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Unit Practicality Thread

Wayward Alchemist

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Hmm... +Str/-Mag isn't good for Kinu at all imo. -Mag gives negative resistance, and the foxes' highest stats are speed and resistance.

I'd go +Spd/-Lck. -Lck is 99% always the best flaw, and because +Spd gives 2 Luck, the flaw is basically already negated. While Kinu really wants strength, she can get that from pair ups and statues. What she really wants is Speed. Speed Speed Speed.

And of course +SPD isn't as nuts as it was in Awakening. All the stats have been lowered. Speed is still a pretty good stat. +SPD!Kinu has a modifier of 7.

I think you have the wrong thread. This thread is for in-game, mainly Lunatic runs, and for in-game growths > mods. Take Setsuna for example. Great mods, terrible Archer-tastic growths screw her over. 5% off of Res and Spd growth isn't anything. She already has great Spd and Res especially with Fox's class growths, so if she has the Spd to double then all she wants is thwomp behind those hits. Edited by JothTheConqueror
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Personally, I’d recommend +Spd in Conquest because it nearly guarantees Corrin will double, often even without a +Spd pairing, of which stuff like Jakob Paladin/GK, Gunter GK/Wyvern, Felicia Strategist all aren’t (all give move and some extra str/def counting class bonuses and personal skills). This is important because it allows more consistent one-rounding, avoiding stuff like the Seals or Poison skills, and provides a very fast dual guard gauge. The Ninja option is fast enough to not require it though (and you could always marry seal the early servant into Ninja). The 8 move 1-2 range classes though are magical (and relatively low Spd). I did find that between Levin Sword mt + Gunter/Felicia + tonics + Dark Knight/Blood base mag, it still seems to work out for a while. And these retain Yato use which is quite the weapon, nearly as strong as Steel/Silver with +avoid instead of drawbacks and will hit high Res enemies hard.

But I do think it’s probably because I was once burned by a low Spd Corrin that had a hard time doubling stuff. Never again. >_>

In both Birthright and Revelations, Yato gives +Spd and Horse Spirit (+3 Def/Spd) is buyable (Shurikens also give +2 if using that build). So there’s a bit less worry about stat benchmarks. I’m somewhat fond of +Hp so that Corrin can mow down enemies without much worry on enemy phase, but +Str/Mag might be more efficient.

I prefer –Luck, as I find it essentially has no drawbacks. Enemies don’t have that much crit early (no early gamble/thunder+focus like in Awakening, for example), and Goddess Icons give +4. Some weapons give crit evade, Guard Stance itself and some character supports give crit evade. And so on. But lowering Str/Mag that you don’t use is another popular option. –Res is also decent as it’s relatively unimportant as a stat and minor in effect, but those mages do hurt. imo it's a bad idea to –Hp, Str, Spd, Def, which will always be important to Corrin in the maingame.

Edited by XeKr
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I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this question. But I want to do a lunatic run (Conquest) and have Corrin marry Azura. Can anyone of you give me some advice on what would be a good asset/flaw for Corrin and what talent I should take with Kanna/Shigure in mind?

The above poster recommends SPD/LCK, but I have also seen STR/RES, STR/DEF, MAG/RES and others. I think I would probably mostly use Yato, but I like my main unit to be a bit of an all-rounder, so I don't want to eliminate the possibility of magic altogether :-)

I've been reading a lot about this, but there seem to be many different ways to go about this, and I'm kind of lost now.

As a follow-up question: is Dark Blood a good lategame class for Corrin? Because it seems rather cool.

Many thanks in advance!

Edited by Logain08
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A simple explanation for the topics would be optimization=grinding and practicality=no grinding.

Generally we want Corrin to be as strong as possible, so usually the boon/bane/talent focuses on that rather than the kids. Access to good 1-2 range is important given how rare it is in this game. High mobility is also valued.

