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So, the FE: Fates story is a mess so I wanted to try some World Building for Fates


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Fire Emblem - Crimson Dawn
~Team Corrin~ (I'm Hoshido bias)
Corrin (Male)
~NPC Only~
Rainbow Sage
~Enemy Only~
Kanna (M/F)

Note - I watch waaaaaay too much Game of Thrones.

~Hoshido~ (Mikoto, Hinoka & Takumi)
--Chevalierian Rebels (Crimson)
--Fox Spirit Clan (Nishiki)
--Flame Tribe (Rinkah)
--Principality of Izumo (Izana)
--Saizou Clan (Kagerou)
--Wind Clan (Fuuga, Tsukuyomi)
~Nohr~ (Garon, Shenmei, Iago, Xander & Leo)
--Ice Tribe (Clear, Felicia & Flora)
--Principality of Chevalier
--Principality of Fuuma (Kotarou)
--Remenants of Kouga (Asyura)
--Saizou Clan Traitors (Kaze)
--The Free Lands (Banba, Gazzak, Hormone, William)
--The Garou (Flannel)
--Whisper - Intelligence Network (Funk, Vasuhara & Zero)
--The Explorers Guild (Draj)
----Faction Details
~Hoshido & Allies~
--The most prosperous Nation upon the Continent and thus the envy of many. While peaceful in nature the
reality is that Hoshido, for the sake of preserving its dominance and safety, had enacted many unfair trade
agreements with the its much less prosperous neighbors whom they considering uncivilized and a possible
threat if they ever gained real stability. This policy would eventually lead into the current conflict.
Cevalierian Rebels
--Rebels who broke away from their Government due to disagreements over siding with Nohr in its war
against Hoshido. Initially hesitant to ally with Hoshido they eventually had no choice when the Lord
of Chevalier allowed Nohrian troops to enter their territory to help quash the Rebellion. Now the
Rebellion could fall within months, if not sooner, even with the infamous Crimson leading them if
Hoshidian Aid doesn't arrive soon.
Fox Spirit Clan
--Natives of Hoshido they prospered greatly thanks to the policies of the Hoshidian Royalty. Natural
enemies of the Garou, due to an ancient conflict none can recall any longer, the Fox Spirit Clan were
quick to provide aid to the Hoshidian Royalty when word arises that the Garou marched with Nohr.
Flame Tribe
--A warlike Clan that was pivotal in rescuing Hoshido when Nohr initially invaded. While the
Flame Tribe only did so because they desired a good fight their actions nonetheless were well-rewarded
with Hoshido even going so far as to suggest a marriage alliance between Rinkah, daughter of the
Flame Tribe Chieftain, and Takumi, youngest of the Hoshidian Royalty. Initially Rinkah rebelled but
after meeting Takumi and seeing his serious attitude as well as his skill in archery she eventually
relented and the two were wed thus making the Flame Tribe the most valued and trusted ally of Hoshido.
Principality of Izumo
--A highly spiritual Country who, due to their "Visions", sided with Hoshido whom they believe is destined
to prevail in the current ongoing conflict. This has caused Hoshido to regard them with suspicion as
who's to say their "Visions" may not change and lead them to siding with Nohr?
Saizou Clan
--The most prominent Ninja Clan in Hoshido, however their glory days have long since passed. This is
due to the man named Kotarou, who never forgave the Saizou Clan for murdering his parents and bringing
chaos to his Nation which Hoshido had seen as a threat at the time, who spent great expense and resources
to lead a covert invasion into Hoshido. This was only successful thanks to Kotarou enlisting the aid of
"Whisper". Once within Hoshido, Kotarou lead his forces into Saizou Clan territory and attacked without
warning. The Saizou Clan, arrogant in believing that none could approach without their knowledge, were
caught off guard and slaughtered save for those few that ran or those that had been traveling with Kaze
at the time of the attack. Zero then forged evidence that placed blame of the slaughter upon Hoshido, much
to Kotarou's glee, and then bribed and/or tortured the Villagers of the surrounding villages to sell the
story. Thus Kaze, in a fit of rage over the near total destruction of his clan, betrayed Hoshido and took
what "loyal" remnants left of the Clan to aid Nohr. Those who didn't follow Kaze remained with Hoshido are
lead by Kagerou, former lover of the late Grandmaster Saizou, and consider Kaze and the remnants as
Wind Clan
--Preferring to remain out of conflict the Wind Clan would join Hoshido when a Nohrian force, lead by Vashala
attacked them after initially believing them to be of the Flame Tribe. When Vashala realized his
mistake it was too late. Upon his return to Nohr, after suffering great losses in his retreat, he was
nearly sentenced to death for his misstep. However, his life was spared when Shenmei reminded Garon
of his many years of valor. Thus Vashala was instead stripped of his rank instead, though this did
nothing to quell the rage of the Wind Clan.
Nohr & Allies
--Nohr makes their home in an unforgiving land where food, water and open land isn't plentiful. Instead
their harsh homeland seems to be geared towards only war as it contains many minerals, metals, powerful
trees and other resources which contribute to war. So it was only natural that to survive Nohr had no
choice but to breed a culture of conflict and taking from other Nations to sustain themselves. However,
they didn't become a true warmongering Nation until Hoshido, fearing Nohr's warmongering ways, started
enacting harsher and more unfair trade agreements with Nohr and other dangerous yet less prosperous nations.
This caused many to call for war but Shenmei, favored wife of Garon, convinced Garon to try for peace.
However, that all changed following the assassination of the Fuuma leadership, the near destruction of
Kouga and the pressing for war by the Ice Tribe which convinced Garon, years earlier, to prepare for war
against Hoshido with his true goal being to take some of Hoshido's plentiful land as their own so his
people no longer needed war to survive.
Ice Tribe
--The Ice Tribe can proudly say that none other shares the same dedication towards aiding Nohr than
they. For the Ice Tribe has been allied with Nohr since they first made contact due to a mutual struggle
to survive harsh terrains. Since living in their frozen homeland is quite harsh, as food is scarce and
the Tribe is poor, the Ice Tribe would come to hate Hoshido whom they consider thieves because of
their highly unfair trade agreements. Thus it comes to no surprise that when the Ice Tribe, years earlier,
proposed to Garon, King of Nohr, that for their nation' to prosper that they must force Hoshido into
negotiations for fairer trade agreements that Garon trusted their advice and secretly prepared for war.
Principality of Chevalier
--A Country which values honor and tradition as well as excess. Founded many years past by former Knights
of Nohr, who no longer served a purpose as Nohr at the time no longer was in open conflict with anyone,
