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Yuugiri x Yukimura should just happen

I got the mental image of Mikoto suplexing mura now thanks

Hee hee, no problem <3

More visual cue:

Of course, this implies I also imagine Mikoto having superhuman strenght that lets her trash people around with no problem.

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Hee hee, no problem <3

More visual cue:

Of course, this implies I also imagine Mikoto having superhuman strenght that lets her trash people around with no problem.

Looks like Shinonome and Sumeragi. Grandfather and grandson bonding. It was never to be.

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I've got some alternate history....

Nohr and Hoshido were both under the colonial rule of the agressively expansionist Touma less than a generation ago. Touma's iron-fisted, unjust rule and flat-out racism of it's immigrants and forcibly imposed greedy and corrupt governors sowed the seeds of a revolt after nearly a century of mistreatment and hardship. Hoshido and Nohr had never really interacted much before then, but banded together to rebel against Touma.

The people of Nohr rallied behind the handsome and charismatic Garon, with a military mind like a steel trap, who was a hero amongst native Nohrians, for he and his highly illegal militia were the only things keeping neighboring nations and bandits at bay, which had been plauging the borders for many years.

The people of Hoshido presented General Sumeragi, a man of few words and great character, as their leader. Although he had a high status in Touma as a war hero and even had a wife from the offending country, he saw that what Touma was doing to his people was wrong and needed to be stopped. However, his wife did have him wrapped around her finger...

The uprising began and things were looking up for Nohr and Hoshido, but when Garon's friend, advisor, and spy on Touma, Lago Macbeth (it's a great name for him so I made it his surname, a shame they changed it, really) reported that Touma was sending in it's trump card, their dragon ruler Anakos, everything went down hill fast for the rebellion. Soldiers were deserting left and right, fearing retribution from the mighty dragon of legend. The remains of the armies of Nohr and Hoshido were exhausted and lacked resources. Sumeragi's wife pleaded for him to stop the uprising for the sake of his people, and of his young son. Finally Sumeragi caved and summoned his army back to the capital rather than to the rallying point that Garon had set up. Sumeragi's wife sent word to Touma that Hoshido had quelled it's rebellious ways, and they were pardoned for their treason if they helped invade Nohr along with Anakos and his army.

Sumeragi was enraged at the notion of invading Nohr. There was only so far he would go. However, while he was above invading Nohr, he was not above lying. He promised to help Anakos invade Nohr in hopes that Touma would send a smaller army in hopes that without Hodhido's support Garon would be able to successfully fend off Touma.

Luckily he was correct in the end, but not until after Garon and Nohr had suffered heavy losses and Anakos had devastated Nohr's landscape to a nearly uninhabitable state. But the strong and stoic people of Nohr slowly began to rebuild with Garon as their king. Garon and Nohr never forgave Sumeragi for backing out on them, and that's what caused Garon to kill Sumeragi at their meeting.

Oh and also Ryoma and Xander were friends as children when the war was going on. They practiced swordsmanship and watched the soldiers drill while their fathers discussed strategy.

I have a feeling that had a lot of loose ends and the phrasing was awkward but I was just trying to get my half-assed thoughts down.

E: More stuff

So Mikoto takes over after Sumeragi dies and everyone loves her and lovingly refers to her as "Mother Mikoto" but she is a terrible ruler and the country is in a giant economic depression and merchants (Hoshido's main source of revenue due to Nohr's need for resources) are forced to ram up their prices on goods. This is seen as a direct attack on Nohr by Nohrians, but they are only half wrong because Hoshido is still bitter over Sumeragi's death even though they know what he did was wrong.

Also Hoshido's isolationism was in part caused by their shame and guilt for turning their backs on Nohr and also because they got a bit of a nasty rep for it.

And finally the meeting between Garon and Sumeragi was meant to be a gesture of goodwill and trust (Garon let Sumeragi enter Chevalier, a Nohrian state, and Sumeragi brought his son along with him).

