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Holy War and Thracia remiagined as one game


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So just a little something I made with a free morning. Pretty simple idea. Break Genealogy of Holy War up into standard chapters and include relevant parts of Thracia 776 into the mix and some other developments based on that. The result is a 70+ chapter game but that's alright since the cast changes halfway through. Anyway just check out my chapter list and give me your opinions. Things you'd like to see added or aspects of it you think can be removed etc. The main things changed are the addition of more characters in the second half thanks to the Tharcia stuff and when the Holy Weapons are obtained is changed to plot relevant points instead of just inheriting them.

NB I'm not claiming Genoalogy of Holy War's large map set up is a bad concept and needs to be replaced. I like it quite a lot and would easily like to see it again. I'd just like to think of another way to experience the game.

[spoiler=Part 1: Birth of the Holy Knight]

Avatar replaces Oifey. You can give it minor Holy Blood in any of the 12 types.

Prologue: Capturing Jungby.

Chapter 1: Capturing Evans.

Chapter 2: Capturing Genoa, gain Ayra. Attack on Evans is a cutscene that occurs afterwards.

Chapter 3:Fight in the forest, saving Dew and Adean.

Chapter 4: Another forest fight this time against Jamka. Obtain Deirdre after chapter.

Chapter 5: Assault on Verdane.

Chapter 6: Saving Nodion.

Chapter 7: Fighting the Mercenaries and Levin saving the villages.

Chapter 8: The valley leading up to Macily. Chagall is not the boss. Instead he flees allowing Sigurd to take the castle as soon as it's evident he'll make it through the valley.

Chapter 9: Taking Agusty and fighting Eldigan. If Raquesis talks to him she will receive the Earth Sword but if Sigurd's army kills him they will receive Mystletainn which will be returned to Ares much later in the game.

Chapter 10: Silvail Outside.

Chapter 11: Silvail Inside.

Endgame: Fighting the Pirates.

[spoiler=Part 2: Door to Destiny]

Prologue: Taking the bridge on the way to Thove.

Chapter 1: Thove.

Chapter1X: Saving villages from bandits.

Chapter 2: Reaching Silesia, watching Mahnya die.

Chapter 3:Fighting Reimia.

Chapter 4: Seizing Zaxon.

Chapter 5: Saving Byron and fighting Andorey.

Chapter 6: Assaulting Lubeck.

Chapter 7: Fighting Langbolt inside. After this chapter the player loses the Avatar as they take Oifey's place in bringing the children to safety.

Chapter 7X: Yeid desert Sigurd tries to save Quan and fails.

Chapter 8: Taking Phinora.

Chapter 9: Fighting Reptor.

Endgame: The Battle of Ballhalla.

EndgameX: Avatar fights off Lopt troops and is killed saving the children.

You get to pick which Part 3 you want to do first though you do have to do both of them.

[spoiler=Part 3A: Light Inheritors]

Prologue: Defending Tirnanog. The Avatar's child is also a character introduced here.

Chapter 1: Going on the offensive, taking Ganeshire.

Chapter 2/3: Fighting Johan. Choose which one to go to first.

Chapter 2/3: Fighting Johalva. Cannont recruit if recruited other one.

Chapter 4: Rivough outside.

Chapter 5: Rivough inside.

Chapter 6: Crossing Yied.

Chapter 7: Yied Shrine. Obtain Shannon and Balmung.

Chapter 8: Fighting Liza. Ares appears and can be talked to which makes him leave the map.

Chapter 8X: Helping Ares take Darna.

Chapter 9: Fighting Ishtore.

Chapter 10: Taking Ulster.

Chapter 11: Saving Leonster. Reuniting with Leif. If doing this path first can transfer units to Leif's team here. Patty and Delmud automatically leave to join the Leif party. If you do this path second their stats still transfer over from the Leif segment of the game even though it's earlier in their timeline. At this point Ares also meets Nanna and receives Mystletainn.

