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FE6 randomized draft


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Berserker!Bartre I suppose, in case some glitch forces me / makes it a better idea to go B route.

I suppose I could just have gunned for free Dancer!Zeiss and drafted Shin last round but it could've been sniped had someone guessed it from my C6 clear so w/e.

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http://imgur.com/a/ko3dg- Chapter 7 (7/44 Turns)

Got all the villages, recruited all the Ilians, and got some nice levelups along with visits to every shop. Quite happy with this.

Might be possible to get the Barrier Staff with this current strategy but I'd have to pass up on at least one, if not two of the Villages, and I'm not sure it's that important given Alan is nowhere near C Staves atm anyway.

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C10 5/72 turns




29 HP 14 Def 9 AS is actually kind of tough, as Lugh can't quite OHKO with a killer bow and can only double with iron. His offense is unproblematic with a fire tome though.


Roy kills a random fighter with Hand Axe, Lugh the one above the bridge.


Roy gets danced and kills another Merc while standing next to the chokepoint.


Lance rescues Shin, Noah drops him off and Marcus + Barth gang up on another Fighter.


Oddly, the Mercenary at the top attacks Barth, who needs to dodge either the 72 from the Merc or a 70 from an Archer, along with some sub-30 disp hand axes. Two mercenaries suicide on Roy and two Fighters move up. Stuff after the EP:



After Barth gets healed by Wolt, he and Lugh ORKO the Fighters below the bridge.


Roy then rushes down and continues to use his Iron Sword to ORKO things. Needless to say, he kills the Archer since that's one of the few units he can't get rid of on EP.


Saul and Lance (with Marcus' help) kill some more enemies. Shin and Noah just move.


Roy counterkills three mercs and a Fighter, and brings the berserker within killable range. The remaining Fighter just attacks him from range with a hand axe.


Lugh finishes the Berserker.


Shin dances Lugh, who then rescues him, so Roy can drop him off.


Barth and Lance (again, after Marcus chip) proceed to kill Fighters.


Noah moves towards the fortress in the west - the pirate reinforcements from turn 4 on glitch the game out with the randomizer, so they have to be blocked.


He only takes 18/28 dmg from the ballista, so he can heal with a vulnerary when blocking the fort to survive another hit. I guess I could've avoided being in ballista range on turn 3 altogether anyway, though.


Barth goes towards the village.


Roy oneshots a random Dark Mage with an Iron Axe. Lugh then swaps him to Hand Axe and drops him off.


EP, Lugh randomly Iron Bow crits Nord (not that it matters, since I could've done Killer Ballista + Iron Bow double or Killer Bow crit to finish off next turn) and Roy counterkills the Dark Mage near the gate.


Turn 5, Lugh finishes Nord off. Barth gets the village and Lance gets a Fighter kill that I don't really need to screenshot.


Then, our boy takes the gate.

Roy      Hero    13/2.18  36  17  15  21  11  10   5   S Swd E Axe
Marcus   Druid      4.68  24  12  12   5  12   7  12   S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Cleric     8.15  28   6   9   8   3   3   7   C Stf
Lance    Fighter   10.43  29  11   9   9   8   3   1   C Axe
Lugh     Nomad     16.75  25  15  16  15   5   4   7   C Bow
Saul     Lord      10.25  26   9   9  11   2   6   2   B Swd
Noah     Wyv Rider 10.26  28   8  11   9   6  13   5   C Lnc
Barth    Thief     11.19  23  10   7  16   3   5   3   C Swd
Shin     Bard       5.52  19   2   6   9   6   2  10
Merlinus            1.23  16   2   6   4   0   4   0



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C11 4/76 turns




Oro gets 2RKOed by Iron Sword!Roy. He has a steel blade, so the biggest threat he poses is the critrate (54 disp hit, 30 crt against Roy).


Lalum brings a bit of free stuff I guess.


Starting positions.


Hand Axe!Roy gets dropped ahead by Noah, who was danced by Shin before.


Lugh goes towards the Orion's Bolt village. Barth leads the charge down, followed by Marcus, Wolt, Merlinus and Saul, while Lance goes alongside Shin.


EP, Barth ORKOes a Fighter. Roy counterkills an archer and a Fighter, and whiffs against another archer. It doesn't matter if he kills them.


Turn 2, Roy moves onto the forest tile and kills an Archer.


Lance gets danced and drops Shin ahead with Noah's help.


Marcus attacks the left Fighter from melee range so Wolt can heal. Saul takes the kill with Light Brand.


Units move ahead.


EP, the Longbow!Archer that starts near the shops attacks Lance. A bunch of stuff also attacked Roy, he killed most of them, and this is how the area looks after the EP:



Lance and Noah gang up on the Archer.


Shin deprives Noah of his weapons and then dances him. Noah then gets the Speedwings and moves onto the tile you see in the second picture.


Roy attacks Orlo.


In the west part of the map, Saul critkills the Fighter who was pulled by Barth. Barth ORKOes a Shaman, needing to dodge either this attack or another 54 from the Archer on the EP.


The rest of my crew just goes ahead and Lugh kills a Longbow!Archer at the bottom of the map. He has to dodge either the counterattack or the Halberd on EP, which is pretty easy.


Roy finishes Orlo off.


Noah dodges this steel axe (49 hit), preventing the Shaman + 2 Hand Axes from ganging up on him. Barth also dodges the Archer, which I didn't screenshot.


Noah uses the speedwing and gets danced to get the angelic robe.


Dudes collect more stuff.


After Marcus chipped this Archer from range and got healed by Wolt, Saul finishes off.


Roy seizes turn 4.