What did Sumeragi do?

tbh ngl i haven't paid much attention to the before-story of fates, kinda wanna read it

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What did Sumeragi do?

tbh ngl i haven't paid much attention to the before-story of fates, kinda wanna read it

In this story thingy Sumeragi backed out on Garon. I don't know what all the whole history thing entails either so I just kinda made that up to fill in the holes.

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Maybe Crayfish or Grey lobster?


pls im the resident lobster trash i did my research

Also if anyone's crayfish it should be shino bc smol lobster wwww (I prefer shrimp for him though, it's hilarious contrast to him being the biggest buffest gen2)

Edited by Thor Odinson
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pls im the resident lobster trash i did my research

Also if anyone's crayfish it should be shino bc smol lobster wwww (I prefer shrimp for him though, it's hilarious contrast to him being the biggest buffest gen2)

AHAHA ok cool shino is crayfish? Wasn't sure cause im not the best at lobstering or marine biology. Cool to know though.

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Sumeragi was the kind of dad who would take his kids for suprise vacations out to the middle of nowhere (Chevalier is nice this time of year)

Garon made the Ultimate Dade Jokes. It got so bad he started making them to his advisors.

Sakura is a ruthless businesswoman. Everyone in the army owes a debt to her in some fashion


[spoiler={option}] Arthur is terrified of Lutz's wyvern

Camilla named her wyvern Vaida

Kamui enjoys eating the occaisional insect (their favorite is scorpions). Nohr siiblings have gotten used to it, but the Hoshido siblings are absolutely disgusted (is this a nohrian thing??)

Kamui's closet looks like an episode of Hoarders. Shiny rocks, fluffy animal pelts, old weapons no one uses anymore (dragons and their hoards man), At one point Elise couldn't find her staff and lo and behold, its in Kamuis Klepto Crevice.

Camilla is super tall. like 5'11, and thats before she puts her heels on

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Sumeragi was the kind of dad who would take his kids for suprise vacations out to the middle of nowhere (Chevalier is nice this time of year)

Garon made the Ultimate Dade Jokes. It got so bad he started making them to his advisors.

Sakura is a ruthless businesswoman. Everyone in the army owes a debt to her in some fashion


[spoiler={option}] Arthur is terrified of Lutz's wyvern

Camilla named her wyvern Vaida

Kamui enjoys eating the occaisional insect (their favorite is scorpions). Nohr siiblings have gotten used to it, but the Hoshido siblings are absolutely disgusted (is this a nohrian thing??)

Kamui's closet looks like an episode of Hoarders. Shiny rocks, fluffy animal pelts, old weapons no one uses anymore (dragons and their hoards man), At one point Elise couldn't find her staff and lo and behold, its in Kamuis Klepto Crevice.

Camilla is super tall. like 5'11, and thats before she puts her heels on

Oh god. Please.

Also partially supported by supports but the ninjas have basic training in almost EVERYTHING of what would a Maid/Butler would do, and now i'm imagining Saizou makes some of the best sweets but he actually detests them ha.

And since Pieri has two toned color i imagine peroxide exists in Nohr and now i'm thinking that Zero's hair color is an accident because Leon wanted to try a new brand but didn't want to risk his own hair.

Plot twist: All the vases broken by Felicia are actually pushed by Kamui since he's a giant scaled cat but everyone blames her because she's the klutz

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Gosh, I HC my Mamui as more cat-like than dragon-like. Cool to see some people feeling the same way.

hooo boy I got so much on this kinda thing (most of it is holdovers from general manakete headcanons). Kamui's antlers would get caught in everything after they started growing in. BABY KAMUI CLIMBING CURTAINS. Kamui (and by extension their children) have tapetum lucidum when still in human form. The first time Kamui gets truly frustrated with the Hoshido sibs they hiss at them and the siblings are just so surprised and startled that the argument stops. Kamui ALWAYS must be able so see the sky, even if through a window, because a grounded dragon is a dead one. They can see extremely well in heavy rain (third eyelids yo). You know that head-rubbing thing cats do to claim something/someone as their own? yeah that too. Sleeping in spine-bending positions like please stop you're making your family uncomfortable just looking at you

