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Unit Practicality Thread

Wayward Alchemist

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What do you think of Xander!Kana? It's non-negotiable that I intend to breed with him on my Revelations and Conquest playthroughs, but I'm unsure how to flesh out my avatar for this. Would it be best to focus on optimizing my avatar and Xander, or our potential children (as in, which have more potential in this arrangement, and which are better units)? I'm thinking a +Spd, -Def avatar with Samurai as my secondary, but this could easily be subject to change. Do you have any recommendations or comments?

Xander!Kana's Nohr Prince growths: HP: 53% STR: 58% MAG: 28% SKL: 50% SPD: 50% LUK: 63% DEF: 43% RES: 25%

They will have Nohr Prince, Samurai, and Cavalier. With a +SPD/-DEF Corrin, that's STR 3, MAG 0, SKL 2, SPD 4, LUK 3, DEF -1, and Res -2.

As far as optimizing goes, both Xander and Corrin are practically must haves. Don't worry too much on the kids as with Xander and Corrin for parents, they will be good regardless.

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Oh sorry, I was referring to Nohr. Aren't Kanna's growths [base + variable parent + asset + flaw]/2?

E: The world will hate me an label me as a sexually frustrated piece of teenage weeb trash (which is completely true), but what about Camilla? Camilla!Kanna's growths are 35/40/32.5/45/52.5/27.5/30/37.5

Nicely balanced and fits Dark Blood well. Will have some good bases with Camilla as her mom. Outdoor Fighter + Overbearing (inheritance) will get her +4 damage on all Hoshidan units except Pegs and some more on outdoor maps. Could go Malig Knight for 8 Mov, but E axes aren't fun.

Edited by JothTheConqueror
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Oh sorry, I was referring to Nohr. Aren't Kanna's growths [base + variable parent + asset + flaw]/2?

If you want stricte pairing for Kanna magic then do +mag-luck/def Corrin with Nyx pair, you'll get preety much glass canon.

with +mag-def kanna would have :

+1str +8mag -1skl +5spd -1lck -4def +3res

So as you can see destorying amout of Mag but she will be glass canon as well, if you're not afraid of glass canons. :P

Edit: too lazy to do growths :s

Edited by Eriotto
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Kana has barely enough speed to work with Orochi being her mom, and having a +MAG Corrin cancels out her speed mod. Going Dark Mage!Corrin will basically turn Orochi into an even slower version of Effie who nukes all in her way as a Dark Knight. Or you could go dark mage and her pair up stats will contribute greatly to yours.

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I know Camilla benefits from Wlord more than from Malig, but is it worth staying until Lv.15 for Overbearing? It gives her +5 damage per hit to literally EVERY Hosh unit except for Pegs and I guess Mechanists. Also it would be a great skill to pass on to her kid. Also, as a Malig she has a not-too-shabby 40% Mag growth, which supplies her with some extra Mag to abuse the Bolt Axe.

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I know Camilla benefits from Wlord more than from Malig, but is it worth staying until Lv.15 for Overbearing? It gives her +5 damage per hit to literally EVERY Hosh unit except for Pegs and I guess Mechanists. Also it would be a great skill to pass on to her kid. Also, as a Malig she has a not-too-shabby 40% Mag growth, which supplies her with some extra Mag to abuse the Bolt Axe.

Other than slightly higher stats, Wyvern Lord has access to lances. Camilla can grind lance ranks for Beast Killer in N19.

There are hundreds of ideas to make N19 easy, so it is not worth reclassing and grinding for it.

You are going to either lose Deadly Breath or lose money for seals.

The only use for Bolt Axe is to fight Golems because there is Hammer for Generals.

But we don't have to beat even a single Golem. If you don't want to try it, Bolt Axe is not worth neither.

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What works best for marrying Laslow? I'm guessing Samurai to get Swordfaire, as a +Strength/-Resistance(Luck?) Corrin for this situation. I was thinking about making him a Dread Fighter during those levels from joining to 25, switching to Hero for Sol, becoming a Swordmaster until Swordfaire, and finally maybe Paladin through a Xander A+. He might want levels as a Master Ninja, though, doesn't he?

What would Soleil/Kana do though? I can see them following in their main parent's footsteps, just with Soleil's Paladin coming from Sophie, and possibly no Dread Fighter. Anything better/more notable for them?