Roy      Hero    13/3.95  37  18  16  21  12  11   5   S Swd E Axe
Marcus   Druid      4.80  24  12  12   5  12   7  12   S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Cleric     8.37  28   6   9   8   3   3   7   C Stf
Lance    Fighter   10.55  29  11   9   9   8   3   1   C Axe
Lugh     Nomad     16.99  25  15  16  15   5   4   7   C Bow
Saul     Lord      11.42  26  10   9  12   2   7   2   B Swd
Noah     Wyv Rider 10.72  28   8  11  11   6  13   5   C Lnc
Barth    Thief     12.35  24  11   7  17   3   5   3   C Swd
Shin     Bard       5.93  19   2   6   9   6   2  10
Merlinus            1.23  16   2   6   4   0   4   0



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C12 5/81 turns




The real boss. Promoted Lugh can ORKO easily with an iron weapon.


Didn't try to get him because the charging group was busy the whole time, so he would've taken a turn to recruit. Iron Blade isn't worth it, needless to say.


Starting positions.


Barth attacks the RHS Fighter with Light Brand. The rest of the units follows up, with Merlinus and Wolt staying out of range.


Lugh kills this Fighter for a final level and Shin swaps an Iron Sword to the top of his inventory. Lugh then goes up and promotes.


Marcus feeds the other Fighter to Noah, getting a pretty good level again.


Roy just follows up.


EP, Lugh facetanks the Armor Knight and retaliates with an iron sword.


The fighter Barth chipped previously suicides.


Barth also dodges the Sleep staff, which Wolt was supposed to restore for (w)exp. It works out though, as Barth got a level up with HP on the EP, so Wolt still has a target for staff work.


Turn 2, Saul and Lance team up on a knight again. I won't invest any exp into Lance as I skipped the C11 hero crest, so Saul takes priority for kills.


Wolt heals Barth, who then opens the door to storm the treasury, along with Merlinus.


Roy kills the Knight that attacked Lugh, which he would barely have failed to do without the Iron Sword chip, as the knight had 27 max HP.


Marcus attacks the Steel Bow!Archer through the wall, weakening him enough for a Javelin from Noah to be a kill on the EP.


Shin dances Noah, gets picked up by him and dropped ahead by Lugh.


This EP is a bit risky, turned animations on to show the chances more easily. Turns out the archer doesn't attack Noah so Marcus' chip wasn't really needed. Lugh needs a 50% dodge.


Saul faces the Fighter.


Shin needs to dodge at least one of those, obviously. (62%)


Lugh has to dodge one of the Shamans. (75%)


Noah has to dodge the sleep staff with his 5 res. (67%)

The chance of survival is roughly 15%.


Turn 3, Noah rescues Roy ahead.


Lugh takes Roy and uses a vulnerary. He then gets danced to drop Roy ahead to deal with the axemen.


Wolt heals Saul, Merlinus opens a chest, Barth the second door and Lance goes within range of some enemies so Wolt can continue to spam heal.


Marcus opens the left door, which ends the PP.


Turned on the animations again. Roy pulls good hitrates against these Fighters, clearing out all four of them on the enemy phase (50% chance to connect all attacks).


Forgot to mention that Noah dodged a steel bow on turn 2 and would've died had both bows hit him, but the chance for that isn't that high so eh.


Lugh has to dodge one out of 2 steel bows (75% chance), counterkilling both archers.


Lance gets hit by 2 archers, actually equipped the hammer to make them more likely to hit lol.


Roy brings the Warrior within killable range. The warrior doesn't get healed because he attacked from a tile that isn't in range of the mend!priest in front of the throne room and the physic!priest in the throne room doesn't move.


Noah gets targeted by the sleep staff at marginally shorter range and of course dodges again.


Turn 4, Noah gets danced to finish the Warrior off.


Lugh and Roy drop Shin ahead.


Barth and Merlinus continue to grab treasure, Wolt spams heal.


Marcus starts to loot the left treasury.


EP, Roy faces the throne room sleep staff at lolworthy accuracy.


Turn 5, Noah opens the door and Lugh attacks the boss. He ended up critting, although all he needed was a dodge and two hits. Too lazy to calc.


Marcus and Barth get the last chests and Wolt heals Lance again.


Roy then gets danced to seize.

Roy      Hero        13/4.37  38  19  16  22  13  11   6   S Swd D Axe
Marcus   Druid          4.94  24  12  12   5  12   7  12   S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Cleric         8.81  28   6   9   8   3   3   7   C Stf
Lance    Fighter       10.68  29  11   9   9   8   3   1   C Axe
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/2.36  31  18  19  17   7   7  11   E Swd A Bow
Saul     Lord          12.29  27  10  10  13   2   7   3   B Swd
Noah     Wyv Rider     11.98  29   9  12  12   7  13   5   C Lnc
Barth    Thief         12.35  24  11   7  17   3   5   3   C Swd
Shin     Bard           6.46  20   3   7  10   6   2  10
Merlinus                1.23  16   2   6   4   0   4   0



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C12x 4/85 turns




Starting positions.


Wolt uses the torch staff.


Lugh drops Roy ahead.


Noah goes here without attacking anyone (which helps with the RNG).


EP, Saul counterkills a Fighter and hits an Archer twice with Light Brand.


Shin dodges a Fighter and a shaman.


Roy counterkills a Fighter.


Turn 2, Saul finishes the Archer off, still using a light brand because the Fighter above him has a hand axe.


Noah kills a fighter using Horseslayer, Shin dances him and gets ferried ahead. Noah equips a Javelin. Lugh then takes Shin further up and Roy drops him off. Lugh equips the Killer Ballista because the avoid loss gets him targeted by the eclipse on EP.


Enemy phase, Shin dodges a fighter and an archer and also gets targeted by the eclipse dude, I guess my previous observations don't matter. It's important for turn 3 that either Shin or Lugh gets attacked, not Roy.


Noah faces the Shaman and dodges, but also whiffs. It's no big deal.


Saul misses a light brand, which... also makes no difference.


Marcus chips the Myrmidon for Noah to finish off with javelin.


Barth steals the lockpick from this thief.


Saul finishes his Fighter off.


Roy opens a chest and gets danced to drop Shin ahead, with Lugh's help. Wolt just keeps spamming Torch.


