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Does anyone have an image of the character model for Oboro!Matoi in Great Lord?


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I'd just be curious in seeing how much she looks like Lucina in that class…. I'd imagine very much so, but I'd like to see it for myself.

I've elsewhere found someone who posted how it would look as a map sprite (see below), but I'd like to see the battle model too.


Of course, besides getting the blue hair color, Oboro!Matoi would be able to have both sword faire and lancefaire and thus could use the faire with either weapon of the great lord.

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Do you ever shut up about Matoi...? It's starting to be really creepy now.

Anywho, here is a video with Oboro!Matoi as a Great Lord. -

At round 52:35, it's not the best but whatever.

If you really want a better image then use this. -


I'm sure you will find it sooner or later. Also, look at both "New Play Journal Entries" and "New Discussions" since sometimes people put images in both.

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Yes, you're right, I do fixate too much on her in my posts. Of course, people do play favorites and talk about favorite characters preferentially, and this is to be expected, although I've taken it a bit too far at times.

That said, I've largely figured out the various things that I wanted to about Matoi, so I really don't have that much more to say about her anymore (pairings, stats, inheritance, growths, mods, etc.)…. this topic's question just popped up because I remembered how people had pointed out the resemblance to Lucina, and even discussed how she looked like her in the skinship models, but after checking I couldn't actually find an image of her in the Great Lord outfit, so I grew curious. You've sated this curiosity here with the link you provided.

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