that had sought to make a home for themselves. Traveling through the Principality of Izumo their Leader was
told of a vision of a Country they were destined to found - all they needed to do was head East towards
the Coast. Upon arrival they discovered vast untapped Natural Resources and then utilized their reputation
as Knights of Nohr as well as promises of riches to cause mass migrations towards what would eventually
become the Principality of Chevalier. While wealthy and known for their military might the Principality
of Chevalier, despite having favorable trade agreements with Hoshido, chose to side with Nohr instead
of remaining Neutral. This has caused a Rebellion which forced the Principality of Chevalier to enlist
the aid of Nohr and Whisper to try and quash the rebellion before Hoshido can capitalize upon it.
Principality of Fuuma
--Once a prosperous Nation the Principality of Fuuma, thanks to the discovery of a new type of Metal
superior to any other in the land, was targeted by Hoshido, which felt threatened by the prospect
of this discovery, who ordered the Saizou Clan to assassinate the now overly ambitious Lord of Fuuma.
However, the Saizou were still relatively unknown for their bloodlust at the time and to Hoshido's
horror they learned that the Saizou Clan not only killed most of the Royal Family but much of the nobility
as well as forcing the few survivors to sign a trade agreement which funneled most of the new Metal to
the Saizou Clan. This caused much controversy in Hoshido and their ultimate decision not to punish the
Saizou Clan lead the Principality of Fuuma to form a deep hatred for Hoshido and the Saizou Clan. It
wouldn't be until many years later that the now adult Kotarou would gain vengeance against the Saizou Clan.
Afterward Kotarou ended the trade agreement with the now weakened Saizou Clan and openly declared an
alliance with Nohr for the sole purpose of punishing Hoshido.
Remnants of Kouga
--The Kouga were a proud and educated Nation which followed only the most noble of beliefs and preferred
diplomacy over war. Being a Nation which could provide for itself, and was considered a Nation of equal
trade standing with Hoshido and Chevalier, the Kouga couldn't understand the bloodlust that drives the
less prosperous countries. However, it wasn't until they refused to aid the Fuuma in their plan to slaughter
the Saizou Clan that their fortunes changed. Upon his victorious return Kotarou, whose Nation was prosperous
once more due to pilfering much of the Saizou treasury and selling Saizou secrets, worked with the Whisper
to spread lies and to commit atrocities upon the Flame Tribe all under the guise that it was the Kouga's
doing. The Flame Tribe, quick to anger and to fight, were furious and invaded Kouga. What occurred after
was a slaughter and had Nohr not sent their forces to push the Flame Tribe back into Hoshidian Territory
than the Kouga would have been wiped. Grateful for Nohr's aid and finally understanding what it was like to
have almost nothing the Remnants of Kouga swore eternal loyalty to Nohr.
Saizou Clan Traitors
--Traitors of the Saizou Clan who betrayed Hoshido after they were tricked into believing that Hoshido,
at long last, had slaughtered the Saizou Clan for their actions years ago against the Principality of
Fumma. After all, Hoshido were always wary of the Saizou after that event and turned a blind eye when
Fuuma warriors "snuck" into Hoshido to attack the Saizou. Thus it wasn't hard to sell the lie to
Kaze who now leads his Ninja kin under Nohr's banner. However, there is much tension between the Fuuma
and Saizou and if it wasn't for Xander's charisma and natural leadership than they would be killing
each other already.
The Free Lands
--The Free Lands is made up of territory not owned by any of the larger Nations but is instead
populated by many tribes, nomads, pirates and bandits. It is here where only the strong survive upon
the open plains, massive seas and endless deserts. Since the Free Landers believe so much in strength,
as well as taking what they want by force, it was easy for Iago to convince them to join the war against
Hoshido with the promises of riches. Though it did help that the Free Landers already respected Nohr and
the Ice Tribe while considering Hoshido the land of spoiled and lazy. The only issue Nohr has with the
Free Lands is their brutality towards commoners, their habit of torching bountiful land, infighting and
their cowardice in the face of greater foes such as the Flame Tribe.
The Garou
--A very savage race which thrives upon conflict and testing their mettle against powerful opponents. Yet
strangely enough despite their violent nature they don't partake in the slaughter of those that cannot
fight. Some may see this as kindness but in reality it is because the Garou see it as a stain upon their
own personal honor to kill those unworthy of facing them. However, when they do find powerful opponents,
such as the Fox Spirit Tribe, they are relentless and excessively brutal. No one recalls how this all
began between the two races other than that is how things have always been. So when the Garou heard
that Nohr was invading Hoshido, where the Fox Spirit Clan resided, they happily joined the Nohrian
forces without Garon's consent or knowledge until he was informed that the Garou were fighting
alongside his soldiers.
--An intelligence gathering Network which works in the shadows. Former rivals of the Saizou Clan, until
they were all but wiped out by the Fuuma and the Whisper, the Whisper joined with Nohr as they saw potential
opportunity. Not to mention that Hoshido, still remembering what the Saizou had done to the Fuuma, were
unwilling to acquire the Whisper's services. Especially since the remaining Saizou have fallen in line and
are much more tame now under the thumb of the Hoshidian Royalty.
The Explorers Guild
--Unconcerned with the current conflict the Explorer's Guild continues its mission of discovery and the
never ending search of knowledge. Both sides come to the Explorers Guild to purchase maps, rare artifacts
and the such. It's rumored that the infamous Anna once was a member but quit due to a feud with Master
Explorer Draj over ill-gotten wares.
Thoughts? It's a bit rough atm and I haven't finished a starting background yet for how everything is when Corrin comes of age. I also need to touch on Character backgrounds as well and naturally I would do Supports for fun.
Note - My version has Azura blood related to Garon, Shenmei, Xander and Leo. Corrin is blood related to Sumeragi, Mikoto, Hinoka and Takumi.
Kept roster small, so many cuts, mainly as it makes making supports later more manageable and I can have individual character shine more so if there are less of them fighting for the spotlight.
Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Azure can't be blood related to Nohr when she was born from the same person who formerly ruled all of Touma.