Noah fights stuff on EP.


This Myrmidon always attacks first, so the only reason he didn't kill Shin here is the Druid blocking the tile he could do it from; he would be one tile too far to the left had he attacked Roy turn 2.


Shin needs to dodge two out of three attacks, facing a 43, a 67 and a 69. I think his chance of survival is roughly 23%. The druid attacking at range actually saved my ass because otherwise the way to the throne would be blocked.


Turn 4, Barth steals the elixir the thief pilfered on turn 3 and Noah grabs a kill. Wolt just heals Saul.


Roy moves ahead and gets danced, which leaves the boss just within sight.


Lugh can own Guelero with the ballista since he's a Wyvern Lord.


Roy seizes turn 4.

Roy      Hero       13/4.44  38  19  16  22  13  11   6   S Swd D Axe
Marcus   Druid         5.01  25  12  13   5  12   7  12   S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Cleric        9.33  29   7  10   9   4   3   7   C Stf
Lance    Fighter      10.68  29  11   9   9   8   3   1   C Axe
Lugh     Nomad Trpr 17/3.14  31  19  19  18   7   8  11   E Swd A Bow
Saul     Lord         13.48  28  10  10  14   2   7   4   B Swd
Noah     Wyv Rider    13.74  31  10  13  14   8  13   5   B Lnc
Barth    Thief        13.30  24  11   7  17   3   5   3   C Swd
Shin     Bard          6.94  20   3   7  10   6   2  10
Merlinus               1.23  16   2   6   4   0   4   0



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C13 6/91 turns




Of course I'm taking the bottom route, considering it's way shorter. The only thing I'm doing on the northern path is getting the body ring, which will help Lugh's attack speed quite a bit. I feel had I played a lot more aggressively in the first 2 turns, I could've 5-turned but it'd be pretty messy in terms of survival so eh.


Lugh drops Roy ahead, with Iron Bow and Hand Axe equipped, respectively.


Everyone besides Barth and Merlinus follows Roy's group. Noah is in ballista range, but he's safe.


Noah can take a hit from this ballista.


Roy gets attacked by both Longbow!Archers and counterkills a mage.


Lugh faces a mage and counterkills the sniper, the latter of which actually packs quite a punch.

Oh yeah, boss stats.


Flaer sucks. Narshen is a chump too although he'll be taken down a small bit less reliably due to getting throne bonuses. Still, canon meets reality in randomized FE, so naturally they suck.


Curse you, Zephiel.

I saved this prick in FE7 only for him to get massively blessed in all stats that matter, except for HP which stops making a big difference with that def

On a throne, this translates into freaking 53 HP, 33 def, 24 res and 90 avoid

Roy takes 3 rounds minimum to take him down with durandal at maxed strength and delves into like, 50 hit territory, while stuff like lugh and noah will do like 3-6 damage each hit


Turn 2, Roy attacks this Paladin with a Hand Axe.


Wolt heals Noah. Saul and Noah then kill some enemies.


Lugh rescues Noah and drops him ahead, switching him to horseslayer.


Barth advances towards the village, the rest still just follows the main party.


EP, Barth faces the Killer!Cav and a Javelin one, the rest of the group didn't advance on turn 1 because Barth and Merlinus were too far from them.


Noah counterkills a bunch of cavalry enemies and has to dodge both archers + 1 lance.


Oh, an unlol staff.


Roy kills this Cav.


Noah heals with a vulnerary and gets danced so he and Lugh can drop Shin ahead.


Barth goes here, using an elixir - it's important that he doesn't get encircled, which is why I chose against putting him onto the forest tile.


Dudes go into position. Miledy is within Longbow range, but somehow the archers still target Saul.


EP, Merlinus gets sacraficed.


The Wyvern Riders split up their attacks against Lugh and Shin (the screenshots aren't chronological for the sake of simplcity)


Barth faces a bunch of cavalry dudes, dodging the Paladin and a Javelin thanks to the Lancereaver. He crit the Paladin, but it isn't important.


Both archers attack Saul.


Roy kills a Wyvern Rider.


Lugh then rescues him, Noah takes him and promotes. He then drops Roy ahead.


Saul ORKOes a Troubadour that healed the archer on EP, Marcus goes onto a tile that blocks one of the archers from attacking Wolt (although I think they'd prefer Saul anyway for weird reasons). Lance also is on a tile that lets him bait the Killer Lance!Cav that attacked Merlinus.


Barth goes here and uses another Elixir.


Saul gets attacked by two archers. Again, one SS is at a very early point during the EP, the other closer to the end, which is why the wyvern rider is once there and once not.


Lance gets rid of a Cav.


Barth kills a Cav and the Paladin.


Two wyverns suicide on Roy's Iron Axe.


A paladin also engages Roy and gets healed in the process.


Lugh faces a Wyvern Rider.


Roy killing that Javelin!Wyvern guarantees Lugh's survival on the EP. Noah swaps him to Iron Axe and heals with a vulnerary.


Lugh kills the Wyvern that attacked him on the EP and visits the village with an iron sword equipped.


Saul kills an Archer after Wolt heals him.


Barth gets closer to the village.


Noah and Roy get some kills on EP.


Lugh takes this Mercenary out.


Turn 6, he snipes Flaer with the Ballista.


You're nothing next to anyone. Except Narshen. Yeah, I guess you're on par with Narshen. Those generic Wyvern riders are better.


Body Ring get.


Saul kills another Archer and Wolt heals Lance.


Noah buys 2 Killing Edge, 2 Killer Bows and 1 Killer Lance. Didn't really go town here as I don't think I'll need many killers until C18 where I can buy them with silver card.


Roy takes the gate on turn 6.

