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Fire Emblem: Heroes of Jinin- Gameplay


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Act I
Chapter 1

In the throne room of Jinin...

"...I understand, Father. I won't let you down."

Rivas' true feelings were ... mixed, to say the least - but he knew he had to be strong. If he failed Jinin in its hour of need, he wouldn't have a family or a home to return to.

He turned around just in time to witness the approach of two travelers, one in armor and the other in robes. Were they here to help...?

"Prince Rivas!" cried a royal guard, interrupting his thoughts. "Your Highness, come quickly! Ayajinbo is under attack!"

"They're here!?" Rivas growled. "How could they reach this far...?"

"I don't know, Your Highness. It's not a large force... but if we don't stop them, they'll kill the palace servants!"

Rivas steeled himself and nodded slowly. "I see..." He glanced at the visitors. "I'm sorry to ask this of you, but we're very short-handed right now. Please lend a hand, and I'll pay you once the battle is over."

Meanwhile, a woman walked around the palace grounds. She'd been in Jinin for a few days, looking for work. Now, hobgoblins were crying out in the distance ... it looks like work has found her.

Behind the bulk of the enemy force stood a young girl, guarded by a man in armor. The girl was approached by a shifty-looking priest. "You need to be stronger, my pretty. Hold still." He waved his staff in her general direction.

Sweetgrape reacted with confusion and drew her sword, demanding to know what the man was doing.

"You're going to fight for us, aren't you?" He cackled softly. "This spell will make you stronger." And she could indeed feel herself becoming more powerful.

The young pirate sulked. "I don't fight for anybody. But.. I actually do feel stronger.. what's the catch?"

"Simple, girl. Kill anyone wearing the colors of Jinin. If you don't.. you know what will happen." The priest then turned to address the rest of the raiding party. "You know what to do. Get to it!"


Visit the servant quarters (M3 and M18)
Protect the servants
Defeat all enemies

Rivas, Douglas and Miyako can start anywhere within the blue rectangle (Q7-T14). Rhianne starts as a neutral unit and will join when talked to.


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"Needed by royalty...how flattering! I'm still searching for them and I wish he were around to lend a hand, but I guess I'll have to do for now. Let's begin over here." Douglas begins at Q7.

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Douglas moves to M7 and talks to the kitsune just minding her own business


"Hey, you there, Kitsune! This place is about to become a battlefield!" Douglas shouts running up to her.

"Huh, really? The hobgoblins hadn't tipped me off at all." She replies sarcastically. Douglas furrows his brow and adopts a frown.

"...Very funny. The castle's a bit understaffed so myself and this other Kitusne are working on taking care of them. Unless you fancy yourself a fighter you'd best take off." Douglas warned looking ahead at the small band of hoggoblins.

"I wouldn't fancy myself a fighter as such, but I can certainly keep a few of these brutes at bay." The acid in her tone is replaced with more levity as she pats her trusty bow. "Can't hurt what they can't reach."

"A bowwoman, huh? You know I hear there's a reward from the prince for helping clear out these hobgoblins. Might I be able to count on you to watch my back?" Douglas offers.

At this, her grin turns slightly predatory. "I'm sure you have a very interesting back, but wouldn't you rather I kept people off it than merely watch it?"

"Hmph, if it suits you. Though thinking about it the servants running about are the one's who really need the protection." Douglas replies trying to to ignore her tone.

"Well," she sighs, her hurt so forced anyone could tell it was feigned, "I suppose if you really don't want me around I can cover them instead." With this, she starts to scamper off, bow in hand.

"Oh," she says after a moment, "almost forgot; I'm Rhianne. Catch you later!"

"Well she was certainly a character...oh wait I never introduced myself. Woops." Douglas laments.

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Ah, a prayer to the easily flustered... Still, he had the right idea, so I suppose I shouldn't tease him too much...

Though charging headfirst into the task wasn't her usual approach, recognising that time was of the essence, Rhianne moves to M3 and checks the servant quarters

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"At least they're willing to help..." Rivas sighs. What has he gotten himself into...?

He readies his sword and moves to L13.