Chapter 12: Fighting General Muhammad.

Chapter 13: Fighting Ishtar.

Chapter 14: Conote outside.

Final: Conote inside.

[spoiler=Part3B:Hope of Leonster AKA Thracia 776 reimagined]

Prologue: The Warriors of Fina.

Chapter 1: The Pirate Isles.

Chapter 2: The Gate of Kelves.

Chapter 3: The Dungeon (Ced appears here but he does not have Forseti he might also be Hawk if Ferry died childless).

Chapter 4: Mother and Child. Also includes the appearance of Galzus.

Chapter 5: The Shield of Thracia.

Chapter 6: The Emblem of Noba (also features Olwen's first appearance).

Chapter 6X: Dandrum fortress, can recruit Olwen. Get to kill Kempf here.

Chapter 7: The Thieves of Dakia (can recruit all three thieves and Mareeta here).

Chapter 8: The Stronghold (taking Tahra).

Chapter 9: Open fire (trying to hold Tahra).

Chapter 10: The First Rain of May (skipping the two paths, still gain Sara).

Chapter 11: The Liberation of Leonster.

Chapter 12: Failed attack on Conote (Dorias is your lord for this chapter).

Chapter 13: Remorse and retaliation. (Units used in the last chapter are the ones in trouble here).

Chapter 14: Liberation Wars. At this point Seliph appears and if you played this pat second you can receive some units from him. Unlike in Thracia 776, Faval appears in this map as do the three mage sisters.

Chapter 15: Across the River.

Chapter 16: Palace of Evil (Manster outside, gain both Ced and Saias though as noted before you don't get Forseti yet).

Final: An undying Oath (fight both Veld and Raydrik and can save Eyvel. She she starts off in a Unique class similar to Sword Master but promotes into something that can use Swords and Bows).

[spoiler=The Last Holy War]

Prologue: Taking Mease. At this point in the story Levin will give Forseti to his child.

Chapter 1: Defending Mease from first Altenna and then Trabant.

Chapter 2: Fighting Hannibal. Must kill every enemy except him to have him retreat and be recruitable later.

Chapter 3: Taking Luthecia. Saves Corpul. Regardless of his parentage, Corpul will have the Valkyrie staff.

Chapter 4: Fighting Areone. When Julius appears at the end of the chapter he has a brief conversation with Seliph.

Chapter 5: Saving the civilians in Miletos.

Chapter 6: Taking Chronos. Hilda is not the boss here, instead its Aida. I know we got an explanation as to what happened to her in Thracia but the way she just disappeared from the story in the original game kind of annoyed me, especially when she was partial to Sigurd's betrayal. Also since Saias is with the player now it means confirming she's his mother and this more interfamily drama.

Chapter 7: Assault Miletos. Fighting Ishtar and Julius.

Chapter7X: Obtaining Tyrfring.

Chapter 8: Fighting Alvis. If Saias or an Avatar's Child with major Fala blood kills him then you get Valflame. If Seliph kills him you get the cutscene with spirit Sigurd and the Life Ring. One is much better than the other but you'll probably want to pick the Life Ring for drama purposes.

Chapter 9: Taking Edda.

Chapter 10: Fighting Burian. Like Alvis if you have a Avatar's Child with major Neir blood then you get the Helswath.

Chapter 11: Attacking Freege. Fighting both Hilda and Scopio.

Chapter 12: Fighting the three Pegasus Sisters, Ishtar and Julia. Can obtain Mjolnir if the Avatar's Child has major Tordo Blood. This all happens right outside of Balhalla. Areone also get's in on the party here for one very busy chapter. Originally I wanted him to remain an allied unit but that would actually be somewhat weird given there's several chapters left. So instead he would be an proper unit but will leave if Altenna dies.

Chapter 12X: Fighting Manfroy and gaining Book of Naga.

Final: Fighting Julius and the Deadlords inside Balhalla.