Roy      Hero       13/5.28  39  19  16  23  13  12   6   S Swd D Axe
Marcus   Druid         5.01  25  12  13   5  12   7  12   S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Cleric        9.89  29   7  10   9   4   3   7   C Stf
Lance    Fighter      11.11  30  12  10  10   9   3   2   C Axe
Lugh     Nomad Trpr 17/4.25  32  19  20  19   7   8  11   E Swd A Bow
Saul     Lord         14.80  29  10  10  14   2   8   4   B Swd
Noah     Wyv Lord   15/1.37  37  13  16  16   8  15   6   E Swd A Lnc
Barth    Thief        15.22  27  14   7  17   5   8   3   C Swd
Shin     Bard          7.45  21   3   7  11   7   3  10
Merlinus               1.23  16   2   6   4   0   4   0





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Sorry for the double post. Chapters 14 and 14x are done. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m9sfu2QXtA2Q0DcuX9fOJTQoU8XeBy87j15DKkLbn5s/edit Maybe I can win if I'm the only one who completes it!

Also Hero!Percy has a runesword. Sooo want that >.>

Clarine and Alan are like my whole offense. Igrene is gonna help with that via Axes.

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Chapter 8 takes way too long to do a playlog of and I couldn't even be bothered to really optimise it because I fucking suck at LTCing maps that go on longer than 10 turns. IIRC the min I could have gotten was something around 15, but I'd have to give up on the Elysian Whip, so fuck that. Got all the Chests, got Elen to level 10 (she will be promoted next map). Killed Cath. I think I will delay Roy's promotion a little to try to get him some more speed. Barth brought another Flux for Roy, so I think I'm fine until I can buy some in 14.

Chapter 8 - (17/61 Turns)

Here are some stats



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Making really detailed screenshot playlogs got kind of tedious, I'll continue playlogging, but I'll way reduce the amount of images.

C14 4/95 turns



Wolt moves ahead and uses torch. Marcus fills Cecilia's inventory, she drops the boots into the convoy, Merlinus gives them to Noah, who then uses them while taking Roy from Lance. Roy then gets dropped ahead. Lugh uses the body ring.


EP, Roy counterkills the Mercs that he's in range of and KE crits the Hero. Wolt dodges a 26 hit silence staff and Noah gets sleep staffed after he counterkilled the mage below him. How stuff looks afterwards:


Turn 2, Wolt restores Noah, who then picks Lugh up and gives him to Roy after a dance. Roy then drops Lugh on a forest tile. Barth gets the Talisman.


EP, Lugh ORKOes 3 Mercs and attracts the Hero. He dodges a 39 hit sleep and Wolt another 26ish silence.


Turn 3, Roy removes that Mercenary in the way. Wolt promotes and gets a dance to heal Lugh with Physic. Noah picks Roy up and Lugh drops him within 4 tiles of the boss, which makes him visible and allows Roy to seize next turn. Thief!Sophia gets the silence staff and Barth moves towards the speedwings. Cleric!Shanna also advances towards the silver card, barely being outside of the wyvern range.


EP, Noah counterkills a mage that comes from below. Lugh confronts a hero and the wyvern swarm from the bottom right area barely doesn't reach my dudes.


Turn 4, Shanna gets the silver card and Barth the speedwing. Noah gets the warp.


Lugh kills the boss with a killer bow crit. I guess I could've ORKOed without a crit using the brave bow, but I didn't think of that. He would've quadrupled with it.


Then, Roy seizes.


Roy      Hero         13/5.72 39  19  16  23  13  12   6 S Swd D Axe
Marcus   Druid           5.15 25  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/1.25 32  11  14  12   4   6  10 B Stf D Lgt
Lance    Fighter        11.11 30  12  10  10   9   3   2 C Axe
Lugh     Nomad Trpr   17/5.57 33  20  21  19   7   8  11 E Swd A Bow
Saul     Lord           14.80 29  10  10  14   2   8   4 B Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/1.57 37  13  16  16   8  15   6 E Swd A Lnc
Barth    Thief          15.22 27  14   7  17   5   8   3 C Swd
Shin     Bard            7.86 21   3   7  11   7   3  10
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0


Wolt's staff rank is actually a decent number of uses away from A, I might end up burning silence uses for staff rank.

C14x 3/98 turns



Saul promotes. Wolt heals him and then gets danced to silence a pirate for wexp.


EP, Noah gets attacked by the generic Bolting sage. Turn 2, Wolt heals Noah and then hammernes Lugh's killer ballista, which Lugh then uses to take a potshot at Oates (Female NT with Longbow). Noah drops Roy into the throne room.


EP, Noah gets hit by a bow and dodges the bolting sage. Lugh gets hit by a hand axe and some less meaningful stuff happens.


Wolt heals Lugh and Shin (HP proc from a level), getting the dance again. Lugh attacks the boss with the ballista another time and Noah finishes off with killer lance.


Roy seizes on turn 3.


Roy      Hero         13/5.72 39  19  16  23  13  12   6 S Swd D Axe
Marcus   Druid           5.15 25  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/1.84 32  11  14  12   4   6  10 B Stf D Light
Lance    Fighter        11.11 30  12  10  10   9   3   2 C Axe
Lugh     Nomad Trpr   17/5.82 33  20  21  19   7   8  11 E Swd A Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/1.00 33  12  13  16   2  10   9 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/2.77 38  13  16  16   9  16   6 E Swd A Lnc
Barth    Thief          15.22 27  14   7  17   5   8   3 C Swd
Shin     Bard            8.17 22   3   8  11   8   4  10
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0


C15 3/101 turns




21 def isn't really easy, though it's not very hard due to his HP and spd. Tried light branding him on EP2 with Roy but the Valkyrie would just physic him so I'll need some different shenanigans to kill him. He has a killer bow.


Wolt silences a merc and Lugh kills one with iron sword so Wolt can heal him. Shin gets dropped ahead slightly by Barth and Saul. Noah flies ahead with Roy, standing within the Silver!Wyvern's range. Lalum moves up to get percy next turn. Berserker!Manlygrene brings a killer axe that she gives to Lance. I also moved Marcus towards the village after taking the screenshot.