Inside the quarters are a pair of female servants. "They...they're coming, aren't they? I can hear them..."

Rhianne tries her best to comfort them. "Get to the palace. You'll be safe in there."

The two women smile. "Yes, of course, dear. Thank you. Take this for your trouble." She hands Rhianne a small wooden figure. "Supposedly it's a good luck charm. I don't believe in luck much myself, but perhaps it'll help you."

got a Goddess Icon


Scout 1 moves to J6
Scout 2 moves to J15
Raider 1 moves to H6
Raider 2 moves to H15
Lancer moves to I10
Brigand moves to H10
Dark Mage moves to G11
Guard stays where he is
(Thany can post Sweetgrape's action)


Other Phase

Two servants stand outside, readying their axes to chop some wood. Upon seeing the approach of the enemy, they wisely decide instead to run like hell.

Servant 1 moves to O5
Servant 2 moves to O16

The royal guards stay put. Their orders were to defend the palace, and that's just what they're going to do.


Player Phase 2


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:the Pirate captain opens her flux book and reads it a bit as she waits in her current spot talking to herself out loud: "hopefully these grunts get this job done without any input from me, the sooner they get this done, the faster i can go back."

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"Well," Rhianne says under her breath, exiting the servants quarters and surveying the scene, "I suppose if he's not going to charge heroically into the fray, there's little point in me doing so."

Rhianne moves to O4

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Rivas considers Miyako's idea, then nods. He moves to K15 and attacks Scout 2.

[spoiler=Attack rolls]Miyako vs. Scout 2: 22 vs. 75.5 - Hit!
Crit roll: 82 vs. 1.5 - no crit
Scout 2 takes 10 damage

Rivas vs Scout 2: 1 vs. 91 - Hit!
Crit roll: 81 vs. 6.5 - no crit
Scout 2 takes 11 damage

Scout 2 is defeated!

Party gains 7 XP
Miyako gains 2 Dark XP
Rivas gains 3 Sword XP


Enemy Phase

Raider 1 moves to N6 and attacks Douglas
Scout 1 moves to N5 and attacks Rhianne
Raider 2 moves to J14, taking cover amidst the trees
Lancer moves to J13 and does the same
Brigand moves to I10
Dark Mage moves to H11
Guard stays where he is
Sweetgrape stays where she is

[spoiler=Attack rolls]Raider 1 vs. Douglas: 62 vs. 89 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Douglas takes 6 damage

Douglas counterattacks! 14 vs. 60.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Raider 1 takes 7 damage

Scout 1 vs. Rhianne: 26 vs. 80 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Rhianne takes 8 damage

Rhianne counterattacks! 3 vs. 81 - Hit!
Crit roll: 100 vs. 1 - no crit
Scout 1 takes 9 damage

Party gains 6 XP
Douglas gains 2 Lance XP
Rhianne gains 2 Anima XP


Other Phase

Servant 2 runs to R14. "H-help! Please help!"
Royal Guard 2 moves to S14 and rescues Servant 2.
Royal Guard 1 moves to Q7 to see if he can help. He sees Douglas grabbing a servant. "Here!" he cries out. "Here, bring him to me! I'll take him someplace safe."


Player Phase 3



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Oh, joy, an arrow I forgot to dodge... Not quite how I planned to spend my afternoon. Now, is hero over there actually going to chip in here or am I playing fox-and-mouse by myself?

Rhianne moves to P8 and applies a Vulnerary

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Rivas moves to M18 and visits the servant quarters. Inside, he meets an old servant who gives him a warm smile. "Prince Rivas. It's been a while... you're here to warn me about the attack, right? Don't worry. I've already evacuated everyone else. As for myself... well, this is the only home I've ever known. I'd rather stay here."

"Are you sure?" asks Rivas. "If they get their hands on you..."

"At my age, you don't fear death so much anymore." He chuckles softly. "But thank you for your concern. Here, take this. I think you'll need it more than I will."

got 400 gold (per character)

Objective 1 complete!

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"Please stop calling me that." Rivas looks at Miyako with mild annoyance.