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+Str -Lck Samurai would be good. However Soliel wouldn't get Samurai, but she could roll with Elite Ninja just fine for Spd and 1-2 range. Kanna can just be Corrin 2.0. For Laslow he could go Samrai but he'd be similar to Hinata in his mediocrity. I'd go with just making him a Hero to pass Sol to Soliel and Kanna.

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I guess this technically would be able to be posted in this thread, since the Unit Optimization thread is kinda dead (Hah! Rhymes)

Are Setsuna!Percy and Peri!Deere good? How about Joker!Shigure, Azura!Dwyer and Elise!Midori? Just wanna know the best path to go about my IK pairings.

I h8 reposting </3

y unit optimization

y did u have 2 die

Edited by Pokechu
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In Birthright, with +MAG/-LCK Dark Knight Corrin x Caeldori, what class should I use the resulting Kanna as?

Keep her into Nohr Princess/Hoshidan Noble? Class change her into something like Dark Knight? Something else?

Her class set would be:

Nohr Princess/Hoshidan Noble [Nohr Noble isn't available in Birthright]

Dark Mage/Sorcerer/Samurai

Sky Knight/Falcon Knight/Kinshi Knight

I suppose it does depend on which version of Caeldori it is, as that will affect Kanna's stat growths… Would any particular variants tilt it more towards one class than the other variants (for example, perhaps Oboro!Caeldori!Kana wants to go Hohsidan Noble or perhaps Orochi!Caeldori!Kana wants to go Sorcerer…). Or is the advantage of one class so overwhelming from the practicality standpoint that Kana should stick with it almost regardless… for example, Hoshidan Noble because of her later recruitment and preserving weapon ranks?

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For ingame purposes, who is better for Percy in Conquest, Felicia or Peri?

There will be grinding though when the DLC is available.

Edited by Azz
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+Str -Lck Samurai would be good. However Soliel wouldn't get Samurai, but she could roll with Elite Ninja just fine for Spd and 1-2 range. Kanna can just be Corrin 2.0. For Laslow he could go Samrai but he'd be similar to Hinata in his mediocrity. I'd go with just making him a Hero to pass Sol to Soliel and Kanna.

Alright then. I keep forgetting that Fem!Corrin's non-Kana child just gets Nohr Prince(ss). And in Laslow's case, would he prefer to go Merc -> Hero -> Dread Fighter, or Merc -> Dread Fighter -> Hero. Hero and Dread Fighter have similar enough stats by the looks of it, and the access to Kunai could make him a little more useful.

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Felicia!Kanna isnt THAT bad.

35 23 33 35 43 50 20 30 Base Growth

HP:50% STR:38% MAG:43% SKL:45% SPD:53% LUK:60% DEF:30% RES:35% as a Nohr Princess.

She's easy to get, joins early, and can boast prepromote skills from the maid class or other. Not very optimal, but still works.

I didn’t exactly call her bad, but considering that Camilla, Leo, Xander come with high bases and still don’t exactly solo maps (in Lunatic), yeah Felicia!Kanna can be considered (relatively) bad.

It’s more like she’s the midst of most of the cast, where they are somewhat able combat units if you want to invest a bit into them. Not really too much “grinding” required, but just kinda average, without much standing out. I mentioned some of the niches she may have in a team as it can be useful for characters to have different roles (some attack low Res units, some are speedy, glass cannons on player phase, some tank enemy phase, etc). Kanna is never that exceptional regardless, so I don’t think Felicia!Kanna is that much better/worse than Camilla!Kanna, for example, especially given the availability difference (more chapters is more time to contribute, though there’s also something to be said about being a more reliably high-stat unit lategame).

But Camilla is probably the best mother statwise for magical/mixed Kanna, yeah. Sticking them together to build support can be a little tactically restricting though.

What do you think of Xander!Kana? It's non-negotiable that I intend to breed with him on my Revelations and Conquest playthroughs, but I'm unsure how to flesh out my avatar for this. Would it be best to focus on optimizing my avatar and Xander, or our potential children (as in, which have more potential in this arrangement, and which are better units)? I'm thinking a +Spd, -Def avatar with Samurai as my secondary, but this could easily be subject to change. Do you have any recommendations or comments?