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It's a rewrite.

Anyway, you might want to post this in the ''Fixing Fates story issues'' thread. It's become the go-to thread for rewriting or otherwise addressing Fates narrative and setting problems.

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I would but it would be buried there and I have more planned.

Azure can't be blood related to Nohr when she was born from the same person who formerly ruled all of Touma.

Not in my rewrite. There is no Touma,


Anyway, Background set-up.

For years Hoshido maintained dominance over the continent thanks to their bountiful land. On the other
hand Nations like Nohr suffered from harsh and barren environments which made it easy for Hoshido
to manipulate and control them to maintain the status quo. However, Hoshido, growing ever fearful of
the the growing warmongering ways of lesser Nations, enacted harsh trade agreements upon those they
saw as uncivilized and not their equal. This lead to growing paranoia throughout the Continent and due
to a series of unfortunate events Nohr was eventually convinced that to only way to survive was to go
to war with Hoshido.
It would take years but at long last the much more able, in matters of war, Nohr gathered its allies
and invaded Hoshido. Caught unawares Hoshido would have been in dire straits had the Flame Tribe not
proved themselves for true that they were the greatest warriors of the land and pushed back the Nohrian
incursions. Grateful, Hoshido and the Flame Tribe entered a marriage alliance between the Chieftain's
only child - a daughter, Rinkah (Age 3), with the youngest of the Hoshidian Royalty - a boy, Takumi (Age 3).
It is said that their wedding was most grand despite the fact that both were mere children who couldn't even
form full words as of yet. Of course, as is tradition, when both have come of age (18) a second wedding is
to be held to truly cement the alliance and to bring Rinkah into the Royal Palace as Takumi's wife. Naturally
as Rinkah grew older she would rebel against a fate she had no say so in but eventually relented after
meeting Takumi and reluctantly accepted that he would be her husband in a few years time.
With that settled Hoshido then tasked the Saizou Clan to capture Garon's favored child Azura (Age 4) to use
as a bargaining chip. Iago, Chief Advisor of Nohr, was in charge of safeguarding Azura and when the Saizou
Clan attacked he was heavily scarred and his own son died trying to protect a young Azura. Iago could only
watch as Azura was stolen away and would have died himself had a young Xander (Age 16) not arrived with
Elsewhere on the war front Sumeragi and Garon were at a standstill, neither side could gain the advantage.
It was at this time that Sumeragi was made aware that Azura had successfully been captured and he sent
word to Garon that if he desired to see Azura unharmed than he would have to agree to meet upon neutral
ground to discuss a ceasefire.
Garon was troubled by this turn of events and made the hard choice, after consulting Shenmei, to meet
with Sumeragi. This angered Garon's allies but Xander, despite his youth, was a natural leader and he
was able to placate them. However, despite all these none could suspect what an enraged Iago had planned...
The meetings soon took place and as the days went by Iago plotted alongside the Whisper who eventually
located Azura. Relieved that Azura was unharmed Iago had the Whisper save her than set in motion to
have Hoshidian civilians bribed and dressed as Hoshidian Warriors to attack Garon. While Garon was in no
real danger, as they were just untrained commoners, he was overcome with rage over the perceived treachery
of Hoshido. Soon after he ordered the Peace Summit Massacre and personally killed Sumeragi, who pleaded
innocence and was focused solely on protecting his son and not their battle.
Upon seeing a young Corrin (Age 4), Garon snapped out of his rage and took the child as his own. Later he
received news from Iago that Azura had been retrieved and was safe. Overjoyed, it was easy to
convince Garon to continue a war that would last many years to come....
It would be 14 years later that a young Corrin, now a man, would set out in a world plagued by a seemingly
endless war. All the while oblivious of his true parentage...
So, Timeline.
30 Years Ago - Xander is born in Nohr.
25 Years Ago - Nohr, facing starvation or worse, is left with no choice but to attack and pillage neighboring Nations just to survive. The Hoshidian Nobility meets with the Hoshidian Royalty to discuss ways to stop Nohr's warmongering and growing power.
23 Years Ago - Hinoka is born in Hoshido.
21 Years Ago - Hoshido enacts the harshest trade agreements and taxes in its entire history against Nations like Nohr. Nohr reluctantly prepares for war in secret at the urging of the Ice Tribe.
20 Years Ago - Discovery of a new Metal, dubbed Coras, in Fuuma revolutionizes the Metalworking Industry.
18 Years Ago - The Lord of Fuuma grows extremely ambitious and plots to create a massive and Elite Army thanks to their monopoly on the Metal known as Coras.
18 Years Ago - Corrin is born in Hoshido, Azura is born in Nohr.
17 Years Ago - Upon learning of Fuuma's growing ambitions Hoshido tasks the Saizou Clan to "remove" their Lord.
17 Years Ago - The Saizou massacre the Fuuma Royal Family and Nobility. They then force the survivors to produce and send Coras to the Saizou Clan much to Hoshido's horror. Nohr secretly contacts Fuuma and forms an unofficial alliance.
17 Years Ago - Takumi is born in Hoshido, Leo is born in Nohr and Rinkah is born to the Flame Tribe.
17 Years Ago - Much debate in Hoshido over what to do with the Saizou Clan. Fearing repercussions Sumeragi orders that the truth be suppressed as the trial is ongoing.
16 Years Ago - After years of debate the Hoshidian Royalty decree the Saizou Clan's actions as just and continues suppressing the truth about the Massacre. Fuuma swears eternal vengeance.
16 Years Ago - Seeing this as the opportune time to invade, due to the verdict which has enraged their allies, Nohr quickly gains control of much Hoshidian lands. Hoshido's response is slow and had
the Flame Tribe not met and harassed the Nohrian forces until they were forced to halt their advance than Hoshido would have been lost.
14 Years Ago - Grateful to the Flame Tribe a Marriage Alliance is agreed upon between Takumi and Rinkah with promises of a second wedding, when they come of age, where Rinkah would fully be made
into Hoshidian Royalty and would then reside within the Royal Palace as a Princess.
14 Years Ago - The Saizou Clan are tasked with kidnapping Azura, they succeed and ceasefire talks begin between Nohr and Hoshido. Iago suffered grave injuries and loses his son to the Saizou Clan.
14/13 Years Ago - On the eve of the New Year negotiations falter when Garon suddenly enacts the Peace Summit Massacre. Sumeragi dies, Corrin goes missing and is presumed dead and Azura returns to Nohr.
12 Years Ago - Garon permanently returns to the Capital but has Xander and his Generals continue the war against Hoshido.
8 Years Ago - The Saizou Clan are almost entirely massacred by unknown assailants, evidence points to Hoshido. Kaze leads most of the remaining Clan Members to join Nohr, Kagerou remains loyal to Hoshido and
swears the service of the remaining Saizou Clan to the Hoshidian Royal Family.
7 Years Ago - Atrocities against the Flame Tribe occur, all evidence points to the Kouga Clan.
6 Years Ago - The Flame Tribe invades Kouga and torches the countryside, many Kougian's are killed trying to flee from the Flame Tribe.
5 Years Ago - Garon orders Xander to aid the Kouga and with his brilliant Tactical Mind he's able to force the fearsome Flame Tribe to flee back to Hoshido. Kouga swears loyalty to Nohr.
3 Years Ago - The Ice Tribe propose a second incursion into Hoshido as retribution for the slaughter of the Kougians. Garon agrees and has Xander make preparations for their next full scale Invasion of Hoshido.
2 Years Ago - Iago successfully wins over aid of the Free Landers
2 Years Ago - Rinkah finally meets Takumi once more and she reluctantly agrees to maintain the promised Marriage between them in a few years time before returning to the Flame Tribe.
1 Year Ago - Xander begins his incursion into Hoshido.
1 Year Ago - The Principality of Chevalier allies with Hoshido, this causes the young Wyvern Lord Crimson to rebel and eventually join forces with Hoshido.
Present - Corrin and Azura come of age.
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Suit yourself on keeping your rewrite to this thread.