Edited by Jotari
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So just a little something I made with a free morning. Pretty simple idea. Break Genealogy of Holy War up into standard chapters and include relevant parts of Thracia 776 into the mix and some other developments based on that. The result is a 70+ chapter game but that's alright since the cast changes halfway through. Anyway just check out my chapter list and give me your opinions. Things you'd like to see added or aspects of it you think can be removed etc.

NB I'm not claiming Genoalogy of Holy War's large map set up is a bad concept and needs to be replaced. I like it quite a lot and would easily like to see it again. I'd just like to think of another way to experience the game.

Avatar replaces Oifey. You can give it minor Holy Blood in any of the 12 types.

You lost me at this. A self insert shouldn't be replacing an existing character who's arguably somewhat important. The idea of giving them minor blood isn't horrible, but I really don't like the idea of another "pick your waifu" adventure.

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You lost me at this. A self insert shouldn't be replacing an existing character who's arguably somewhat important. The idea of giving them minor blood isn't horrible, but I really don't like the idea of another "pick your waifu" adventure.

I choose Oifey replacement precisely because Oifey's presence in the story is minor but still important (and he just so happens to already be the Tactician). If he has Oifey's role he really can't dominate the plot. Further exemplified since the last few chapters of part 2 don't even feature the avatar nor does the Leif sections. The minor hold blood is also so you could potentially use any of the Holy Weapons in Gen 2 (though never all at once) and in general just more blood corssing breeding shenanigans. I can see how someone would not like the idea of replacing Oifey though. I like Oifey too. In fact originally I conceived this as a straight up Holy War remake where there was to modes of play Classic and Updated with the first being a straight up retelling changing only gameplay balance while the later would have an avatar and take the Thracia elements. If you want to ignore the Avatar's part in this idea you easily can and nothing will change.

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Why would Patty and Delmund leave in the saving Leonster part? You didn't explain why they do, you just said they automatically leave. This does seem kind of strange, unless there's a reason I don't know about?

Ah, my bad. Delmud because he does so anyway in Thracia and Patty so she'll be avilable to recruit Faval. On retropsect I guess Delmud doesn't necessarily need to but he does make a good brdige between the two armies since he's Nanna's brother.

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While I like the idea of getting some of the holy weapons that were unavailable originally, I'd have to disagree with shoving the avatar into an already existing story. It inherently limits what they can do without replacing what other characters did. As that last point implies, I'm very much against having an avatar replace any character, no matter what their role was.

One other thing on this subject, there are points in the story where the avatar is not present, and in fact dies in the story. Both of these undermine the very idea of a player avatar.

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While I like the idea of getting some of the holy weapons that were unavailable originally, I'd have to disagree with shoving the avatar into an already existing story. It inherently limits what they can do without replacing what other characters did. As that last point implies, I'm very much against having an avatar replace any character, no matter what their role was.

One other thing on this subject, there are points in the story where the avatar is not present, and in fact dies in the story. Both of these undermine the very idea of a player avatar.

Those are some good points. Especially on the dying part undermining the point. Couldn't really have the Avatar hanging about throughout the entire game though given the level capping. Oifey could remain as a character who appears as the Avatar's understudy, given the relevant age and noted potential of the character it would make sense.

On the point of removing the avatar completely but still making the weapons available, some more characters could be added to the first generation. Given that the Second Gen would be pulling things from Thracia it already would outweigh the first gen in the number of available characters so making up some more wouldn't hurt. Is Saias can use Valflame the only characters that would be needed would be another minor Neir and another minor Tordo to marry a Tailto and Lex respectively. Though it'd have to be a female character Lex would need to marry which would mean more second gen characters doing little to help balance the two sides. Although I would like some of the second gen kids to uses axes so they can be inherited as an item.

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Also, this:

Chapter 9: Taking Agusty and fighting Eldigan. If Nana talks to him she will receive the Earth Sword but if Sigurd's army kills him they will receive Mystletainn which will be returned to Ares much later in the game.