EP, Noah gets attacked by the wyvern, Lugh kills the silenced merc and otherwise only movement happened.


Turn 2, Noah drops Roy on the mountain in the boss area, with Hand Axe equipped. Lugh gets a dance to drop Saul ahead. Lance and Barth then drop Shin one tile farther so he's a) safe from the Wyvern that OHKOes him and b) ready to dance Lugh after he ballistas the boss next turn. Lalum recruits Manakete (F)!Percival, who has a divinestone and elixir. His cav chumps all are safe from the wyvern. Marcus blocks an archer off.


EP, Roy brings Raith down to 14 HP, by hitting 2 hand axes, although I could've afforded a miss. The Jav!Cav attacks Noah, which prevents the Sniper from using that one tile to snipe Noah. Lugh has an iron bow equipped, so he faces fairly low hitrates (35 from steel lances, 55 from horseslayer) while attracting all the cavs. Shin has to dodge a 33 hit steel lance and Barth a 44 hit silver lance or a 54 hit aircalibur.


Turn 3, Wolt heals Barth, who then teams up with Lance to kill the Cav next to Shin. Saul gets the Hammerne. Lugh attacks the boss with killer ballista and gets danced so he can go shopping, went town on lightning tomes and various keys since I can sell them for the same price. Noah finishes the job with killer lance, Marcus gets the divine tome and Roy seizes.


Roy      Hero         13/6.00 40  19  17  24  14  12   6 S Swd C Axe
Marcus   Druid           5.29 25  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/2.17 33  12  15  13   5   7  10 B Stf D Light
Lance    Fighter        11.54 30  12  10  10   9   3   2 C Axe
Lugh     Nomad Trpr   17/6.12 33  21  21  19   8   9  11 E Swd A Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/1.00 33  12  13  16   2  10   9 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/3.77 39  13  16  17   9  17   7 E Swd A Lnc
Barth    Thief          15.55 27  14   7  17   5   8   3 C Swd
Shin     Bard            8.48 22   3   8  11   8   4  10
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0


@ Everyone, randomized roms sometimes just stop saving properly forever. This leads to the .sav file being completely empty (e.g. no chapter progress, no hard modes unlocked etc). Soft resets load that empty file too, and using the save function of the game doesn't change anything. Taking a savestate at the start of each chapter beforehand solves things though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just as a slight balancing suggestion: Maybe in future drafts ban the free dancer/bard until the first route split. Yes the randomizer is already unbalanced but having a free refresher from chapter 1 or 2 really trivializes it. That way if somebody wants their early dancer, they will pass on combat for it and could miss having say an early dancer and a wyv Alan chapter 1.

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That's not a bad idea, but it feels a tad arbitrary. I also think for future FE6r drafts we might just ban warping Roy or a unit rescuing Roy (similar to the FE5 ruleset), considering warpskip relies on warping Roy way ahead / across a wall. I think warp is a pretty interesting component in drafts but it has to be balanced to work out.

I'm passing up on screenshot logs for now since I feel I'm getting a bit burned out on LTCing and especially in complex chapters it's just a lot of extra effort to write everything down and post screenshots.

C16 11/112 turns

Marcus, Saul and Lance went up the right, with Saul leading the charge, everyone else through the middle. Got the mage's red gem on turn 2 and kinda mainly used ferrying to move Roy, Barth and Lalum (in this order) ahead. Used wall baiting to weaken the group with the paladin. Near the end, Roy recruited Hugh at min price and goes towards Narshen, killing with 3 KE hits in 4 attempts (could've used the Durandal to make it more reliable). Lugh broke the wall with 2x brave after dropping Miledy near it, Noah, Barth and Wolt got the treasure to the west. Saul killed the dragon with Durandal (could've replaced it with wyrmslayer) and he along with marcus and lance got the top-right treasure. Zeiss get, finally some double dancer action! Got all the treasure, but missed Narshen's stuff although Noah is so bulky that he'll be fine without the delphi shield.

Roy      Hero         13/7.70 41  20  17  25  15  12   6 S Swd C Axe
Marcus   Druid           5.65 25  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/3.32 34  12  16  13   5   7  10 B Stf D Light
Lance    Fighter        12.60 31  13  11  11  10   3   2 C Axe
Lugh     Nomad Trpr   17/7.47 34  21  21  20   9   9  11 E Swd A Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/2.38 34  13  14  17   2  10   9 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/3.93 39  13  16  17   9  17   7 E Swd A Lnc
Barth    Thief          16.07 28  14   8  18   5   8   3 C Swd
Shin     Bard            9.30 23   4   9  11   8   4  10
Zeiss    Dancer          7.20 20   7  12  10   3   4   7
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0

C16x 7/119 turns

Zeiss putting in work, the crux of the strat was refreshing units that carry the other refresher to drop them ahead. Berserked the Sage at the top of the map, making him kill both bolting mages for me. Noah mostly led the charge due to his mov, but double dancers let the rest catch up with relative ease. Dropped Roy within 2 fullmoves of the throne and a dancer near him on turn 6 so he could get danced for the seize on turn 7. Lugh and Noah spammed their braves at Windam, who was a pretty pathetic Valkyrie that got quadded by both. 2x brave bow and 1x brave lance were enough for the kill. Saul and Lance followed Roy's gang, with Lance mainly self-improving and Saul helping out a bit and killing the purge bishop on turn 6, so Shin wouldn't die to a second attack. Barth attracted the bolting and Wolt constantly healed him. Marcus took Wolt's weapons afterwards so he doesn't become silence fodder. Wolt hit A staves!

