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Fire Emblem: Heroes of Jinin- Gameplay


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Rivas stays where he is for now.

Enemy Phase

Guard moves to Q11 and attacks Douglas
Sweetgrape moves to Q10 and also attacks Douglas

[spoiler=Attack rolls]Guard vs. Douglas: 83 vs. 63.5 - Miss!
Douglas counterattacks! 74 vs. 68.5 - Miss!

Sweetgrape vs. Douglas: 2 vs. 78.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Douglas takes 10 damage
Douglas counterattacks! 48 vs. 61.5 - Hit!
Sweetgrape takes 4 damage

Party gains 3 XP
Douglas gains 3 Lance XP

Other Phase

Royal Guard 1 moves to P13. The two seem relieved that the battle is being won.

Player Phase 12

Rivas charges over to R10 and glares at Sweetgrape. "Surrender!"

Sweetgrape rolls her eyes at him. "Feh, you're only alive because you ran behind your stupid guards, but now that you're in my sight..."

"You're wounded now, and outnumbered. Don't be a fool. You can't win."

Sweetgrape shakes her head. "If I surrender here, my crewmates die. I hate following orders... but... hmph! Just die so I can save them, will you!?"

"I'm sorry. I can't do that..." Rivas readies his sword. "But, if you survive... I'll help you save them."

Rivas vs. Sweetgrape: 14 vs. 92.5 - Hit!
Crit roll: 49 vs. 5.5 - no crit
Sweetgrape takes 7 damage
Sweetgrape is knocked out!
Party gains 15 XP
Rivas gains 3 Sword XP

"Let's finish this." Rivas narrows his eyes at the enemy Guard.



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so let's just assume Rhianne is attacking this guy too

Rhianne vs. Guard: 72 vs. 88 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Guard takes 8 damage
Guard counterattacks! 2 vs. 60.5 - Hit!
No crit (0% chance)
Rhianne takes 8 damage

Party gains 2 XP
Rhianne gains 2 Anima XP

"I... surrender." The armored hobgoblin drops his weapon.

Party gains 5 XP

[spoiler=Level up!]Rivas gains HP, Spd
"...That was underwhelming."

Douglas gains HP, Def, Res

Miyako gains HP, Spd, Def

Rhianne gains HP, Str, Mag, Spd, Res

Sweetgrape gains Skl, Def

Chapter Complete!

(Sweetgrape may now join the party)
(Loot from the battle: one Iron Lance and three Vulneraries)

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After a moment of catching his breath and tending to the wounds of Miyako and Sweetgrape, Rivas looks around. "I hope our future battles will go more smoothly than that... because unfortunately, my journey is far from over. To stop them, I must venture into Kaoling itself... If you're willing, I'd like to hire you all to accompany me. What do you say?"

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(Working for a prince, huh? It's not exactly what I was hoping for, but this...this could be even better! I want to go find Francis, but if I don't accept now...I may lose my opportunity.)

"Sir, I'd by honored to accompany you. I'd only ask that we may take some time to search for my brother Francis. He should be around somewhere as we were both...erm looking for people before the fighting broke out." Douglas answered trying to be respectful, but have his wishes heard nonetheless.

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:sweetgrape frowned and turned her head: "feh, i don't take orders from anyone, besides i have my own problems to deal with then to help you." :she said rudely:

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"You mean saving your crew, right?" Rivas turns to Sweetgrape. "And how exactly do you intend to do that all by yourself? They're probably guarded by a horde of hobgoblins. There's little chance you would survive." He shrugs. "If you want to go on a suicide mission, be my guest... or you can join us and we can save them together."

"And besides," he adds. "There's gold in it for you if you accept." He glances at Rhianne while making that comment as well.

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:she hears that offer, thinking about it for a second, and then looks back at him: "Fine, ill join your little crew, but if it turns out we dont save my crew or i get the gold, you will never hear the end from me."

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"... Gold," Rhianne almost spits, one eyebrow raised and generally looking rather unamused by Rivas' comments. "Do you really think I'm the sort of woman you can persuade with a just few shiny coins?"

She pauses for a few moments to watch for reactions before her more usual predatory grin returns and continues.

"... But how much are you offering?"

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"It'll be plenty. For now, consider this your signing bonus." He hands a bag of gold to everyone.

got 1000 gold (per character)

Shopping and supports are now available!


Refer to the Shop tab of the spreadsheet for items and prices. Please post in the thread or PM me with what you're buying, so I can deduct the gold from your character.