I didn't think Nanna could travel back in time to before she was born and talk to Eldigan to get an Earth sword, I'm pretty sure you mean Raquesis.

Edited by Blackzero
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Also, this:

I didn't think Nanna could travel back in time to before she was born and talk to Eldigan to get an Earth sword, I'm pretty sure you mean Raquesis.

If that's the only thing I've overlooked with names and places then I'll be happy.

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i was actually thinking about the avatar issue myself just a few days ago in the context of fe4, so i might as well weigh in. for better or worse, it's pretty obvious avatars aren't going anywhere, and while intsys has a horrid track record with the things, i don't believe that an avatar makes a game worse by its very nature. in competent hands, an avatar could do okay (while i'm not fluent in their games, i'd cite bioware's works as examples of self-insert protagonists who share many of the fe avatar line's hallmarks but actually do okay with it because they have something resembling decent writers), and as far as i'm concerned that's the problem with them so far: intsys is short on competent hands in the writing department at the moment

now, i can absolutely see why people aren't happy with the idea of an avatar assuming the role of a pre-existing character, but at this point i kind of see it as the lesser of two evils. fe12 showed us that implementing an avatar as an entirely new character in a pre-existing story is a complete disaster under intsys's current direction, so with this in mind i feel like there's some merit in the replace-a-character approach: namely, that their role will be constrained by the pre-existing story. barring massive rewrites, an avatar in oifey's clothing is still oifey, so there's a limit on how god-mode centralising they could be. they'd have a distinct and valuable presence in the story, just like in the original, but working strictly in the bounds of oifey's original role would keep the avatar from being a dangerously centralising force

that said, i would go minimalist in the avatar-ification of a character slot. name, gender, appearance and stat customisation would be fair game, and make them playable in both gens, but the characterisation would remain more or less the same, and i'd absolutely shy away from selecting holy blood or whatever. whoever you're replacing, it's easier to keep their origin - and thus their holy blood - consistent across the board. as far as i'm concerned, the right way to pull something like this is to keep their character effectively exactly the same, save for the ability to name and design them

fwiw, i personally favour turning lewyn into an avatar. yes, yes, i know, but hear me out. with his current backstory and setup he'd be pretty comfortable in the company of fe13 and 14's avatars and otherwise ticks all the boxes to make him a viable candidate for an avatar transplant (mysterious traveler? check. from a faraway super-special nation? check. fancy dragon-given powers? check. unique class? check. amzing holy weapon? check. present in both gens? check), but his big advantage is that while he's very relevant throughout the game, he's decidedly not the only relevant thing and does a pretty solid job of contributing his part to the story without distracting from sigurd/seliph and devolving the entire game into a lewyn-centric circus

of course, ideally none of this would be necessary, but modern intsys likes their avatars, and more importantly, so do all the $$$$ that they're getting. the way i see it, avatars are now inevitable unless fe14 flops horribly in localisation (and the chances of that are pretty low), so it's worth thinking about how to improve them by any means necessary. if it means averting robin-esque damage to the story, i'm all for sacrificing lewyn or oifey

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I'm really suspicious of any of the other Kaga games getting remade by current IS. Regardless of your stance on his works, there's no denying that Kaga's FEs went in a direction that is surely different from current Fire Emblem. I'm not just talking level design or stats, but also narrative. For example, Both Awakening and Fates have the Lord's nation as shining, either not doing anything wrong or what was done wrong is underexplored. This isn't the case in Kaga's FEs from Gaiden onwards besides Mystery of the Emblem.

The debate on whether or not a Judgral remake would and should include an Avatar shows the issue. I've already brought up in the Fates section that I worry a Gaiden remake would drop the ball on Gaiden having two nations led astray by the gods. Going from how New Mystery let Michalis live to either get his throne back or invade another continent, I worry remakes of the Judgral games would let the likes of Eldigan, Ishtar, etc., join the player army. Among other examples.