Roy      Hero         13/7.77 41  20  17  25  15  12   6 S Swd C Axe
Marcus   Druid           5.82 25  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/3.77 34  12  16  13   5   7  10 A Stf D Light
Lance    Fighter        14.01 32  14  12  11  10   3   2 C Axe
Lugh     Nomad Trpr   17/8.03 34  22  21  20  10   9  11 E Swd S Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/2.68 34  13  14  17   2  10   9 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/5.67 41  13  16  17  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc
Barth    Thief          16.52 28  14   8  18   5   8   3 C Swd
Shin     Bard            9.92 23   4   9  11   8   4  10
Zeiss    Dancer          7.91 20   7  12  10   3   4   7
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0

C17S 4/123 turns

Both dancers, Noah, Lugh, Roy and Wolt speeded through the bottom part of the map. Lance promoted with the C16 crest. Dropped Roy on a mountain on turn 1 and Lugh on a farther mountain on turn 2, letting me kill enough enemies in time for the dancers to be safe. Noah dropped Zeiss down on turn 3 after most enemies were routed, letting him dance Wolt on turn 4, to warp Roy and Lugh near the gate. Arcard was a Berserker with Devil Axe and Lugh could ORKO him fairly easily with brave bow, needing 2 out of 4 hits to connect. Miledy bought 2 iron bows and 2 silvers of each type, Barth used the arena once and visited the village on turn 4.

Roy      Hero         13/8.06 42  21  17  25  16  12   6 S Swd C Axe
Marcus   Druid           5.93 25  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/5.46 36  13  18  13   5   7  10 A Stf D Light
Lance    Warrior      14/1.24 40  17  15  13  10   6   2 A Axe E Bow
Lugh     Nomad Trpr   17/9.27 34  22  22  21  10   9  11 E Swd S Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/2.79 34  13  14  17   2  10   9 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/5.78 41  13  16  17  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc
Barth    Thief          17.14 29  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd
Shin     Bard           10.32 24   5   9  12   8   4  10
Zeiss    Dancer          8.33 21   8  12  11   3   4   7
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0

C18S 2/125 turns

Warped Lugh w/ Roy down. Roy had a hand axe equipped and hit Jav!Falcoknight!Monke back, while Lugh had an iron sword and barely didn't get encircled. He hit D swd upon finishing the boss. Stole 2 elixirs. Lugh also used a dracoshield on turn 1.

Roy      Hero         13/8.29 42  21  17  25  16  12   6 S Swd C Axe
Marcus   Druid           5.93 25  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/6.12 37  14  19  14   5   7  10 A Stf D Light
Lance    Warrior      14/1.32 40  17  15  13  10   6   2 A Axe E Bow
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/10.05 34  23  22  21  10  11  12 D Swd S Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/2.81 34  13  14  17   2  10   9 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/5.85 41  13  16  17  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc
Barth    Thief          17.34 29  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd
Shin     Bard           10.52 24   5   9  12   8   4  10
Zeiss    Dancer          8.53 21   8  12  11   3   4   7
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0

C19S 3/128 turns

Only fought the nomads above the start and moved most of my units up there. Stole the elixir from the trooper on turn 2 and killed him along with his comrades afterwards. Lance then blocked the bridge. Wolt hammerned the warp and used restore on Roy after he got sleep staffed on EP1. On turn 3, Wolt warped Roy and Lugh near the gate and Lugh ORKOed Bishop!Kel (who had a sleep staff, which is why I didn't use a single warp rescuedrop strat), with Roy barely reaching the gate then.

Roy      Hero         13/8.29 42  21  17  25  16  12   6 S Swd C Axe
Marcus   Druid           6.01 26  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/7.26 38  14  20  14   5   7  10 A Stf D Light
Lance    Warrior      14/1.66 40  17  15  13  10   6   2 A Axe E Bow
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/10.84 34  23  22  21  10  11  12 D Swd S Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/2.81 34  13  14  17   2  10   9 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/5.85 41  13  16  17  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc
Barth    Thief          17.45 29  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd
Shin     Bard           10.84 24   5   9  12   8   4  10
Zeiss    Dancer          8.84 21   8  12  11   3   4   7
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0

C20S 3/131 turns

Warped Lugh and Roy near the boss on turn 1 and they chipped him down kind of slowly. Noah got warped near the treasury on turn 2 and opened the door, getting the sleep staff on turn 3. The rest mostly just fought enemies. Manakete!Niime brought a bunch of elixirs and Sue was fielded to recruit Dayan.

Roy      Hero         13/9.30 43  22  17  25  17  13   7 S Swd C Axe
Marcus   Druid           6.01 26  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop       10/8.48 39  15  21  15   6   7  10 A Stf D Light
Lance    Warrior      14/1.86 40  17  15  13  10   6   2 A Axe E Bow
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/11.14 35  23  22  22  10  12  12 D Swd S Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/3.39 35  14  15  17   2  10  10 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/6.19 42  13  17  18  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc
Barth    Thief          18.89 30  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd
Shin     Bard           11.14 25   5  10  13   9   4  10
Zeiss    Dancer          9.04 22   9  12  11   3   5   7
Dayan    Sniper         12.00 41  14  18  15   7  13  14 A Bow
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0

C20xS free

Just managed to seize the closest gate, hammerned the warp, fought most of the nomads with Lugh (top-left) and Roy (top-right) and gave a bosskill to Wolt, Roy got the one from the real gate.

Roy      Hero        13/11.02 45  23  17  26  18  14   7 S Swd B Axe
Marcus   Druid           6.21 26  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf
Wolt     Bishop      10/10.68 41  16  23  15   6   7  12 A Stf D Light
Lance    Warrior      14/2.60 41  18  16  13  11   7   2 A Axe E Bow
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/12.29 36  23  22  22  11  12  12 D Swd S Bow
Saul     Great Lord   14/3.52 35  14  15  17   2  10  10 S Swd
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/6.95 42  13  17  18  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc
Barth    Thief          19.11 31  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd
Shin     Bard           11.79 25   5  10  13   9   4  10
Zeiss    Dancer          9.65 22   9  12  11   3   5   7
Dayan    Sniper         12.00 41  14  18  15   7  13  14 A Bow
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0

C21 5/136 turns

Wolt warped Lugh w/ Roy south-east and Noah picked him up, dropping him near the village. Turn 2, Wolt got the village and Noah rescued him, moved up to the dancers so they can refresh him twice, letting him drop Wolt on a forest tile near Roy and Lugh. Turn 3 was mostly just about killing extra enemies and on turn 4, Wolt warped Roy next to Murdock, who was very content to fight him and went down to 2 armorslayers on PP and 1 durandal hit on EP because his HP rolled way down. Noah got the SS on turn 4, buying 3 energy rings and 14 pairs of boots. Shin and Zeiss ate two boots each and Noah an energy ring. Lugh hit C swd.