So far, the best setups seem to be:

+Mag/-Luck Cavalier. Reclassing to Cavalier early gives +2 move, Open Assault while retaining Yato use. Levin Sword stuff later. Very strong as long as Corrin can double, which I think is most of the game on average.

+Str/-Mag Ninja: Will need to build from E weapon rank, but otherwise very strong. High Res kinda gives you a more specialized role compared to Xander. Otherwise lower durability/mobility. Perhaps a trickier earlygame without Yato, so lean more on Jakob. Poison Strike can be useful on later bosses.

+Spd/-Luck Cavalier. My current preference. Might like to buddy seal Nyx which can be a little tricky, but the midgame is decently tame as you have Camilla and Jakob. Open Assault and Defender technically gives Paladin 5 base mag most of the time, but yeah the Mag stat is very questionable. I also like this because I know I can give Speedwings to Jakob, Leo, Xander, etc.

+Str or +Mag/-Luck whatever: A generic recommendation since frankly a lot is viable. Some will be better situationally in different chapters. Probably pick something that has Sword Rank though, or stay in the base class and give something to the children. Generic class advice is Dark Falcon/Dread Fighter (if available) -> Cavalier/Ninja/Dark Mage/Diviner -> whatever.

If you don’t care too much about high move, staying in Dark Blood can be a strong choice. Can still Levin Sword for some nice ranged damage, and retains the flexibility of Dragonstone to tank. +Str if you want to use swords more and will Pair with someone that gives Spd. +Mag if you want to use Levin Sword/Tomes/Dragonstone more. +Spd is nice if you just want to double (almost) everything, even if in Attack stance or not a +Spd pairing.

Kanna is a more magically inclined Corrin, without the Servant personal skill bonuses. Azura will lower her Mag growth though, so in that pairing she’s more of a physical glass cannon. She’s fine in Dark Blood, but could also like Paladin/Dark Knight.

Shigure is a balanced Pegasus unit who doesn’t really need any class help. Paladin could useful for him for the skills and to lose the bow weakness. Passing Spear Fighter gives him some unmounted options if Corrin and Kana stick in their base classes.

Paladin helps both kids, though, so in your case probably try either the +Mag or +Spd Cavalier. Can stick with Dark Blood for Corrin, or this also gives you a mounted option for certain chapters. (also not to spoil too much, but probably don't have the entire team mounted, for cases of effective damage)

Edited by XeKr
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Thanks for the elaborate explanation! Really helpful!

But isn't is also possible to gain cavalier from A-ranking a companion? So is it not better for Corrin to take another secondary class? Or is cavalier that strong in Fates? I remember the class from Awakening and I thought it was okay, but never mindblowing. Maybe I'm just missing something.

In any event, many thanks for taking the time to write that long answer to my question XeKr!

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Taking Cavalier as your talent usually allows Corrin to reclass into it earlier and also passes it on to Kana. I forgot that non-Kana children can inherit Nohr Prince/ss so I actually don’t think any talent would pass to Shigure, my mistake. But since you're using Corrin(M), the best use of the first Heart Seal is probably on him. May want to go +Str or Mag over +Spd since Felicia gives plenty of Spd. My preferred +Spd setup is more for if Jakob is reclassed first (sorry I just automatically assume that sometimes and the difference with Felicia doesn't register).

Cavalier can be considered an "upgrade" from Dark Blood, trading the dragonstone (which can't double and therefore cannot oneround in guard stance) for +2 move, +2 damage per attack from Elbow Room (-1 Str for the class). The strong stats, plus the mobility allows Corrin to handle a lot of situations efficiently.

Edited by XeKr
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Hi in a pair of hours i will pick my game, but i still don't know what second class i should pick .

I will choose:

Asset: Strength

Flaw: Luck

Talent: samurai, cavalier, oni savage or spear fighter.

Also i will marry Selena in the game, but i want a class that can be useful to her, since with marriage seal i get the merc line.

any other option are always welcome.

Thanks for the help guys.

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