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I remember imagining my own version of a Jugdral remake (both FE4 and FE5 as one game), and one thing I would add is an extra part (call it an "intermission") that takes place after Sigurd's death but a few years before the events of FE4 Ch.6 and FE5 Ch.1. In it, you play as young Shanan and Oifaye and fills in the gaps on how they escaped to Isaac and raised Seliph and some of the kids while training themselves. Shanan starts as a Lv.1 Myrmidon and Oifaye as a Lv.1 Cavalier, and they both force-promote at the end of their part. Lester, Delmud, and maybe some of the FE4 replacement children can also show up here.

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i was actually thinking about the avatar issue myself just a few days ago in the context of fe4, so i might as well weigh in. for better or worse, it's pretty obvious avatars aren't going anywhere, and while intsys has a horrid track record with the things, i don't believe that an avatar makes a game worse by its very nature. in competent hands, an avatar could do okay (while i'm not fluent in their games, i'd cite bioware's works as examples of self-insert protagonists who share many of the fe avatar line's hallmarks but actually do okay with it because they have something resembling decent writers), and as far as i'm concerned that's the problem with them so far: intsys is short on competent hands in the writing department at the moment

That's pretty much exactly why I included an Avatar in this reimagning. I feel as if there's an unspoken agreement here that the Avatar as a concept is completely detrimental to Fire Emblem when I don't think that's necessarily so. Sure it has failed three times (at least, mostly staying away from people's opinion on Fates until I play it) but that doesn't mean it's an idea that can't work. And as you said, it's pretty clear the idea isn't going anywhere.

Giving the Avatar minor Holy Blood in my reimagning wouldn't change a single thing about them in the plot. They'd still come from the same place with the same origin (just some guy who knows Sigurd). Oifey has minor Holy Blood himself and I don't think its ever mentioned at all in game. I also disagree with you're Levin replacement idea. I feel Levin has too big a role in the story already. You cite how similar he is to Robin when Robin isn't really a great example to follow. I'd rather the Avatar be an observer and a friend, but one with more purpose and reason for being there than what we got in FE12.

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Along similar lines, I had devised what I conceived to be the ultimate FE game that added the following points:

  • 1000 years prior to Awakening (or 1500 years after War of Heroes), 30 years prior to Sacred Stones, concurrent with FE6 (or 20 years after FE7), and loooong after Genealogy and Thracia, and an indeterminate time after the Mad King's War, with Tactician(FE7), Ike, Chrom's ancestor/Marth's descendant(not necessarily same person at once), and some representation from Valentia, with most representation coming from Jugdral
  • playable Jugdral reps have Major Holy Blood save Tordo (Marc has Tordo instead for personal reasons)
  • Loptyr actually appears as an antagonist
  • A World War-esque scenario, with unaffiliated nations joining either side.
  • Alternate retelling of Lyn's fate.

Thoughts on this?

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Doing this fusion would completely destroy both games, because they are intended to be in different scales, FE4 being a massive Continental War, with clashes between countries, while FE5 is a war opposing the occupational forces and Leif's resistants. One is about invading countries and immense battlefields and the second is more about a group of maquisards waging a war based on survival and guerilla. If you keep the same formula for both games, you screw up both gameplay and storytelling.

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I remember imagining my own version of a Jugdral remake (both FE4 and FE5 as one game), and one thing I would add is an extra part (call it an "intermission") that takes place after Sigurd's death but a few years before the events of FE4 Ch.6 and FE5 Ch.1. In it, you play as young Shanan and Oifaye and fills in the gaps on how they escaped to Isaac and raised Seliph and some of the kids while training themselves. Shanan starts as a Lv.1 Myrmidon and Oifaye as a Lv.1 Cavalier, and they both force-promote at the end of their part. Lester, Delmud, and maybe some of the FE4 replacement children can also show up here.

This idea is pretty cool actually.

But I think I'll go on the side that thinks FE4 and FE5 should remain separate.

