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Characters You Could Care Less About


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Not a fan of Silas, but not for the same reason as everyone else--though I do agree his personality kinda doesn't really stand out.

But I read a lot of his supports, and I get that he's mostly a good person and all, but I also find that he's rather judgemental. Which, I mean, okay, that's fine, we're all human, but what bothers me is that he's rather confrontational in his judgements, and more than once he jumped to conclusions and confronted the person about the conclusions he came up with which then he looks like an condescending ass at times for that. As a person he's rather grating to me to read about, at times.

But what really broke it for me was, at least how his support with Hana conveyed to me in the support. I feel that whoever wrote that support didn't get the memo that Hana's supposed to be very strong, one of the best Samurai in her generation, capable of cutting down entire trees with a single stroke etc etc (which isn't easy with a katana; they're not meant for cutting trees), but for some reasons in that particular support they weakened her significantly, I don't know if the writer had a hard-on for Silas or something but it was not consistent with what's established about Hana and it's like, the only one that does it with her so I'm pissed off about it Hana doesn't deserve this shit

I read the Silas/Hana supports and I can most definitely see that judgmental behavior you were talking about. Hana does not deserve to get talked down to like that. I already was so so about Silas, but I do not like those type of people IRL and in fiction. Along with that his supports with Elise get gross really fast. So yeah I'm not a fan of him especially after reading those supports. Bye Silas.

Besides Silas I am not a fan of Kamui, Joker, Felicia, the Awakening trio, Charlotte, Pieri, Tsukuyomi, Garon, and most of the children.

Edited by Frelia
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I agree with everyone here about Silas, i didnt like him from the beggining ( his design) and after reading his supports i dislike him more from the reasons stated above and he is boring.

Others that i dont like are Xander, Asama, Pieri, Joker. And others that i find boring and i dont care about them are Siegbert, Hisame, Lutz, Tsukuyomi, Sophie, most of the Kamuisexuals, and the awakening expies because they shouldnt be here.

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I know I have forgotten half the cast so that says something at least. But besides that I hate Jacob for the usual reasons and I am slightly disappointed that kamui forgets about Silas I would have loved it If they had just been friends for the whole time rather than this. Oh and children units.

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I really hate Ganz and Iago. If you're on The Nohr side, Iago constantly convinces the king to Kill you and he's a Jerk. And Ganz is just.. I can't even

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