd ship F!Kamui with Camilla, if she were better written.

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I've asked myself on several occasions if Foleo would make a good Witch, before remembering he's a guy (sorry Foleo!)

now that you've said this i realized it isn't possible and now i'm angry

-I didn't feel bad about Tsukuyomi being forever alone in my Hoshido playthrough.

Eh? Guitly about this? I don't think anyone feels guilty. I think I've seen his name pop up the most in "if you had to make a character single in a file who'd it be."

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If you don't want to answer that's fine, but I'm curious... who are the characters? :0

whatever you say :P get ready

I really don't like both of the default Avatars/Kamui, not based on actions (since again, I haven't played), they just... irrationally bother me. I'm not a fan of the default Robins either, so I can't say I'm surprised. not a big fan of their designs and the Nohr Prince(ss) ones too. ...the fact that a lot of people portray them as total brocons/siscons doesn't help at all

I'm a bit put off from the royal siblings too because they're also prone to that last reason. I hope that doesn't completely tarnish my opinion of them sigh

Jakob definitely isn't for me. just 'cause he's a bishounen entirely dedicated to the Avatar (it's not really a good sign when one character can't be truly defined without mention of another) doesn't excuse his being an ass to everyone else

and the three Awakening expies on the Hoshido side since they have no reason to look/act exactly like someone they're not related to (well maybe not in Matoi's case but that's only applicable to if she has a certain mother) other than logic-defying fanservice

...sometimes I think I can't get any saltier but then I do. thanks for getting through all that if you actually did

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and the three Awakening expies on the Hoshido side since they have no reason to look/act exactly like someone they're not related to (well maybe not in Matoi's case but that's only applicable to if she has a certain mother) other than logic-defying fanservice

I read all of it. I'm one of the people who like the siblings and Joker/Jacob so I can't say much there besides "I understand."

This part I agree on though.

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Guilty Confessions huh? Well, I have yet to play the game cause I'm waiting for the English release, and I'm not sure I feel guilty about them, but I do have a couple that might qualify.

Even despite the fact that you can marry Kamui to the Hoshido siblings, I'm still upset that Kamui has turned out to not be related to them by blood, cause I was hoping to have M!Kamui marry a Sakura he was related to by blood. But since she's not his blood sister, it just sort of loses my interest. It would have been amusing to have that happen, and then marry the resulting F!Kanna to Ryoma's or Takumi's kid. I like the idea that I'm able to play god so much that I can mess up a bloodline like that.

Also, I was hoping that children characters could marry the first gen characters. More bits of amusement.

-I'm going to pair Sakura!Grey and Hinoka!Midoriko because double cousins amuses me.

I plan to do this in at least one play through as well for the same reasons. Genetically, double cousins are no different from half-siblings, which is what amuses me about this. The only thing that disappoints me is that I can't see their parents reactions to this, as I think seeing their reactions to this development would complete my amusement.

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I read all of it. I'm one of the people who like the siblings and Joker/Jacob so I can't say much there besides "I understand."

This part I agree on though.

heh, thanks. I can be nervous sharing my opinion enough since it's the internet and I have anxiety so that's plenty fine for me :P

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..uh, I have a couple, I guess...

First off, I... I want Odin to marry Elise!

I... I really want a blonde Ophelia, and... Elise!Ophelia seems like ...a good... one...

Pretty much the same thing as above, but I... also want Tsukuyomi to marry someone, particularly *sigh*...Orochi.

I'm sorry, but I really want Shara, especially so that she can marry F!Kamui.

...that's... about it, I suppose...

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I feel like I'm turned away from Oboro purely because she is so popular and I see TakuObo all over the place, which really pisses me off. Because you shouldn't hate a character for their fanbase, especially their positive fanbase, but...

Well, I can't really help how I feel.

I still think she's interesting as a character and I look forward to playing with her, but every time someone mentions her as best girl or or gushes about how cute she is with Takumi, I can't help but get a little irked. Like... nothing against those people. They're just people liking what they like, and I'd do the same in their shoes if I loved Oboro and TakuObo.

But, idk. It's just a personal, stupid thing.

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I feel like I'm turned away from Oboro purely because she is so popular and I see TakuObo all over the place, which really pisses me off. Because you shouldn't hate a character for their fanbase, especially their positive fanbase, but...

Where are you seeing all of the Oboro/Takumi stuff, because the only thing I see is f!Kamui/Takumi all the time.

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*coughs nervously

It's unfair how Kamui can marry anyone, and your siblings can't. I would marry Leon/Camilla, like, seriously.

I ship Silas/Elise.

I wanna marry Kisaragi.

I feel like im the only one whos really feeling guilty here, but oh well... :'D

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Below are spoilers...

- I was originally going to marry Saizou on the Hoshidan route, but once I found out that Gurei was his son I decided not to because I didn't want to have an Awakening clone as a son.

- I wish that there was a way to pair Ganz and Hinoka together to have a super thigh god/goddess child (I mean, have you see the thighs on Ganz...?)

- I actually thought that Zoura was reasonably adorable and cried when he died (wormy fuck will be missed...).

- I still pray everyday for Iago marriage DLC.

- Iago was my favourite character and I thought that his trolling the protagonist all the time with his illusionary self was actually pretty funny.

- I got my friend to strip Iago for me in his playthrough.

- I'm still actively trying to figure out the way male Fighter/Berserker underwear works since they wear briefs underneath but expose their asses for the world to see with their battle thongs.

- I can't stand Yukimura, I feel like there's something evil lurking behind his kind smile ...

- I have a list of units that I will use as fodder and bait on my classic IK run and if they are not all dead by the last chapter I am going to send them out against Anankos weaponless for entertainment.

- The only reason I'm marrying Ignis in the third route is because 1) Iago is not a viable option, 2) Izana (the original husbando) dies, 3) Ignis is voiced by the same Japanese VA as Iago, 4) +6 DEF mod.

- For some reason I feel really guilty about marrying Kaze to Elise ...

- I have decided to marry Oboro to a Nohrian.

- I'm considering marrying Crimson in third route, making a Kanna with her before her scripted death and then using said Kanna to kill her again when she rises up in chapter 23.

- I liked Felicia's voice and didn't find it annoying.

- I am planning on using a Bondage theme for my Femui's weapons when the english release comes out. Faceless mask included. If I can find a way I will change the name of her Yato to "Bondage Yato". Her My Castle attendant will also be a Faceless.

- I plan on stripping ALL bosses possible in the game by getting Sophie as early as possible.

- And perhaps my worst sin of all ... I have a better opinion of Ganz now because I had a lewd dream and enjoyed it, now I can't bring myself to hate him as much as I did before.

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I see both, honestly. Luckily I actually like TakuObo.

You're going to have to tell me where you find the TakuObo stuff because I can't seem to find it even when I'm trying and all of the things I run into is overwhelmingly what I don't want.

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Uh, I guess another confession is that I hardcore ship Oboro/Orochi and I don't know why but I just do.

You're going to have to tell me where you find the TakuObo stuff because I can't seem to find it even when I'm trying and all of the things I run into is overwhelmingly what I don't want.

I see a bunch of takuobo on pixiv, and the General Fire Emblem Art thread, there are links to some of that artwork.

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- I have a list of units that I will use as fodder and bait on my classic IK run and if they are not all dead by the last chapter I am going to send them out against Anankos weaponless for entertainment.

- I have decided to marry Oboro to a Nohrian.

Damn girl. I like you. But pointing out these two

First one - plz tell

Second one - To be fair, Oboro has really good supports with both Zero and Benoit. I'm gonna pair her with Benoit myself.

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