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Doing this fusion would completely destroy both games, because they are intended to be in different scales, FE4 being a massive Continental War, with clashes between countries, while FE5 is a war opposing the occupational forces and Leif's resistants. One is about invading countries and immense battlefields and the second is more about a group of maquisards waging a war based on survival and guerilla. If you keep the same formula for both games, you screw up both gameplay and storytelling.

I'm in this camp. Two great tastes that really don't taste together. FE4's immense battles, cast of noble heroes, and bright colors just don't mesh with FE5's castle siege and prison break, Leif's army of relative nobodies, and somber atmosphere.

I do like the idea of an "intermission" segment for FE4, something new in the style of FE4 itself, even if it'd probably be DLC.

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Wouldn't the player have less freedom with pairings though? They'd be forced to use Levin/Fury, Sylvia/Claude, Laquesis/Finn, etc.

Plus what Wanuska said is very right IMO; not to mention the game would feel very long.

Personally, I'd remake both games and add them in a compilation. At this point, you wouldn't have to play FE5 inbetween FE4, FE4's maps and eugenics would stay, the atmospheres would be left untouched, you can play both games and finish them when you want, etc.

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I'd do things... a bit differently. First, I'd make three games instead of one and keep most of its systems intact, save for base conversations, rearrangments before battle and support conversations. The first would focus on Sigurd, the second would focus on Leif, and the third would be Celice's story, merging with the second game in the middle. I'd try to settle for 25-ish chapters for each game, like this:

Prologue: Sigurd advancing to Jungby. Midir joins the party in the ending cutscene

Chapter 1 [seize]: Sigurd advancing to Evans. Alvis appears by turn 3 and he will follow Sigurd, giving him the Silver Sword. If Azel is on his area of movement, he will prioritize going for him, and will give his brother a fire tome which crits on armors/cavaliers. If he doesn't meet up with Sigurd on the map, he will meet him in an ending cutscene in Castle Evans, but this won't happen with Azel.

Chapter 2 [Rout]: Skirmish with Kinbois, who has more HP and a Hand Axe. Different dialogues issue when it is Midir, Azel or Sigurd who engage with him. There's one village in this chapter.

Chapter 3 [seize & Rout]: Sigurd advances to Genoa, standing in the middle of two enemy parties. His army has to face Ayra (who is a mid-boss that can be spoken to with Cuan, who'll convince her to join them and free Shanan) and pals on the east, who move toward the player's army every turn, while on the west side Dew and Aideen flee from another mid-boss and brigands, one of them with an undroppable Leg Ring which will allow it to reach the duo in three turns, if unstopped. Plenty of forest tiles, but not as clustered as the map from FE4. If Aideen survives, she gives Ethlin the Return Staff.

Chapter 4 [seize]: A small section is outdoors, but most of the map is indoors. If Dew survived, he will be able to open three doors - one to the treasure room (which can be accessed by killing a soldier near the boss and getting the keys), the other to a cell where Deirdre is (who can be recruited by Sigurd), the other is a shortcut gate to the throne room, avoiding a long corridor with stationed archers and a few swordsmen. Dew will give Aideen a Warp Staff if both survive.

Chapter 4X [Defend for 8 turns]: Happens if Sigurd talks to Deirdre, who leaves the party only to reapper in this gaiden chapter (or in Chapter 5, if he hasn't spoken to her). She is ambushed by the Lopt Sect on her way, which is composed of dark mages and sellswords. The former isn't a threat to her because of her high res and Light tome, but the latter is. Sigurd (who felt the urge to follow her) starts in the middle of the map with Deirdre, while the others start in the eastern edge and need to move to the center. The boss has a droppable Silence Staff. Enemies are spawned every 2 turns, even if the boss dies.