Well since I'm here, I'll tell you that I largely support your cuts. Kamui has too many siblings, Hydra could be improved but I can see cutting him, the Awakening Trio are transparent pandering whose presence has yet to be warranted, the 2nd Gen speaks for itself.

What are the grounds to side with the respective nations?

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Yeah, that was mostly my line of thinking as well. I also tried to cut out those that shared too much of a role so that those that remained are unique. Characters who represented a Faction had priority as well.

Anyway, tried my hand at a support between Rinkah and Takumi.

Rinkah: ...
Takumi: ...Lady Rinkah.
Rinkah: I'm no Lady, at least not just yet.
Takumi: My apologies, I didn't mean to offend.
Rinkah: Hmph, I wonder....
Takumi: Is something the matter?
Rinkah: Why are you always so proper and nice to me? You're quite rude to everyone else.
Takumi: Need I say it?
Rinkah: Right, we're to be husband and wife by next year...
Takumi: Having second doubts?
Rinkah: It's too late for that, our parents pawned us off before we were even fully aware of anything.
Takumi: ...
Rinkah: Nothing to say? Fine, I'm off to get someting to eat.
Rinkah: Mwahahahahaha! That's right, flee before the might of the Flame Tribe!
Takumi: (Rinkah? What's she doing?)
Rinkah: And if I ever see you around here again you owe my axe a nice big kiss!
Takumi: (....Who is she talking to?)
Rinkah: *Swings axe around* That'll show them!
Rinkah: *Stomach growls*
Rinkah: Ugh.... Why am I always so hungry? Geeze, I'll never make it as a Princess at this pace.
Takumi: (Don't tell me she thought "that" display earlier was Princess-like.)
Rinkah: Argh! All those rules! Why do I have to learn so much?! I just want to swing my axe around
and get into a good scrap! It's just not fair!
Rinkah: ...
Rinkah: And that Takumi. I can't understand him at all. Does he even find me appealing or will I just be
the one to give him a child while he's making his rounds with the other more physically pleasing women?
Takumi: (...)
Rinkah: This is stupid!
Rinkah: *Storms off*
Takumi: Rinkah, have you always felt like that?
Girl: Excuse me, where'd the lady go? The one who scared the bandits away.
Takumi: Hmmm... I wonder. If I were to guess than I would say that she went off to get something to eat.
Girl: Huh?
Takumi: Nothing. I must be off.
Takumi: Rinkah.
Rinkah: Oh, Takumi. Strange to see you so early in the morning. What happened?
Takumi: Nothing, I just remembered that I have yet to take you out on a proper date so that we can
get to know each other better.
Rinkah: ?
Takumi: You aren't obligated to come.
Rinkah: This is just so very strange. You never go out of your way for such things. Usually we're avoiding
each other.
Takumi: Perhaps this approach will work out better.
Rinkah: I don't know...
Rinkah: *Stomach Growls*
Rinkah: ...
Takumi: It seems that your stomach agrees that it's best to grab something to eat.
Rinkah: You're being very odd today but... I am hungry. Very well, lead the way Takumi.
Rinkah: ...
Takumi: Is something the matter, Rinkah?
Rinkah: I thought our "date" would have been a one time thing but it seems that we're taking nearly all
our meals together now.
Takumi: Is that a problem?
Rinkah: No... It is nice. Getting to know you better and seeing moments of your true self is nice.
Takumi: True self?
Rinkah: When you're being a jerk, I mean.
Takumi: ...
Rinkah: It's not a bad thing. You always mean well and it's great knowing that you're no longer afraid
of being yourself around me anymore.
Takumi: ...
Takumi: Rinkah, I will admit. Our marriage and the upcoming wedding has me quite frightened which I'm sure
you are as well.
Rinkah: ...
Takumi: I don't know if we'll be happy together or not but I must say that our time together on these dates
has helped me discover just what kind of woman you are.
Rinkah: And...?
Takumi: You're amazing.
Rinkah: *Blush* Wh-Wha-...?
Takumi: Rinkah, I will work hard every day to esnure that you're happy and even though you're expected to
act the role of a Princess I would much rather you be yourself.
Rinkah: You do know that may put my life in danger... I'm a Flame Tribesman, after all. It's in our blood
to fight.
Takumi: Then I'll just have to do an excellent job standing by your side.
Rinkah: Takumi...
Takumi: Well, maybe not literally as I'm far better with a bow than a sword.
Rinkah: Heh... Don't worry, together I'm sure things will work out in the end.
Takumi: That's a promise.
Rinkah: Yeah.
May go back to alter that B a bit more.
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I have the following questions:

1. Does your rewrite have any 3rd Paths or otherwise more Paths than Hosido and Nohr?

2. I assume from the lack of monsters that you removed them. Is that the case?

3. Are you still going with the 'Reform Nohr'' issue? Conquest failed at this angle since among all other problems, it railroaded Kamui and Co. into invading Hoshido even after establishing how wrong it was to do so using what may be the worst method possible.

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1 - Focused on humanizing Nohr and Corrin changing Hoshido's views on things. Mostly Hoshido related but if I get around to Chapters than Corrin would end up in conflict with some within Hoshido for various reasons and would actually help those like Nohr for certain reasons. So it isn't just Corrin fighting Nohr. Even though Corrin was tricked into believing he was a Nohrian, in this rewrite, he does love his family and Garon in this is well intentioned even if he only really knows war and he did treat Corrin well as did Shenmei. The main reason Corrin would leave war is the shock of learning the truth and not agreeing with the total destruction of Hoshido.

2 - Yes, cut them out.

3 - Nohr is in a transition between its Warmongering Ways and Peace. However, Garon has become complacent after taking large swaths of Hoshidian Territory and has been convinced that he should just conquer all of Hoshido as well as his allies pushing for Hoshido's destruction. So a reform would take place eventually that would finish the transition but only after much bloodshed for all participants in a war that has been going on for years already when Corrin takes stage.

Anyway, a heads up on the Royalty.

Garon (53) - Only knows war though he desires a time for when Nohr can settle peacefully and be self-sufficient. Tends to hold grudges and trusts his allies a great deal which has been used to manipulate him in the past.

Shenmei (36) - Favored wife of Garon who shares a desire for Nohr to no longer be a land of nothing. This is due to having grown up upon the streets until she happened upon a younger Garon many years ago.

