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Any tips for beating the Invisible history DLC maps?


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So, I bought the Invisible history dlc maps, but I can't get trough them, because I always end up killing Inigo, Owain and Severa. I have tested different methods of killing all the enemies, but it hasn't helped at all, so does anyone have any helpful tips of getting them trough? :3

(I want the Grandmaster seal ;3;)

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Are you talking about the first one with the three ?
I remember having trouble with it the first time, then I restarted and did this:

Pair up Owain and Severa. Put Inigo in the VERY corner of the map, bottom left hand side. Put Owain + Severa pair directly in front of Inigo.

Units will all swarm towards you -during your turn, either use the boost items or heal up. Your three units will automatically destroy anyone who comes near them during enemy phase. Severa will attack with Inigo, and Owain will have defense guard with Severa, when the boss comes to you, swap into Owain (whose stats have NOT been lowered significantly) and he will destroy the boss.

^ I literally copy and pasted that from a thread I posted in a few months back when it first came out xD

But yeah, that's what I did and it worked for me !

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Are you talking about the first one with the three ?

I remember having trouble with it the first time, then I restarted and did this:

Pair up Owain and Severa. Put Inigo in the VERY corner of the map, bottom left hand side. Put Owain + Severa pair directly in front of Inigo.

Units will all swarm towards you -during your turn, either use the boost items or heal up. Your three units will automatically destroy anyone who comes near them during enemy phase. Severa will attack with Inigo, and Owain will have defense guard with Severa, when the boss comes to you, swap into Owain (whose stats have NOT been lowered significantly) and he will destroy the boss.

^ I literally copy and pasted that from a thread I posted in a few months back when it first came out xD

But yeah, that's what I did and it worked for me !

-Pair up Owain+Severa and have Azur speak to Severa to get the Umbrella. You will need it later.

-Send Owain down south to deal with the risen Generals with him equipped with the Thunder Sword while chewing his Spirit Dust.

-Send Azur west equipped with the Killing Edge.

-End Turn.

-Have them continually doing what their doing while Owain chews on the Dracoshield itms next turn. Heal him with a Concoction if he's too hurt.

-The Risen Ninja's will act.

-Send Azur North keeping out of range of the other foes(they won't act yet, leave the be for now so they don't overpower you.)eqipped with the Umbrella.

-They should die after several turns while Owain continues to pop the reinforcements with the Thunder Sword.

-Risen Draco and Golden Kite Warrior and Pegs will now charge. Have Owain take out the dracs down south with the Dragon Killer that he should come with.

-Use your Concoctions as you should have an Elixir by now.

-Now the northern wave will charge. This is where Severa come in to deal with them. Keeping out of range of Sumeragi.

-Take out the healer first before Sumeragi. He will heal the boss if you don't.

-Sumeragi can easily be dealt with Owain and his Thunder Sword. He should have a 50ish chance to hit saving your Elixir for this moment in things don't go your way. Don't use the Elixir until Owain is near death. He'll have a 7% chance to be critted which hopefully a critical won't happen. Heal him immediately if he did. If he died from it, restart the map and try again. It can take one or two tries to battle him.

-Eventually, he will fall and the Grandmaster item is yours.

-If having to restart the map, blackout the battles(Press Start during a battle clash) to get to where you were much more quickly. Jamming start before a clash however will skip the entire enemy phase not showing a character felled if the entire phase went successful!

Note: You still get the item if a unit died there and finished it.



Already done. Just repeat this and their yours 50% of the time!!!! :D

Edited by Princess_Elise
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It worked! Thank you very much~ :3

aah no problem and so glad it did !! * U *

The second map's actually extremely easy (especially compared to the first xD)

have you tried it yet ? if not, don't worry, there's really not much method to tackle it other than head on, I believe haha ~

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