Chapter 5 [Rout]: Skirmish with Jamka, who ambushes Sigurd's army in the forest to Verdane. His soldiers are scattered around the map, surrounding the group from the north, west (with a brigand mini-boss, equipped with a Steel Axe and a Hand Axe) and east (with a swordsman as a mini-boss, equipped with a Steel Sword). Jamka moves toward Sigurd's army as well, and he can be recruited by Aideen. Deirdre, if the player skipped chapter 4X, will join in an ending cutscene.

Chapter 6 [seize]: Sigurd's army advances to Verdane. The boss has a ranged tome, as in vanilla FE4, and an army encamped around the castle. There's a small army of archers and a few brigands in the forest, led by an archer mini-boss with a Long Bow. There are two villages in this chapter, and if Lex visits any of them, he earns a Hero Axe, whereas the others earn money.

Chapter 7 [Defend for 9 turns or Rout]: Nodion under attack, with Lachesis defending the castle as the three promoted knights guard the gate, as in vanilla FE4. Sigurd's army starts in the east and has to reach the castle before the paladins fall (which usually takes four rounds for each vs generic mooks, two vs Elliot). Speaking of which, he is the sole boss for this chapter, with an army of cavaliers and armors near Nodion. Cavalier reinforcements arrive every 2 turns, and in the sixth and eight turn one with a Horsekiller appears. If the trio survive, they give the Knight Ring.

Chapter 8 [seize]: Sigurd's army goes to Heirhein. There are plenty of ballistas to the north (up the mountainside), a few near the castle and a few near an army of armors and mages in the middle of the way, led by an armor mid-boss. If Elliot survived, he will be an enemy on this map, with +2 to str, spd and def and +6 to HP. The boss uses a droppable Hero Lance and a Javelin.

Chapter 9 [seize]: On the eastern side, Lewyn and Sylvia are rescuing villages, while Sigurd's army deals with the mercenaries, which rush to their position while a smaller army of armorknights stay near the castle. Beowulf can be bought for 10K, otherwise he leaves forever if he survives the map - taking the Beo Sword with him. Not many changes from the vanilla version.

Chapter 10 [Escape]: Sigurd's army must reach a square in the eastern part of the map in 8 turns. Enemies include brigands, cavaliers (and a mid-boss of the same type among them), armors and archers. There is a village in the southern part of the map where Ardan can get a Pursuit Ring, while others get a Speed Ring.

Chapter 11 [seize]: The map starts with an army near Nodion, which needs to be taken out quickly. Fury's levy also closes in the main castle near the Agustrian border, reaching it on turn 4. There's a (slow) path leading to the hill where the ballistas are located, in addition to a mid-boss cleric with a droppable Rest staff (or whichever is the name of that long-range healing staff) and a short-range Light tome.

Chapter 12 [seize]: A castle map, with Shagaal as the boss and two mid-bosses, one an armorknight (with a droppable axereaver and a horsekiller) and another a paladin (with a silver lance and a horsekiller). A couple of chests (and one enemy thief going for those chests on turn 2, while another spawns on turn 5 near the opposite room) in two rooms on each side of the map, with a room close to the throne room where Eltshan is located. He can be spoken to with Sigurd, Cuan and Lachesis (on her case, it'll give her str +2, skl +2, def +1), yet he'll remain a NPC. A bishop with a berserker staff is near the throne room, and three mages with long-range tomes are scattered on the map.

Chapter 13 [Defend for 10 turns or Rout]: The last map with Deirdre playable, which consists of a defense around Agusty Castle. There are ballistas around the castle to help the player, should they choose to use it, but the ramps to the castle have +1 square to its width. Most enemies are armors, mages and swordfighters, but there are a few brigands (who can climb the cliff leading to the castle, by the way). There are two Dancer enemies, yet they fall easily on the range of the ballistas. The boss (let's call him Girondin, as I'm losing creativity) is a swordmaster with a speed ring and a droppable Fire Sword. Reinforcements arrive each 3 turns. Tinny and Claude show up in an ending cutscene.