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hooo boy I got so much on this kinda thing (most of it is holdovers from general manakete headcanons). Kamui's antlers would get caught in everything after they started growing in. BABY KAMUI CLIMBING CURTAINS. Kamui (and by extension their children) have tapetum lucidum when still in human form. The first time Kamui gets truly frustrated with the Hoshido sibs they hiss at them and the siblings are just so surprised and startled that the argument stops. Kamui ALWAYS must be able so see the sky, even if through a window, because a grounded dragon is a dead one. They can see extremely well in heavy rain (third eyelids yo). You know that head-rubbing thing cats do to claim something/someone as their own? yeah that too. Sleeping in spine-bending positions like please stop you're making your family uncomfortable just looking at you

Following that tapetum lucidum, how many rumors of a bloodthirsty demon haunting at night did Kamui start? just because he sneaked to grab food in the middle of the night ohmygod

Also jumping at the sight of sth green like cats do with cucumbers is really interesting considering Kaze's clothes wwwww

Does Kamui also like just lay on top of their s/o when they want attention and prevent them from doing their jobs hah

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hooo boy I got so much on this kinda thing (most of it is holdovers from general manakete headcanons). Kamui's antlers would get caught in everything after they started growing in. BABY KAMUI CLIMBING CURTAINS. Kamui (and by extension their children) have tapetum lucidum when still in human form. The first time Kamui gets truly frustrated with the Hoshido sibs they hiss at them and the siblings are just so surprised and startled that the argument stops. Kamui ALWAYS must be able so see the sky, even if through a window, because a grounded dragon is a dead one. They can see extremely well in heavy rain (third eyelids yo). You know that head-rubbing thing cats do to claim something/someone as their own? yeah that too. Sleeping in spine-bending positions like please stop you're making your family uncomfortable just looking at you

Does this mean Flannel/Nishiki and Kamui get into lots of fights? Does this make Nishiki/Flannel/Velour/Kinu!Kanna a... catdog?

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-Lazwald having to lead the Awakening Trio caused him to mature in comparison to the other 2. He also desires to return back to his land the most, while Odin cares for it the least.

-Benoit is just as strong (or even stronger) than Elfie; However, he hates fighting and often hold his strength back and prefers protecting everyone to getting a kill. He often thinks like a father bear in his role as a guard, but he won't admit it.

-Asama is an accomplished actor. He wanted to gain recognition in his life through more serious affairs, and thus pretended to be a priest to gain social standing. He become much more popular than he anticipated and decided to live his life as a holyman. To this day, he's surprised to see that no one has noticed just how bad he is at using a staff.

-Kagerou and Saizou's break up was caused due to personal squabble and both are too proud to admit it, so they blame it on their job as Ryoma's retainers.

-Gunther's "fall" hit Joker the hardest. Once he learned what happened with Ganz, he held thoughts of murdering the berserker countless times. He was profoundly happy when Ganz betrayed them all, as this was just the excuse he needed to exact revenge. Even with Guther's return in Nohr's route he still holds a grudge for having to experience it. This doesn't apply in IK.

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Gosh, I HC my Mamui as more cat-like than dragon-like. Cool to see some people feeling the same way.

This reminds me of that movie; how to train your dragon where the dragons act a lot like cats as well.

lol How to train your Kamui

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Alright, that's..that's a pretty cute name. At first I was against it because, why? There's no reason to change Zero to Llewellyn. But its starting to grow on meee. I think it'll most likely be Asyura's name change, though.

Anyway, to keep things relevant, if Zero isn't his 'real' name, then I bet Zero doesn't even know his real name. He doesn't seem to recall any of his family, aside from the fact that they're not there. So why would he remember his birth name?

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I thought it was pronounced like Reh-veh-rin but i like this pronunciation better. Plus the fact that the name apparently includes lion in it's make up is interesting since i've seen a lot of fanart with Zero and lions around. Hehe maybe the translators saw that fanart and decided to do something related to it, they love to add meanings in the things they translate.

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