Instantly he was captivated by her beauty and soon found himself impressed with her intelligence. Shenmei on the other hand found herself falling for Garon's charms and eventually the two wed. While happily

married this has caused much controversy between the concubines whom rightfully considered Shenmei's rise as a threat. Not to mention her commoner status. Due to this Shenmei, even after all these years,

has been caught in a game of intrigue and plotting with the concubines who are ever jealous of Shenmei's status as Head Wife.

Xander (30)- Has fought for Nohr since a young age and is considered a prodigy. While his father truly wants peace for Nohr, Xander on the other hand desires Conquests and achieving great things. With a natural

charismatic aura which gravitates others to him as well as being a natural in matters of war it's no wonder that Xander has become quite popular with the Nohrian people. In his eyes there can be no peace with Hoshido and by rights of Conquest all of Hoshido already belongs to Nohr.

Azura (18) - Treasured daughter of Garon and his favored with Shenmei. When she was captured in the past Garon swore to tear Hoshido asunder but was placated at her return. Though very young at the time

Azura can still recall the events of the Peace Summit Massacre quite vividly. Due to this Azura, always gentle of heart, felt she had no choice but to reach out to Hoshido herself to try and remind her father of

what he used to desire - Peace. While seen as reckless the reality is that Azura is highly gifted in regards to magical ability with only Leo seemingly more able. Naturally this has made Azura a target of many among Nohr, Hoshido and their allies who wish to use her as a pawn due to her lineage, magical potential and seemingly going out on her own against the wishes of Garon who simply demanded that he be returned to

the Royal Palace - Unharmed.

Leo (17) - Youngest surviving child of Garon, always has his head in a book. In his opinion the war is wasteful as they have already taken more than enough Hoshidian land to be self-sufficient. However, his opinion is quite unpopular and often his loyalty is questioned by Nohr and its allies when Garon isn't looking. Thus Leo tends to be quite withdrawn and while good intentioned his verbal skills are quite lacking which may be

why those like Belka the Bloody have sworn loyalty to him.

Sumeragi (Deceased) - Was considered the greatest Samurai to have ever lived as well as a highly gifted Tactician in his own right. It was thanks to his ingenious strategies, clever use of terrain, swordsmanship as well as extreme cunning that Hoshido could eventually force Nohr into ceasefire talks. Sadly talks broke apart for unknown reasons and Sumeragi was killed while defending his presumed dead son - Corrin.

Mikoto (42) - When Sumeragi lived she was a gentle and loving soul, after his death she has grown bitter and withdrawn for the world. Often she remains out of sight, save rare occurrences, and allows the Council of

Seers to run Hoshido in her stead. This has caused the war to escalate as the Council of Seers believes that Nohr must suffer destruction and all seized lands returned before peace can be restored. This has caused

them to resort to less then savory methods to achieve victory where they can. Yet while Mikoto could change public view with a few simple words she remains silent.

Hinoka (23) - With her father's death and her mother withdrawing from the world Hinoka was forced to grow up rather quickly. Many expected the tomboyish Hinoka to eventually conform when she got older and to become a meek Princess and in fact she nearly did. That is until one day a fellow Hoshidian Warrior gave his life for her own. This drastically changed Hinoka's opinions and for a long time she blamed herself and her own weakness for that man's death until at last she resolved to forge herself into becoming strong enough that no Hoshidian life would have to be lost any longer to preserve hers. Since then she has risen as one of

Hoshido's finest warriors and has earned the nickname "Hoshido's Hope".

Corrin (18) - Stolen away at a young age and raised by Garon into believing he's a Nohrian - a lie he believed until the truth was revealed to him by Iago for unknown reasons. Resolving to return to his true homeland

he was accompanied by Azura whom he considered his most trusted ally. Due to his captivity he is quite naive to the World itself and tends at times gets lost in his own sense of wonder.

Takumi (17) - At a young age he was promised, without his consent, to the daughter of the Flame Tribe's chieftain. Due to this Takumi isolated himself from others and cursed his fate and only found solace when he was practicing his archery.. However. one day he met Rinkah who was nothing like he had imagined. She has a temper, preferred doing what is considered in Hoshido the activities of men, had a fiery passion and is very opinionated. It wasn't long until he found himself fascinated by Rinkah and soon enough his opinion changed upon their Political Marriage and soon after he began to treat Rinkah quite well compared to anyone else.

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Well, I see that you've tried to make the remaining royal siblings be more than Kamui's marriage fodder or token critic. I see you've also tried to make Mikoto something other than Emmeryn 2.0, Garon not a mustache twirler, etc.

Here are some more questions:

1. Does Kamui still transform?

2. What have done to revamp Ganz?

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No, Kamui loses the Manakete stuff which is completely pointless (Other than Tying him to a lame villain) and very underpowered in Fates anyway. Cut the Dragons, I say.

Ganz isn't as evil/stupid but he will be a close aide/ally to Iago who will obviously want to see Hoshido burn (Thus Iago will get in the way of any and all peace attempts). Being a War Veteran, since the conflict started, Ganz will be patriotic towards Nohr while hating Hoshido for his many dead comrades and their past behavior of treating Nohr as inferior. So he may turn a blind eye when he soldiers decide that it's easier to kill then to take soldiers captive though he won't approve of them killing innocents as he will understand that Garon's ultimate goals is to make Hoshidian Land into Nohrian Land thus the Hoshidian peasantry are ultimately fated, in Ganz's eyes, of becoming citizens of Nohr and Nohrian's don't kill their own without extreme reason.

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So, I really like your ideas. Just a few things to keep in mind:

1. Don't let any person be completely black and white. It's unrealistic, and it makes for shallow characters. Events can be black and white, but at the least the people should be deeper.

2. Make sure to have realistic levels of competence. In a true militaristic society, it's inconceivable to have incompetent officers, since performance and discipline would be so important. Similarly, sloppy, disorganized, insubordinate, or other common tropes for soldiers should not appear. There are many real issues that soldiers face which can be used, such as paranoia, shell shock, lack of empathy, etc.

3. Leaders should inspire loyalty. This one is actually easy, since there are a lot of ways to inspire loyalty, but that's one of the big criticisms I have for the story. Whether it's fear, love, honor, whatever, people need to have a reason to follow someone.

Good luck!

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Actually don't have a copy of a detailed map of Fates.

Need to see that before deciding.

Was trying to take pictures of the characters faces with their names under it but my Print Screen sends them... To places and I can't find them or get Windows 8 to change destination.

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By ''detailed'' do you mean a map showing the borders of each nation/country/kingdom/duchy/whatever? Then I'm sure there isn't one, at least not yet. So, I recommend taking one of the in-game maps and plan out the geopolitical situation from there.