Chapter 14 [seize]: An outside map with Jacoban defending the throne with some ballistas nearby (and if the last boss survived, he'll stand near him). Mostly unchanged from the vanilla version, save for the early arrival of Tinny and Claude and the number of villages that is lowered to 2, located to the east of the map. Wyverns show up as reinforcements (with their own mid-boss, who has a droppable Killer Lance) on turn 4. Azel can talk to Tinny and give her a thunder tome which crits on armors and cavaliers.

Chapter 15 [Rout]: Fight against Eltshan. If the wyvern boss wasn't killed on chapter 14, he'll return slightly boosted and with another sortie on turn 4. Eltshan can be killed or spoken to with Lachesis, as usual. Spoiler, he dies. During the ending, Deirdre is captured by the Lopt Sect.

Chapter 16 [seize]: A castle map with Shagaal as the boss, with the addition of a droppable Mystletainn to his inventory (which he can use, as Lachesis, but their boosts are halved). There are two enemy dancers in the map and a couple of promoted units.

Chapter 17 [Rout]: Sigurd x Pirates. Claude and Tinny start near the Blaggi Tower, and Briggid starts on her vanilla position. Not much is changed from this map.

Chapter 18 [Escape]: Langobalt and Leptor show up, each with their Holy Weapons ready, surrounded by promoted units whose stats are slightly above the player's units. There are Level 20 mid-bosses boosting these units as well with their Leadership stars. It isn't a battle meant to be won. There is one village in the map which will give the Bargain Ring, but other than that there isn't much time to reach the escape point. Units left behind, should Sigurd cross the border first, are forever abandoned. Ends with a cutscene with Mahnya.

Chapter 19 [Rout]: Sigurd taking the bridge, two villages on the way, enemy army mostly composed of pegasus knights and mages, with a few armors included in the mix. Ok.

Chapter 20 [seize]: Seizing Thove. There is a path that Dew can take to reach the bridge and open it, but he'll need assistance to reach it without being killed. A swordmaster mid-boss (equipped with a droppable Wind Sword and an Iron Blade) is on the way between the castle and the bridge. If it is completed in less than 8 turns...

Chapter 21 A [Defend for 8 turns]: Sigurd's army rushes to Silesia, starting 10 squares from the fight, just in time to fight the army approaching it and assist Mahnya, who is badly losing the skirmish. The horsearchers join the fray in turn 4, but Andrei is switched by a stronger, promoted mook. On the end, Mahnya is gravely wounded and permanently disabled, but still lives - and gives Fury a Miracle ring. Lewyn also receives his Holsety tome from the queen. Otherwise...

Chapter 21 B [seize]: Mahnya is dead and the castle is conquered. Not many changes from the vanilla map, except the castle being better guarded by more resillient enemies. Pamela is another boss for this map, with her own levy of pegasus knights and equipped with a Hero Lance and a droppable Strength ring. Lewyn doesn't receive his Holsety tome, as it was taken to his uncle's castle.

Chapter 22 [seize]: Has a small outside section where Sigurd's army faces Lamia's sortie (she is equipped with a droppable Hero Sword), but most of it is inside Zaxion. If the last chapter was CH21 A, Daccar possesses an Elwind tome and a [dropable] Tornado tome. If it was CH21 B, he will possess the Holsety tome and a Tornado tome. Dancers and promoted mooks become a recurring threat.

Chapter 23 [Rout]: Save Byron (and by that I mean talk to him and watch him die), repel Andrei's unit (led by a promoted mook and not him) and keep the enemy units from the west from taking the castle. Sounds simple.

Chapter 24 [seize]: Take the castle by facing Langobalt (with a droppable Swanchika) and Andrei.

Chapter 25 [Rout]: Sigurd's army going to Phinora and being attacked by wyverns in the proccess. In the end, he learns about Cuan's death.

Chapter 26 [seize]: The fight against Leptor.

Uh... it's an example. I'm too lazy to do the rest (especially lovers' conversations). A system where stats and items are passed through savefiles should also be good, otherwise children start with fixed stats and items.

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