In a practical sense, both Corrin and Xander are such good combat units that they should probably fight separately. However, as you know you want to marry him, you’ll need to spend a lot of time close by. Fighting in guard stance together will work, but for a while you kinda lose a great combat unit in the pocket of another (might be a little tricky in harder difficulties). Something to offset this could be becoming a high Res class (Ninja probably) or a flying class so that switching between the two characters in certain situations is useful. Another option is fighting adjacent to each other, so you could Pair with Felicia/Jakob/Gunter for the stats, and Xander could Pair with Charlotte/whoever. Could also use attack stance a lot, though generally both Corrin and Xander like being in guard stance to fight on enemy phase with boosted stats.

In terms of sealing/inheritance. Xander doesn’t really need anything, classwise, though I suppose Samurai gives him a lot of Spd while trading off the mount. Similarly, both Siegbert and Kana are decent enough in their base classes as long as the growths don’t clash too much. Kana will be a bit worse at magic than usually, but a nice fighter on the physical side and having Cavalier access with base sword ranks is always nice.

Corrin and Xander will be among the best units in the army because of their Prf weapons and skills (the servant bonuses especially). The children are nearly all just fun/cute bonus units in the main game.

So just be mindful of the time actually building the support, and perhaps think about not going –Def since Corrin is so strong on the frontlines and any durability is valuable.

In Birthright, with +MAG/-LCK Dark Knight Corrin x Caeldori, what class should I use the resulting Kanna as?

Keep her into Nohr Princess/Hoshidan Noble? Class change her into something like Dark Knight? Something else?

Her class set would be:

Nohr Princess/Hoshidan Noble [Nohr Noble isn't available in Birthright]

Dark Mage/Sorcerer/Samurai

Sky Knight/Falcon Knight/Kinshi Knight

I suppose it does depend on which version of Caeldori it is, as that will affect Kanna's stat growths… Would any particular variants tilt it more towards one class than the other variants (for example, perhaps Oboro!Caeldori!Kana wants to go Hohsidan Noble or perhaps Orochi!Caeldori!Kana wants to go Sorcerer…). Or is the advantage of one class so overwhelming from the practicality standpoint that Kana should stick with it almost regardless… for example, Hoshidan Noble because of her later recruitment and preserving weapon ranks?

If Kanna does get the boost of +Mag asset inherited, Dark Knight, Horse Spirit. If not, probably the same, just with lower damage. >_>

For fun/variety purposes (having a dragon), you could stick with the princess class.

More generally wrt to the children: Again, they’re kinda just solid extras and won’t be too amazing or too terrible in the main game. Generally good pairings ingame are ones that happen quickly, give good classes (mounted ones, typically. Sharing weapon ranks is good.), and have decent growth synergy since base stat inheritance is relatively low now (high Str or Mag, high Spd are probably the most important, then high Hp/Def/Res. Skl/Luck matter less).

For example, Felicia will lower Percy’s Str/Def growths that he likes as a Wyvern. He also doesn’t really have the personal Mag growth to attack Res much. So Pieri would probably be a better ingame pairing, between the two.

It will be difficult without grinding to get every child in a single run. From a practicality standpoint, just pick synergistic pairings between the parents you’re choosing to deploy in a given playthrough. There’s only so many slots.

Edited by XeKr
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I tried +Str-Lck Corrin X Camilla in a Nohr playthrough.

That didn't make Kana's Str much higher than Mag.

is that only bases or after lvling a bit? and how much is "much higher"? because Kana will have 42.5/32.5 Str/Mag Growth and likely to gain more added to her Str base than Mag base but does have higher Mag as her absolute base

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is that only bases or after lvling a bit? and how much is "much higher"? because Kana will have 42.5/32.5 Str/Mag Growth and likely to gain more added to her Str base than Mag base but does have higher Mag as her absolute base

20/14 stats after using Child Seal.

The difference is less than 5.

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I don't think Corrin's Asset/Flaw factors into Kanna's growths. Which I think agrees with the data Vincent got.

But I've seen it around, and I assume the theory started with some evidence in some situation. Is there some confusion with situations where Corrin is the "variable parent"? There, technically the asset/flaw counts since it affects Corrin's growths.

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I'm marrying my Corrin to Kaden in Birthright and I'm just wondering what I should have them pass down to the children and what their end-classes should be. My Corrin will be +Spd -Res or -Def (which is better?)

Hope this isn't too stupid a question...

