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Next Nintendo Direct DONE: Nov. 12 @ 2p PST


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Hah, I love how Smash 4 is recognizing little things the fanbase has done over the years. Back when people were still modding Brawl, Ike was the model to use for Cloud textures. I see you there Sakurai. ;)

Overall, really good presentation. Lots of neato games, some funny jokes (or maybe I was the only one laughing at Bill eating all the doughnuts but whatever), and no leaks!!! Holy god I'm so happy they kept that one under wraps.

Good on Nintendo for making an enjoyable conference. I'm going to have to get TP HD cause all of my Gamecube stuff is on its last leg and while it sucks cause I own the game (and got all my fossils up and running to play it a few days ago), I think it'll be better in the long run to just upgrade it. My TV and my Wii mutually hate each other and that makes the game look like I'm running it with a potato. That few seconds of Zelda U footage, what a tease. I want the game already :(

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Well, that's a wrap.

I thought it was a good direct, not my favorite. But I liked Fire Emblem Fates, Paper Jam, Xenoblade Chronices and Twilight Princess HD in particular.

Otherwise ranging from decent to "I don't care". The new Starfox looks nice.

Edited by Rxmonste
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Twilight princess seems to be the same shit lol, even in graphics.

Only interested in Mario Tennis, Xeniblade Chronicles X, Pokken Tournament and Fates. The rest can burn in hell haha. Yeah, Star Fox looks really meh to me, its visuals look underwhelming; and no longer interested in Smash even owning the two versions lol.

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Is it just me, or did this Direct feature a lot more stuff that was already released (in some form or another) than most?

Rereleases, DLC and plain old ads are cool, but I'd like some new games. I'd also like them to spend a little more time on the new games they did show. If didn't even get a proper trailer, just some clips of the same old "choose your path" scene.

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Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought the visuals in Twilight Princess HD weren't that different?

Some of the textures are more crisp (or maybe I just got so used to playing it at potato quality anything looks sharper) but it's largely the same. It's kinda disappointing but hey. Maybe they'll add something new or something. Not getting my hopes up but you never know.

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Well it was the 2015 direct. They didn't announce all that much beyond early/mid 2016 which is OK if they are returning to their more frequent Directs.

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Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought the visuals in Twilight Princess HD weren't that different?

I thought the same thing tbh

TWW graphics were a type that ages better, but it looked more different than TP did.

Still getting it for the full game flip, I only played the Wii version.

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Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought the visuals in Twilight Princess HD weren't that different?

Nah. (Well, obviously not at this point that so many people have agreed).

I can barely notice the difference. It seems a bit...brighter, I think? I always remember TP as being one of the literal darkest console games out of the ones I've played, despite my TV (and the game) being on maximum brightness.

If didn't even get a proper trailer, just some clips of the same old "choose your path" scene.

From skimming through your post, the grammar here confused me a bit, lol. Just call it by its other name, Fates.

I don't think it's that much of a problem. I mean, they gave us a release date, which was all I wanted. I did not want to venture into spoiler territory.

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Ok, now that my brain has had a chance to process everything and I've had some deep breaths, I can say what I think.

First off, Cloud being in Smash is quite surprising...and the last thing I would expect. Also, I don't think he's part of the smash ballot. Even with all the crazy votes made, I doubt many voted for Cloud. I've heard stuff like Sora, Shrek, Brittney Spears (Yes, I have no idea why, but some people actually voted for her...it boggles the mind. Look it up if your curious), almost no Cloud. Also, I'm pretty sure most votes kept in mind about Nintendo titles being a factor, so that's why I think he isn't part of the ballot. Besides, they never said anything about the ballot in the direct so...yeah. Cloud isn't part of the ballot. Speaking of that...

Smash Bros Broadcast in December! This could be it everyone, the result! Cross your fingers everyone! :3

I have to say, feeling really bad for F-Zero fans right now. They want a new game, but Nintendo keeps messing with them about it. This Direct was the kicker.

GOLDEN MEGAMAN! ......DANG IT NINTENDO, I THOUGHT WE WERE PAST THIS!!! ...*sigh*...we could've had a Protoman or Roll or even a rush Amiboo, but NOPE! Golden Megaman ......not a smart move nintendo, not a smart move.

What WAS smart was a release date for Fire Emblem Fates! YES! And a Bundle deal that I want, but I can't pre-order till I get money. Oh well...the waiting begins!

DLC for Splatoon, Tri Force Heros, and other games is always nice (especially if free)!

Final Fantasy Explorers look really fun. Maybe I'll get...after Fates and a whole bunch of other games I want.

Twilight Princess HD...looks good. Also, Wolf Link & Midna amiboo!

Dragon Quest 7 and 8 coming soon. I care more for DQ8 though!

Linkile For Hyrule Warrios is all good, but...kinda wish she had a better name or was link's sister.

Mario Tennis......I still want a new Mario BaseBall game Nintendo.

Xenobalde Chronicles X...IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND I WANT IT!!!

Pokken Tournament...still looking at the empty space I wish my Wii U was at...Dang it...need money...must wait...

...I may have missed some stuff, but oh well. Kinda bummed we got no Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem info...the wait continues.

Lastly, this Direct was rally good. Not great, or my favorite, and I can say there are more better ones, but this one was still quite enjoyable!

NOW...who can't wait for December and the Smash Broadcast ?! :Joshua:

Edited by Busterman64
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If Cloud was the Smash ballot character I will eat my hat. My nice Jotaro Kujo hat. Given how much time has passed between the ballot closing and today, I don't think it's possible that they would have him as far along in production as they have. I think Cloud was just the appetizer for the main course, that being the smash broadcast in December.

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If Cloud was the Smash ballot character I will eat my hat. My nice Jotaro Kujo hat. Given how much time has passed between the ballot closing and today, I don't think it's possible that they would have him as far along in production as they have. I think Cloud was just the appetizer for the main course, that being the smash broadcast in December.

Yeah, didn't Mewtwo take forever and a half to make?

Speaking of Smash, why does Lucas get an Amiibo but not Roy?

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Yeah, didn't Mewtwo take forever and a half to make?

Speaking of Smash, why does Lucas get an Amiibo but not Roy?

Yeah, and presumably Lucas, Roy, and Ryu were being worked on at the same time, so it would be way too little time for Cloud to have a fully working model.

Roy is getting an amiibo, all characters in smash are getting amiibos. They're just spacing them out so that's why we're getting Lucas first.

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Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought the visuals in Twilight Princess HD weren't that different?

I thought so too, I was especially surprised since Wind Waker had a great overhaul in its lighting and rendering.

Not much increase in detail besides higher resolution textures. It would've been nice to see a more substantial upgrade.

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I personally am worried for the Smash broadcast. I need to work on my Smash apathy first, then I'll be able to handle it.

Come on, I'm sure it'll be fine, buuut... I'm sure the saltiness will be massive (depends on the winners thoughs)! Still crossing my fingers for a "Tales Of." character! :3

Edited by Busterman64
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