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Just trying things out a bit. Very rusty.

~Daughter of Flame~

-Set One Year before the Prologue-

Darkness, no moon this night. No shadows either, just... Nothing. Accompanying Silence as well, eerie. While no veteran Rinkah knew this was trouble and quickly laid herself down upon the ground. Listening she heard nothing even when she placed her head against the earth. "Magic." Rinkah muttered, it was the only explanation. What concerned Rinkah is that only a skilled practitioner of the mystical arts could cover such a wide area. With a heavy gaze Rinkah quietly scanned her surroundings. Nothing?

Suddenly a sound erupted above her, Rinkah barely had time to roll away. Thuk, thuk, thuk - thip! Opening her eyes she saw that there were a multiple daggers protruding from where she originally was. Not wasting time she rose and found her body instinctively forcing her to leap back once more as a figure slashed at her. The darkness prevented her from getting a lock on her assailant but that could wait, Rinkah is a child of the Flame and right now all she could think of was battle. "Raaargh!" With a swift motion Rinkah heaved her massive axe at incredible speed towards her target.

Unexpectedly the target didn't flinch, instead they easily dodged her blow. Surprised, Rinkah barely had time to raise her axe back up to deflect her assailant's sword thrust. "Such speed!" However, this didn't dissuade her assailant who pressed their attack. Steel met steel and sparks sung out, their cries illuminating the night. Soon enough it became clear to Rinkah that she was outmatched, she just couldn't keep up as some of the blows managed to glance her ever so often.

To flee would place disgrace upon her kin, as a Daughter of Flame her only recourse was either to survive or die. Not wishing an early grave Rinkah changed her stance and invoking her training as a member of the Flame Tribe she lashed out like she had lost all sense. Now this took her assailant by surprised, especially when Rinkah took a stab to the abdomen yet instead of shrieking out in pain she had grabbed his exposed blade - pulling it aside. Sensing that her assailant wished to retreat Rinkah grabbed her axe and chugged it at him. When he moved to dodge she rushed towards and tackled him with all her might.

Pinning him to the ground she brought out her emergency dagger and held it to his neck only to realize that he had two already primed her own. Silence, it felt like an eternity until her assailant finally spoke. "...I see that the Blood of Flames courses through you for true after all." His response puzzled her, confused she unintentionally released her grip. Noticing this her assailant pushed her off of him before leaping to the trees. "Today you live it seems." And with that he was gone. Rinkah, now calming down from her berserk state, felt an intense pain in her abdomen.

When did she get stabbed?

Such questions were no longer relevant, what mattered was that she had to treat her wound. Taking this time to reflect over what she could recall of the encounter Rinkah realized something. Rushing over she grabbed the daggers left behind. Carefully she raised one her face, closely, and examined it. Her suspicions were correct. "Saizou Ninja... No... The Traitors?" Pausing she she thought hard and long yet couldn't come to a conclusion. "Why?" Questioned Rinkah, "Why are they targeting me after all this time? What have I done to warrant this attempt on my life?" Sadly Rinkah would not learn the truth for years to come.


Seated upon a tree branch Kaze was nursing his wounds. Nothing mortal, however he was still very much in great pain. "Bruises everywhere. Such frightening strength." Suddenly he wasn't alone, a figure stood by him. "Zero..." Kaze forced himself up, ready to defend himself. "You failed." Was the first words Zero said. After a brief moment of silence he continued. "Or did you let her live?" This response caused Kaze's face to burn red with rage. With great speed he forced forward, grabbing Zero and lifting him up. "What did you say?!" A normal person would have responded in fear or anger, however... Zero wasn't normal, far from it. "Hahahaha." Laughter, arrogance. "I suppose not." Grabbing Kaze's hands Zero forced himself free then brushed himself off. "It's too dangerous for a man of your position to be hunting future Hoshidian Princesses all on your own, don't you agree?" A wicked grin formed upon his face. "No matter, it's best this way. After all... Think of how Hoshido will react if their future Princess met an unfortunate accident on her own wedding day. I can already picture the look of horror upon their faces as their spirits are crushed!"

"This is why we're different." Kaze began, "The Flame Tribe is honorable, so if one of their own must die then it should be through battle and not through such... Methods as your own." With that Kaze turned, leapt into the air and vanished. Zero shrugged his shoulders. "Heh, very well. Continue with your little game... The wedding is, after all, still a ways off. No reason to spoil the fun just yet."

By ''detailed'' do you mean a map showing the borders of each nation/country/kingdom/duchy/whatever? Then I'm sure there isn't one, at least not yet. So, I recommend taking one of the in-game maps and plan out the geopolitical situation from there.

I may... I think the Special Edition may have a map. If not I'll maybe mess around with paint or gimp later.

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FYI - I'm using Supports to get a feel on the characters for the setting and how they interact. This helps a great deal if I already have a good idea on how I want the characters to be, their motivations and what makes them tick.

I also hate that Fates doesn't allow only platonic relationships between men and women. Hinoka should have only gotten a C-A Support with Male Corrin, not C-S Support that ruins the family theme. Hinoka is also a Princess, she can have implied romantic feelings for others but as a Princess she has to wed someone within the same degree as her own station. I plan to address this in her other supports as well.

Who doesn't like a bit of tragedy, huh?

Corrin & Hinoka



Hinoka: Corrin, Corrin, Corrin?!

Corrin: Hinoka? Did you need something? It's still dark out.

Hinoka: I'm sorry, I just had a nightmare is all.

Corrin: A nightmare?

Hinoka: Yes. In it you were gone again, dead. It roused me to immediately seek you out. I had to make sure that you were still here and safe.

Corrin: I'm sorry.

Hinoka: Why are you apologizing? It was just a silly nightmare - not real.

Corrin: Ever since I've returned to Hoshido you've treated me well, so I'm sorry if my presence has caused old wounds to reopen.

Hinoka: N-nonsense! Don't ever think like that! I would rather have you here and sometimes remember what it was like to have lost you than to have you gone forevermore.

Corrin: ...

Hinoka: Hey, don't give me that look. C'mon, the sun is to rise soon. Would you care to watch it with me?

Corrin: Y-yes.


Corrin: Hinoka~!

Hinoka: What is it Corrin?

Corrin: I got you something, look!

Hinoka: Huh? Is this a necklace?

Corrin: Yes! I had a jeweler craft this for me! Go on, open it up!

Hinoka: Okay.

Hinoka: ...

Hinoka: A picture?

Corrin: Yes, it's of you, Takumi and me! That way if you ever have any nightmares again you can just open the necklace up and know that we're all still here with you!

Hinoka: ...

Corrin: ?

Hinoka: Corrin... T-thank you for this gift! I'll treasure it always!