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Just one note, +Spd isn't as nuts as in Awakening. If I were you, I'd go with +Str -Mag. Fox Spirit is already crazy fast, so stronkness is really what Kinu wants. Keep her as a Fox because Beastbane is just that awesome because of the sheer multitude of mounts in the Nohrian ranks, including 3/4 of the royals (But Cammilla has her own weaknesses in Bows and Wyrmslayers). Kanna could be a Fox, but he starts with E Beast Stone so I'd go with a speedy sword using class. Samurai is probably your best bet here, but Master Ninja is good for 1-2 range if you are willing to suffer through E Daggers/Shurikens. As for Corrin, obviously just do whatever class you pick for Kanna. Kaden will be fine as a Fox. Pass Beastbane to Kinu so she can get rolling quick against Cavs and such but that skill is useless on Kanna so just give him another Fox skill of your choice. Give Nobility to Kinu so she grows quicker but give Kanna the highest-level skill of your class that you can get him.

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Kanna could be a Fox, but he starts with E Beast Stone so I'd go with a speedy sword using class.

I would think that Beast Stone and Dragon Stone would be the same rank as just a Stone rank. Dragon Stone and Beast Stone ranks are counted separately? Or does Kanna just start with a low Dragon Stone rank?

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Just one note, +Spd isn't as nuts as in Awakening. If I were you, I'd go with +Str -Mag. Fox Spirit is already crazy fast, so stronkness is really what Kinu wants. Keep her as a Fox because Beastbane is just that awesome because of the sheer multitude of mounts in the Nohrian ranks, including 3/4 of the royals (But Cammilla has her own weaknesses in Bows and Wyrmslayers). Kanna could be a Fox, but he starts with E Beast Stone so I'd go with a speedy sword using class. Samurai is probably your best bet here, but Master Ninja is good for 1-2 range if you are willing to suffer through E Daggers/Shurikens. As for Corrin, obviously just do whatever class you pick for Kanna. Kaden will be fine as a Fox. Pass Beastbane to Kinu so she can get rolling quick against Cavs and such but that skill is useless on Kanna so just give him another Fox skill of your choice. Give Nobility to Kinu so she grows quicker but give Kanna the highest-level skill of your class that you can get him.

Thank you! That's really useful. I appreciate the help.

Edited by Feyth
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Of course!

I would think that Beast Stone and Dragon Stone would be the same rank as just a Stone rank. Dragon Stone and Beast Stone ranks are counted separately? Or does Kanna just start with a low Dragon Stone rank?

For some stupid reason they are separate ranks.

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I'm marrying my Corrin to Kaden in Birthright and I'm just wondering what I should have them pass down to the children and what their end-classes should be. My Corrin will be +Spd -Res or -Def (which is better?)

Hope this isn't too stupid a question...

Just one note, +Spd isn't as nuts as in Awakening. If I were you, I'd go with +Str -Mag. Fox Spirit is already crazy fast, so stronkness is really what Kinu wants. Keep her as a Fox because Beastbane is just that awesome because of the sheer multitude of mounts in the Nohrian ranks, including 3/4 of the royals (But Cammilla has her own weaknesses in Bows and Wyrmslayers). Kanna could be a Fox, but he starts with E Beast Stone so I'd go with a speedy sword using class. Samurai is probably your best bet here, but Master Ninja is good for 1-2 range if you are willing to suffer through E Daggers/Shurikens. As for Corrin, obviously just do whatever class you pick for Kanna. Kaden will be fine as a Fox. Pass Beastbane to Kinu so she can get rolling quick against Cavs and such but that skill is useless on Kanna so just give him another Fox skill of your choice. Give Nobility to Kinu so she grows quicker but give Kanna the highest-level skill of your class that you can get him.

Hmm... +Str/-Mag isn't good for Kinu at all imo. -Mag gives negative resistance, and the foxes' highest stats are speed and resistance.

I'd go +Spd/-Lck. -Lck is 99% always the best flaw, and because +Spd gives 2 Luck, the flaw is basically already negated. While Kinu really wants strength, she can get that from pair ups and statues. What she really wants is Speed. Speed Speed Speed.

And of course +SPD isn't as nuts as it was in Awakening. All the stats have been lowered. Speed is still a pretty good stat. +SPD!Kinu has a modifier of 7.

Edited by Pokechu
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