Roy      Hero        13/12.54 46  23  17  26  18  14   7 S Swd B Axe     6
Marcus   Druid           6.21 26  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf    6
Wolt     Bishop      10/12.79 42  16  24  15   7   8  12 A Stf D Light   6
Lance    Warrior      14/2.83 41  18  16  13  11   7   2 A Axe E Bow     6
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/13.58 36  23  22  22  12  12  13 C Swd S Bow     8
Saul     Great Lord   14/3.52 35  14  15  17   2  10  10 S Swd           6
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/7.36 43  15  17  19  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc     10
Barth    Thief          19.11 31  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd           6
Shin     Bard           12.00 26   5  10  13  10   4  10                 9
Zeiss    Dancer          9.85 22   9  12  11   3   5   7                 9
Dayan    Sniper         12.42 41  14  18  15   7  13  14 A Bow           6
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0                 5

C21x 2/138 turns

Roy used 2 boots on turn 1 thanks to a dance and Lance rescued him. Lugh used a boots while taking him and got danced so he can drop Roy next to the boss after getting warped by Wolt. Roy counterkilled the boss with Durandal and dodged one out of two 33 hit fenrirs. Lugh used another pair of boots on turn 2 and Wolt used two boots and hammerned the warp staff using the hammerne dieck brought. Noah used a pair of boots and a speedwing. Roy got turned into a level 1 hero after the chapter.

Roy      Hero      13/13/1.00 47  23  18  26  18  14   7 S Swd B Axe     10
Marcus   Druid           6.21 26  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf    6
Wolt     Bishop      10/13.41 43  17  24  15   8   8  12 A Stf D Light   10
Lance    Warrior      14/2.83 41  18  16  13  11   7   2 A Axe E Bow     6
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/13.59 36  23  22  22  12  12  13 C Swd S Bow     12
Saul     Great Lord   14/3.72 35  14  15  17   2  10  10 S Swd           6
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/7.36 43  15  17  21  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc     12
Barth    Thief          19.11 31  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd           6
Shin     Bard           12.20 26   5  10  13  10   4  10                 9
Zeiss    Dancer         10.05 22   9  12  11   3   5   7                 9
Dayan    Sniper         12.42 41  14  18  15   7  13  14 A Bow           6
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0                 5

C22 7/145 turns

Wolt silenced the berserk staff dude on turn 1 and warped Noah up on turn 2. Noah used an Energy Ring before, letting him ORKO the brave sword hero with brave lance on turn 3, after he pulled the general away. He collected all the treasure while doing his job. Roy killed the sniper on turn 1 with the help of a dance and Lugh dropped Saul ahead, both of them took the middle path. Dayan sniped the Silence!Bishop with 2x killer ballista. Saul pulled the right general away from his spot on turn 2, letting Lugh ORKO the brave axe guy on turn 3, with Saul getting the switch on turn 4. Roy pulled the hero and berserker near the throne room on turn 3 after dropping Zeiss behind him. Shin was brought closer on turn 4 by Lugh, who positioned himself in order to counterkill the knight and druid near Zephiel's room. Opened the room on turn 5, Roy killed the Druid inside the room after a dance and Lugh shielded Zeiss. Shin danced Wolt who went through the bottom so he can rescue Dayan, who then counterkilled a druid in the throne room through the wall. Dayan ate a berserk because the berserk druid recovered from silence staff. Turn 6, Roy engaged Zephiel with Durandal, getting physic'd by Wolt. Shin also had to get healed via physic because he was within Dayan's range. The second dance went to Wolt aswell because Zephiel did a decent chunk of damage to Roy. EP, Roy had to dodge a 45 hit attack from a sniper (or manakete or Zephiel but those are way more accurate). The bishop could've killed him too but preferred to heal a manakete, so he was a non-issue. Lugh took the Berserk. Turn 7, Wolt physic'd Roy again so he can finish Zephiel off and seize with the power of dance. Barth (with some help from Lance) got all the treasure to the right. During the chapter, Noah and Roy also used angelic robes and Roy and Shin used another pair of boots each. Wolt ate an energy ring.


What a jerk.

Roy      Hero      13/13/4.52 56  25  18  26  19  15   8 S Swd B Axe     12
Marcus   Druid           6.21 26  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf    6
Wolt     Bishop      10/15.13 44  20  25  15   8   9  13 A Stf D Light   10
Lance    Warrior      14/3.35 42  18  16  13  11   8   2 A Axe E Bow     6
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/14.95 36  23  22  23  13  13  13 C Swd S Bow     12
Saul     Great Lord   14/5.51 36  15  16  18   3  10  12 S Swd           6
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/7.95 50  17  17  21  10  18   7 E Swd S Lnc     12
Barth    Thief          19.27 31  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd           6
Shin     Bard           12.81 26   5  10  13  10   4  10                 11
Zeiss    Dancer         10.66 22   9  12  11   3   5   7                 9
Dayan    Sniper         13.35 41  15  19  15   8  13  14 A Bow           6
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0                 5

C23 2/147 turns

Noah killed the killer ballista on turn 1 because he could. Lugh killed the nearby Manakete with Murgleis. Roy got danced and Lugh warped him next to a forest tile near the manakete's initial position. Wolt then got danced, moved onto that forest tile and warped Roy farther ahead. He then went onto the closest forest tile to Brunya's formation, equipping a wyrmslayer to kill some of the tough enemies there, and once it broke had a hand axe equipped to counterkill a druid. That's how things looked after the EP:


Fir then recruited Karel, who took a saint's staff from her and used it to recover Roy from Berserk. Killed a bunch of enemies surrounding Wolt. Brunya was a Fa manakete:


36 Def, 40 Res, Divine weapons actually aren't effective against her. The only way to touch her was Roy (Lugh did 3x2 with Murgleis)...


