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Greetings people of the forest. I am Tempestfury, an avid gamer who has decided that not only is it time to play the Fire Emblem Series, but to spice things up a bit with mods and hacks to truely give me a long experience. Admittedly, my modding experience comes only from Oblivion and Skyrim and only using mods, never making them. So using the mods that this forum has up to other will likely take some getting used to for me.

I do have a question however. Most of the mods I'm used to, modify the base game in some way, whenever it be graphical or, audio or mechanical changes. Am I right in believing that the majority of the mods that can be found here, can also be described as hacks/level-packs? Simply adding content to the game, and crafting your own storylines, instead of actually modifying the base game itself?

Oh and the blue posting is okay, right?

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Hello and Welcome to the Forest, Tempestfury!

I don't know much about FE hacking and modding. But I'm pretty sure you will find what you look for over there : http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showforum=8

As for the blue. You can even do this even if it's hurting my eyes.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Heh, glad to see there is someone I won't annoy!

As for the mods, yeah I know about that forum, but I don't exactly know where to put my question in it... definently not the questions. That's about the actual creation of mods...

Thanks you, I'm sure I'll enjoy this place

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Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

Don't worry about posting in blue. I always post in indigo.

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Welcome to the forest, have fun during your stay.

Am I right in believing that the majority of the mods that can be found here, can also be described as hacks/level-packs? Simply adding content to the game, and crafting your own storylines, instead of actually modifying the base game itself?

Yes, and yes, although I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "modifying the base game itself."

To play one of these hacks, you need an emulator and a ROM for the game (which the site can't provide for reasons). Downloading the hacks will require that you patch it to the ROM of the game that it's for. You need a special program to patch things, and I believe you can find it on the site.

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Welcome to the forums, Tempestfury.

I wouldn't worry about color posting, and I especially don't think anyone will mind as you use a dark color. I know a few members are working on some pretty hardcore hacks, the kind that ends up becoming it's own storyline entirely and the like.

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Yeah, from the looks of it, FE7 & FE8 are definently the most popular to make Hacks for. Just their hacks, not mods, they pretty much are their own games & stories, not modification to the games themselves.

Ah well, nothing wrong with just playing through FE7 vanillia. Pity through, when I heard that FE had a strong modding scene, I was really curious to see what there was, and whilst I'm sure the hacks are great, it wasn't what I had in mind.

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