Enemy Phase

Raider 2 chases Miyako to O14 and attacks.
Lancer moves to M15
Raider 1 moves to O8 and attacks Rhianne
Scout 1 moves to O8 and also attacks Rhianne

[spoiler=Attack rolls]Raider 2 vs. Miyako: 16 vs. 68 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Miyako takes 11 damage
Miyako counterattacks! 40 vs. 82.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Raider 2 takes 10 damage

Raider 1 vs. Rhianne: 94 vs. 71 - Miss!
Rhianne counterattacks! 97 vs. 80 - Miss!

Scout 1 vs. Rhianne: 85 vs. 80 - Miss!
Rhianne counterattacks! 48 vs. 80 - Hit!
Crit roll: 46 vs. 1 - no crit
Scout 1 takes 9 damage

Party gains 5 XP
Miyako gains 2 Dark XP
Rhianne gains 3 Anima XP

Dark Mage moves to M11
Brigand moves to M10
Guard stays where he is
(Thany may post Sweetgrape's action)

Other Phase

Royal Guard 2 moves up to P14 and attacks Raider 2.

[spoiler=Royal Guard 2 vs. Raider 2]10 vs. 56.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Raider 2 takes 8 damage
Raider 2 counterattacks! 87 vs. 98 - Hit!
Crit roll: 96 vs. 1.5 - no crit
Royal Guard 2 takes 2 damage
Raider 2 attacks again! 53 vs. 98 - Hit!
Crit roll: 54 vs. 1.5 - no crit
Royal Guard 2 takes 2 damage

Royal Guard 1 falls back to T7 and drops Servant 1 behind him, effectively removing Servant 1 from the map.

Player Phase 4



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Rivas moves to O15 to finish off the Raider.

[spoiler=Attack rolls]Douglas vs. Scout 1: 37 vs. 60.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Scout 1 takes 8 damage
Scout 1 is defeated!

Rivas vs. Raider 2: Autohit
Crit roll: 40 vs. 4.5 - no crit
Raider 2 takes 20 damage
Raider 2 is defeated!

Party gains 10 XP
Douglas gains 3 Lance XP
Rivas gains 3 Sword XP

Enemy Phase

Raider 1 ignores Rhianne, choosing instead to move to Q8 and attack the knight who killed his comrade.
Dark Mage moves to O9 and attacks Douglas as well.
Lancer moves to N15 and attacks Rivas.
Brigand moves to M15
Guard stays where he is
(Thany may post Sweetgrape's action)

[spoiler=Attack rolls]Raider 1 vs. Douglas: 93 vs. 89 - Miss!
Douglas counterattacks! 24 vs. 55.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Raider 1 takes 7 damage

Dark Mage vs. Douglas: 51 vs. 77.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Douglas takes 8 damage
Douglas counterattacks! 65 vs. 67.5 - Hit!
Crit roll: 37 vs. 1 - no crit
Dark Mage takes 6 damage

Lancer vs. Rivas: 63 vs. 79.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Rivas takes 12 damage
Rivas counterattacks! 52 vs. 77.5 - Hit!
Crit roll: 73 vs. 5.5 - no crit
Lancer takes 9 damage

Party gains 6 XP
Douglas gains 4 Lance XP
Rivas gains 2 Sword XP

Other Phase

Royal Guard 1 moves to Q7 and attacks Raider 1
Royal Guard 2 moves to N14 and attacks Lancer

[spoiler=Attack rolls]Royal Guard 1 vs. Raider 1: 85 vs. 61.5 - Miss!
Raider 1 counterattacks! 56 vs. 95 - Hit!
Crit roll: 18 vs. 1.5 - no crit
Royal Guard 1 takes 2 damage

Royal Guard 2 vs. Lancer: 10 vs. 72.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Lancer takes 8 damage
Lancer counterattacks! 83 vs. 77.5 - Miss!

Player Phase 5



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:sweetgrape looks ahead to see the group diminishing, looking annoyed knocks on the guards armor to get its attention.: "your little group seems to have gotten themselves beaten up baddly, looks like you and i have to go in and finish this ourselves. try to keep up with me." :as she moves herself to D 10:

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