...who could actually just ORKO! Roy so good. Wolt then rescued Shin and got danced to warp him ahead so he can dance Roy to victory (go FE12 again staff!). Bought a bunch of elixirs and recover/physic staves.

Roy      Hero      13/13/7.25 59  25  19  26  20  16   8 S Swd B Axe     12
Marcus   Druid           6.21 26  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf    6
Wolt     Bishop      10/16.64 45  20  25  15   9   9  13 A Stf D Light   10
Lance    Warrior      14/3.35 42  18  16  13  11   8   2 A Axe E Bow     6
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/15.18 37  23  22  23  13  14  13 C Swd S Bow     12
Saul     Great Lord   14/5.51 36  15  16  18   3  10  12 S Swd           6
Noah     Wyvern Lord  15/8.69 51  18  18  21  11  18   8 E Swd S Lnc     12
Barth    Thief          19.27 31  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd           6
Shin     Bard           13.01 27   6  11  14  10   4  10                 11
Zeiss    Dancer         10.87 22   9  12  11   3   5   7                 9
Dayan    Sniper         13.52 41  15  19  15   8  13  14 A Bow           6
Karel    Sage           20.00 45  23  19  15  21  19  15 C Anima S Stf   6
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0                 5

C24 9/156 turns

Hammerne'd Durandal and Rescue. Gave Roy a Dracoshield because I thought he'd make the most use of it.

1st throne: turn 1, danced Roy and Lugh, sleep staffed one of the dragons.

2nd throne: turn 3, Roy was near it on turn 2 but I had him help out against the dragons after rescuing him with Wolt.

3rd throne: turn 4, rescued him with Wolt, killed the boss with Lugh and rescued Roy from the throne with Noah to drop him within range to seize the next throne.

4th throne: turn 5, killed with Lugh (danced by Shin), sleeped the right dragon because he didn't suicide against Roy on EP and could kill Zeiss (who danced Noah way ahead) otherwise.

5th throne: turn 6, killed the boss with Noah and dropped Roy within Zeiss' range using Lugh with Shin's dance, so Zeiss can dance Roy to the throne.

6th throne: turn 8, killed with Noah, sleep'd one of the dragons and counterkilled the other on turn 7.

7th throne: turn 9, killed Jahn (Manakete with more or less the same stats but 50 HP) with Lugh, danced Roy with Zeiss and then with Shin (who I rescue staffed before) for the seize.

Roy      Hero      13/13/8.34 60  25  10  26  20  18   8 S Swd B Axe     12
Marcus   Druid           6.21 26  12  13   5  12   7  12 S Dark E Stf    6
Wolt     Bishop      10/18.41 46  21  25  15   9   9  13 A Stf D Light   10
Lance    Warrior      14/3.40 42  18  16  13  11   8   2 A Axe E Bow     6
Lugh     Nomad Trpr  17/17.17 38  23  23  24  13  14  13 C Swd S Bow     12
Saul     Great Lord   14/5.51 36  15  16  18   3  10  12 S Swd           6
Noah     Wyvern Lord 15/11.41 52  19  18  23  12  18   9 E Swd S Lnc     12
Barth    Thief          19.27 31  15   8  18   5   9   3 B Swd           6
Shin     Bard           13.81 27   6  11  14  10   4  10                 11
Zeiss    Dancer         11.77 22   9  12  11   3   5   7                 9
Dayan    Sniper         13.52 41  15  19  15   8  13  14 A Bow           6
Karel    Sage           19.05 43  22  18  14  20  18  14 C Anima S Stf   6
Merlinus                 1.23 16   2   6   4   0   4   0                 5

Final 1/157 turns

Saul sos'd Idoun.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Unit Analysis:


He was great the whole time, ORKOing things very easily with basic swords and hand axes. He was a bit blessed overall, but he would've been really good anyway so yeah. He also was a good bosskiller, especially against some of the lategame bosses that rolled way too much def.
His start was a bit slow, but once he got speedwings + promotion he was pretty solid offensively and really bulky. Having a flier for ferrying was very useful.
Really useful for bosskilling, with both regular weapons and ballistae. Ferried Roy sometimes and had great offense overall.
Warp, rescue and status staves saved lots of turns in lategame, so he was pretty important. Restore was useful too. His staff rank was tough to raise, but he still didn't hit A too late. He could defend himself decently despite Lightning being pretty crappy. He can also get some credit for making earlygame strats reliable.
Nothing special combat-wise, but he was decent in earlygame and helped out with a lot of side objectives.
Dancers, Shin saved more turns but Zeiss still helped out a lot when he was there. Having two dancers helped me make up for the fact that I only had two mounts.
Saint's staff is the best thing ever in C23, it probably saved like 2 turns minimum in just one map. Very limited staff utility in C24 (just hammerned 2 items) due to a lack of boots. Fed him a bunch of dragons for shits and giggles.
Solid filler mostly. Could've 1-turned Idoun without him but might aswell get the good ending.
Thief duties + filler combat.
Pretty useful earlygame, dropped off pretty quickly though because his speed was subpar after a while.

Overall, I think the multiple dancers issue is solved pretty well by the current rule, dance chains were really the only very broken thing about them. Warp didn't negate the need for strategy, but it did trivialize some chapters, so the don't warp roy rule is probably worth trying.

Also, obligatory bosskill counts:
Lugh - 21
Roy - 8
Noah - 6
Lance - 1
Marcus - 1
Wolt - 1
Saul - 1

Edited by Gradivus.
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