Corrin: Are you crying?

Hinoka: N-no! You're just imagining it. Now if you'll excuse me I just remembered that I had to be somewhere else.

Corrin: ...


Hinoka: ...

Corrin: ?

Hinoka: That Corrin... Having something like this made. Heh, he's just the little brother I had always imagined that he would have been had we grown up together and the ideal big brother for Takumi.

Corrin: Hinoka?

Hinoka: C-corrin?! How long have you been there?

Corrin: Not long. Hey, is that your necklace?

Hinoka: Trying to be sly, huh? Yes, it is. I was just having fond thoughts is all, nothing to be concerned about.

Corrin: I'm not alarmed. Hmmmm?

Hinoka: I can't hide anything from you, can I? Okay, okay! No use in keeping it a secret any longer.

Corrin: This is...?

Hinoka: I had duplicates made for Takumi and you as well. Go on, try it on!

Corrin: That is awesome, but why?

Hinoka: It's my way of always being with Takumi and you, protecting you no matter how far a distance is between us.

Corrin: Hinoka...

Hinoka: But...

Corrin: ?

Hinoka: We are here now, aren't we? Why don't the three of us have lunch together?

Corrin: Yes, I would like that very much.

Hinoka: Hehehehe... You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you say that. Though I have a request.

Corrin: A request?

Hinoka: C-could you perhaps call me Big Sis, if even for just today?

Corrin: Big Sis? Alright... Big Sis, I look forward to dining with Takumi and you.

Hinoka: Heh, thank you.


My hand at that with Hinoka.

Asama x Hinoka



Asama: Princess Hinoka, are you well?

Hinoka: Huh? What brought this about?

Asama: Your leg... Have you sprained it again?

Hinoka: ...

Asama: Hahahaha. Stubborn as ever, I see.

Hinoka: Any particular reason why you're here other than seeing if I've injured myself again?

Asama: Now, now. I have no ulterior reason for being here, none at all! Don't you trust me?

Hinoka: No.

Asama: What brought this about?

Hinoka: You were spying on me while I was bathing again, you old pervert.

Asama: Old?! I would have you know that I'm barely older than you!

Hinoka: Why am I not shocked that you don't deny being a pervert or peeping on me?

Asama: Ahahahahaha....


Asama: Princess Hinoka!?

Hinoka: ...

Asama: You overworked yourself again! Don't worry, I am now here to tend to you!


Hinoka: H-huh...? Where am I?

Asama: Ah! You're awake! How many times must I warn you about over exerting yourself?

Hinoka: You've heard the chanting in the streets... I am the Hope of Hoshido, I cannot ever falter.

Asama: ....

Hinoka: What's with that look?

Asama: Do I need to remind you on how we met?

Hinoka: ...

Asama: You're lucky I was wandering the mountains that day, there were some pretty hungry mountain lions eyeing you as you lay unconscious.

Hinoka: I don't need to be reminded of that shameful time.

Asama: Than stop repeating the same mistakes. After all, one day I may not be there in your time of need.

Hinoka: Asama...

Hinoka: ....Errr...

Asama: What's the matter?

Hinoka: W-why am I naked?!

Asama: I had to verify that you hadn't injured any other part of your body. You had me worried!

Hinoka: Clothes, now!
Asama: W-wait, I haven't fully accessed your physical state yet! Princess Hinoka, waaaaait~!


Hinoka: ...

Asama: ...Princess Hinoka?

Hinoka: Thank you for putting up with my stubbornness up to now.

Asama: Hahahahaha. Think nothing of it! Oh, and don't worry! I plan on continuing to put up with your stubbornness for the foreseeable future!

Hinoka: That story... You left out parts.

Asama: ...

Hinoka: Have you forgotten our time together?

Asama: I don't recall. After all, you're a Princess. It's best not to think of impossible things.

Hinoka: Asama...

Asama: Nothing happened, correct?

Hinoka: ....

Asama: You're still a pure Maiden, no? So what didn't and would never have happened doesn't matter as your purity is intact for your future husband.

Hinoka: So, we're still not talking about it?

Asama: There's nothing to talk about as nothing happened. Now then, aren't you going to rail against me for peeping on you again?

Hinoka: You act the pervert but somehow I always knew that you were just worried about me. I only lashed out against you because... I don't know.

Asama: ...

Hinoka: Sometimes I wish... I just...

*Asama rushes to kiss Hinoka*

Hinoka: !?

Asama: I've always wanted to taste those fair lips of yours... Hinoka.

Hinoka: Y-you!

Asama: My curiosity is sated. Do try to take better care of yourself, Princess Hinoka. Your future husband is most fortunate indeed.

*Asama Leaves*

Hinoka: You jerk... How long will you continue to break my heart?


Hinata & Hinoka



Hinata: Hiiii-yaaaaah!

Hinoka: Hmph!

Hinata: Take this!

Hinoka: Haaaaah!

Hinata: I'm not done yet!

Hinoka: It's over.

Hinata: Huh?!

Hinoka: ....Well done, Hinata. You're truly skilled.

Hinata: How'd I lose?!

Hinoka: Sharpen your skills and when you're ready I'll be more than happy to spar with you again.

Hinata: Hmph. Don't worry, next time victory will be mine.


Hinata: Princess Hinoka, care to try your hand once more?

Hinoka: Very well. I could use the exercise.

Hinata: Alright!

Hinoka: Hah!
Hinata: That isn't working again!

Hinoka: ?!

Hinata: C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!

Hinoka: Too aggressive!

Hinata: That's what you think, huh?!

Hinoka: Yaaaaaa!

Hinata: Tch!

Hinoka: You're finished!

Hinata: Arrrrrgh!

Hinoka: Haaaah.... Haaaah.... Haaah....

Hinata: Whew, I lost again.

Hinoka: You've improved, Hinata.

Hinata: Yeah, well... I still lost. I still can't believe that I can't beat you. After all, your speciality isn't even with the Katana.

Hinoka: Don't sell yourself short. You're progressing at an alarming rate, Hinata.

Hinata: Am I now? Huh.


Hinoka: Let's stop here.

Hinata: Why? It was just getting good!

Hinoka: I already know the result. Victory is yours.

Hinata: Whaaaat? But that's boring!

Hinoka: Boring? Shouldn't you be proud? I've acknowledged that you can best me.

Hinata: Yeah, I am, but you never fought me with your weapon of choice. Only that relic.

Hinoka: This "relic" belonged to my father.

Hinata: Oh. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh... Sorry about that.

Hinoka: It's fine.

Hinata: So, why did you insist on only fighting me with your father's Katana?

Hinoka: ...Because when we clashed you reminded me of my father.

Hinata: How so?

Hinoka: Your skill and alarming growth. Did you not know that my father was considered a Legendary Samurai? The best in all of the land.

