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Your Opinions on this pair of 2


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Ok so for me my plan is to pair Odin with Luna and Lazward with Aqua. Now before you say anything the main reason I'm doing this is because I did the same thing in awakening and liked it. I paired Ownain and Severa and I liked their support, plus their my favorite characters. For Inigo I paired him up with Lucina but due to certain events I'm gonna use aqua because they look related. Their all my favorite characters from awakening other than me and that's why I wanna keep the trend alive. Now we all know that their first gen so for second gen I think it will be great. People said Elise is a good choice, but all choices have cons. Ophelia loses defense and a bit of speed on with skill.Idk about you but I like balanced stats so that's why I'm doing this plus I love the Odin and Luna pair. I'm not really worried about Soleil but maybe the HP might be a problem. I think those are good pairs but that's me. Opehlia will end up with 37 mag max cap and that's good enough with a strong tome like excalibur with her speed bonus. Criticize me with your knowledge. You might convince me to switch my plan. Pairing for S rank on people I like is awesome.

Edited by Alvic
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Mods: 0/2/1/2/2/2/0

Growths: (using the formula of (mother + child / 2) )

HP - 43

Str - 23

Mag - 25

Skl - 33

Spd - 45

Lck - 48

Def - 33

Res - 30


Mods: 2/1/4/3/2/-3/0

Growths: (using the formula of (mother + child / 2) )

HP - 25

Str - 55

Mag - 13

Skl - 48

Spd - 48

Lck - 43

Def - 25

Res - 38

Overall, both child units get pretty decent mods and growths from these pairings. Soleil's HP and Def and Ophelia's Mag are kind of low, but with Ophelia the dark mage/sorcerer class give a 20/25 Mag boost. Likewise Soleil gets a 10/20 boost for HP and a 10 boost for Def in Mercenary/Brave hero, for example.

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So I just add dark mage and sorcerer growth and stat cap with Ophelia and Mercenary or Hero for Soleil. Those are my promotion plans. Opehlia only loses 3 magic. Defense is measures they say. They don't say that.

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The only way I'd say that Luna!Ophelia would work out is if she's a witch most of the time, and slap magic boosters on her. She has sol which is great with Nosferatu if you're into mage tanking, and you know the right set ups. Her DEF is also notably high for a magic user and she bares no negative mods which is good.

Soliel has great growths with Aqua as her mom, and outside of defense, solid mods as well. Stick to the Merc line to make the most out of classes balanced growth spread. HP is an issue but it'll hardly be bad compared to a lot of other characters in this game. She'll want a proc so have her A+ Sophie for Luna.

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The only way I'd say that Luna!Ophelia would work out is if she's a witch most of the time, and slap magic boosters on her. She has sol which is great with Nosferatu if you're into mage tanking, and you know the right set ups. Her DEF is also notably high for a magic user and she bares no negative mods which is good.

Soliel has great growths with Aqua as her mom, and outside of defense, solid mods as well. Stick to the Merc line to make the most out of classes balanced growth spread. HP is an issue but it'll hardly be bad compared to a lot of other characters in this game. She'll want a proc so have her A+ Sophie for Luna.

Nosferatu can't trigger Sol.

It also wastes Ophelia's personal skill.

Edited by Tooru
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I forgot how nerfed it was now. I never touched the thing in my playthough. Also having a non crit Ophelia is a bit sad. It's no doubt she can have a way better mom. At least Sol is still Sol, and a crit is bound to bring in health but it's not a priority. She can get it naturally anyway from Odin if he A+s Lazwald.

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For sol, you can still buy it for another people, or another save(like you do your first playthough with Luna!Ophelia, select her as a unit from save to logbook, then buy her sol to your anothermother!Ophelia)

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Yeah I want to make stats balance. I don't want Opehlia losing skill and speed. Plus I like the pairing it's kind of weird but yeah. I gonna make her sorcerer once everything is good because I'm that OG fire emblem player. Nah but I like units being their regular classes.

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I think this pair will do me good. Some people might think not but every choice you make has some cons. These aren't bad and they actually help. Spd increase and skill increase is high. Important skills. Even though people might prefer Elise I'm not saying it's that bad you get 40 instead of 37 but will lose some defense and skill. Also won't gain Spd because the father ruined it a bit. Only a little bit. Pros and Cons. We all can't play the same heh.

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