Hinata: Whoa... And you're comparing him to me? I'm flattered.

Hinoka: You have a ways to go, yes, but I can already seeing your surpassing my father one day.

Hinata: Well than. Guess I better not disappoint.

Hinoka: Don't worry, I know that you won't. Now than, shall we continue?

Hinata: Continue?

Hinoka: Didn't you want to see me at my best?

Hinata: Hahahaha! Alright, let's have another go at it than!


Hinoka x Leo
Leo: Mi'lady.
Hinoka: Lord Leo, how fare you?
Leo: Quite well.
Hinoka: I see.
Leo: ...
Hinoka: ...
Leo: Of our wedding...
Hinoka: No need to worry, once this war is over we shall wed.
Leo: For the good of Hoshido and Nohr, it would seem.
Hinoka: Yes... I shall leave Hoshido in Takumi's able hands.
Leo: Not Corrin?
Hinoka: Corrin has no desire to rule and as much as I loathe to say it the people of Hoshido don't trust him.
Leo: That is, sadly, due to his time in Nohr I assume.
Hinoka: Of course, he has been intergrated into Nohrian Society for most of his life. He has very little knowledge of being a Hoshidian.
Leo: What of you coming to Nohr?
Hinoka: That's different. You, of Nohrian Royalty, shall be King and I your Queen. True power will be yours, not mine.
Leo: Perhaps but I do hope that you would lend me your valued consul. After all, Nohr could use an outside perspective from time to time.
Hinoka: Of course.
Leo: Hmm... So resolute. Is that why you agreed to this marriage?
Hinoka: ...
Leo: My apologises for prying. Huh. Now, if I recall correctly, we do have a War Council to partake upon. Shall we?
Hinoka: Lead the way.
Hinoka: ...
Leo: ...
Hinoka: ...
Leo: Nervous?
Hinoka: No, not at all.
Leo: Then why do you hesistate?
Hinoka: Would you laugh if I told you that I feel embarassed?
Leo: Not nervous but embarassed? Huh.
Hinoka: Funny, isn't it?
Leo: No, your reaction is normal.
Hinoka: Is that what one of your books has said?
Leo: Indeed.
Hinoka: Well, than isn't it proper for the man to make the first move?
Leo: I don't believe that we should adhere to gender sterotypes.
Hinoka: Is that so? Why is that?
Leo: They're merely meant to have us conform into an image that is ideal to another.
Hinoka: Does the same apply to all things?
Leo: Not at all. What you suggested I do is merely the opinion of a long dead individual. It's far different when compared to something like Laws.
Hinoka: I see.
Leo: No matter, if you really want me to make the first move....
Hinoka: ...
Leo: I believe that victory is mine.
Hinoka: You cheated.
Leo: Did I now?
Hinoka: Heh, yes you did. I can see the King in your sleeve.
Leo: My sleeve? But of course. After all, I am to be King.
Hinoka: What's that supposed to mean?
Leo: You expected the King to upon the field of battle, that is a mistake. A proper King is with their people. Leave war to those who have mastered it.
Hinoka: Doesn't that make you a coward?
Leo: Maybe, however my people will not be wanting even during times of war as I shall ensure their needs have been met. As that is what is proper of a King.
Hinoka: You are a puzzling man, Lord Leo.
Hinoka: Lord Leo.
Leo: Lady Hinoka.
Hinoka: Care to share a meal with me?
Leo: I see no reason to decline.
Hinoka: This pleases me.
Leo: Really now? How so?
Hinoka: It's because this allows us, before we feel the weight of the crown, to better understand each other. Besides, I would very much prefer to bear a fondness for the man whose children I am expected to bear.
Leo: That makes sense, I agree. Very well, let us partake in a meal together.
Leo: I've never had that before.
Hinoka: It is a Hoshidian delicacy. I wanted you to try a bit of our culture even if only a small bit.
Leo: I see... Hmmm... Lady Hinoka, I must apologise in advance.
Hinoka: For what reason?
Leo: It's clear how much you love your homeland and while our marriage may bring lasting peace it means that you will be spending more time in Nohr than Hoshido.
Hinoka: ...
Leo: Sacrifices...
Hinoka: Life is never fair, however that doesn't mean that we should run from our responsibilities.
Leo: Lady Hinoka...
Hinoka: Enough of this talk, I've personally prepared more meals for you to try!
Leo: Hm, if I didn't know any better I would say that you were buttering me up.
Hinoka: Nonesenses, now eat!
Leo: Hmmm...
Hinoka: What is the matter, Lord Leo?
Leo: I was just remembering my mother.
Hinoka: Your mother?
Leo: Yes, she was one of my father's many concubines. Sadly she met a most gruesome fate.
Hinoka: Most gruesome fate?
Leo: Concubines always fight for what small scraps of power that they can get a hold of. My Mother merely paid the price for a gambit that didn't pay off in the end.
Hinoka: ...
Leo: It's why, after much thought, that I have come to the conclusion that such a system has no place in Nohr if Nohr is to change for the better.
Hinoka: Yet were you not born and able to become King because of that system?
Leo: Yes, that is why I in particular find it quite loathesome. So many dead parents and siblings... All because my father followed tradition and took many women as concubines. Did you know that I still bear nightmares of my time in the palace when I was younger?
Hinoka: Nightmares?
Leo: Indeed. I can still remember having to kill one of my own kin when they tried to strangle me in my sleep. It was... Trying.
Hinoka: I'm so sorry to hear that.
Leo: Don't be. Besides, I strongly believe that as a man that I can only bear love for only one other in my
life. Not counting the love a father has for their own children, of course.
Hinoka: Lord Leo...
Leo: I know that our marriage is political but make no mistake. I will love you without condition. You deserve happiness and I intend to do all in my power to make you happy.
Hinoka: And what of your happiness?
Leo: Being King is enough for me but I must admit that our time together has made me realize that being with you, and only you, makes me very happy as well.
Hinoka: Is that so, huh? I didn't know you thought that wau.
Leo: Of course. Now not to be rude but I have research to partake upon.
Hinoka: Research?
Leo: Indeed. How else will I know how to conduct myself upon our wedding night?
Hinoka: W-what?!
Leo: Are you blushing?
Hinoka: N-no! Not at all! Anyway, how can you say something like that so openly!
Leo: Is there a problem?
Hinoka: Argh! Look, forget the research! When the time comes we'll just do what comes natural to the both of us!
Leo: B-but... Research! How can you expect me to go forward so blindly?!
Hinoka: Because you can't learn love from books, you have to experience it firsthand!
Leo: That makes no logical sense to me!
Hinoka: C'mon, let's go! We have a war to win before thinking about such things anyway!
Leo: W-wait....!
Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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