Collaborate with someone, write out a conversation or situation between your characters, and post it in the thread. For the moment, you can have as many conversations as you'd like, but only two of them can increase your support ranks, and you can only increase one rank per character until the next chapter.

Different ranks will require a different number of conversations. Getting C rank requires one conversation. Raising from C to B requires two more. Raising from B to A requires four more.

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[spoiler=Douglas & Miyako C support]"Hey. So looks like the two of us are going to be around the prince for a while. I figured it'd be good to introduce myself. I'm Douglas Parak, it's nice to meet you."

"Miyako Inoue. I hope our time together can be a pleasant one."

"Likewise. Say, your pegasus is really well taken care of. Are you a mercenary or...?"

"Not exactly. I travel around, offering healing to whomever might need it. But regardless, that still requires Sora to be in good shape."

"Oh neat. What brings you to this area? Just some wandering or is it something special?"

"I happened to be around. What about yourself? You mentioned that you were looking for people?"

"My brother and I are looking into joining this mercenary company...Milites Legis. We heard they were looking for new recruits after a few of them got promoted or something." Douglas pauses a moment. "Just felt like the right time to leave home and make a living for myself. My brother tagged along, but he's nowhere to be found for now so who knows what kind of trouble he's gotten into."

"Then I hope that you can locate your brother soon."

"Hehe, thanks." Douglas takes a moment. "I sure hope so anyway."

"Do you have any reason to believe you would not locate him?"

"...Heh, I guess not. He can take care of himself."

"Very well then," Miyako smiles. "If you are in need of assistance however, do not hesitate to ask me."

"Of course! Hopefully this journey will be a good one."


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[spoiler=Rivas & Sweetgrape C support]Sweetgrape walked up to the prince. "Hey you, can I ask you something?"

Rivas appeared to be practicing archery, firing arrows at a tree. "Yes?"

"Why did you spare me?" asked Sweetgrape. "We were enemies on the battlefield, attacked each other, and I was kicking your butts till you hid behind some guards, and even so you still healed my wounds, and offered to help.... why?"

"You were only fighting for them because they made you. Because they threatened your crew. I can certainly empathize with that."

"Suuuure you can," was the girl's sarcastic response. "Listen here, you better treat me nicely when we find my crewmates, they will have your head if they learn you did bad things to me."

"I'll keep that in mind." He begins to nock another arrow, but then stops and gives her a curious look. "But how did a girl your age become the leader of a 'crew', anyway?"

She glared at him once he mentioned her age. "You DARE to doubt me because I'm a child?"

"Mm." He gave her another thoughtful look. "On second thought, you are quite formidable in battle. I suppose I shouldn't judge you based on your age."

Sweetgrape seemed ready to lash out in anger, but then decided to change her tone quickly. "Ahem, yes, it's good you see that. Anyways, I'm going to go count the gold you paid me, see you in the next battle."

"It'll be good to have you on our side.." Rivas chuckles softly and returns to his practice.

In the meantime, Rivas also buys an Iron Sword.

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[spoiler=Rivas & Miyako C support]Rivas finds Miyako the next morning. "Miyako, are you alright? I'm sorry for what happened yesterday..."

"There is no need to apologize, Your Highness. If anything, I should apologize to you, for necessitating you to take action to save my life," Miyako says, making sure to not look Rivas into the eyes directly.

"Well, I certainly wasn't going to let you die." He shakes his head. "None of us will die if I can help it."

"For that you have my sincerest gratitude, Your Highness. However, you must keep in mind that this is essentially my task above all else. If situations such as yesterday occur I cannot do my duty sufficiently. Therefore I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for failing to fulfill my duty."

He nods. "I understand. Please don't apologize. And please just call me Rivas, alright?"

"Certainly, Your High- I mean, Rivas."

The prince looks a bit amused now. "...normally, I'd enjoy being recognized as royalty... but not in our current situation. If our enemy learns who I am..."

Miyako nods, "I understand. I shall try to avoid using your title when the situation calls for it."

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[spoiler=Rhianne and Douglas C Support]

Douglas wandered about after formally meeting Miyako and ended up finding the Kitsune he encountered earlier

"Hey, thanks for your help out there. I um...I never did quite introduce myself. I'm Douglas Parak. It's nice to meet you." He said walking up to her.

"It's nice to be appreciated occasionally," Rhianne says. It's especially nice to be clutching a big, jingling bag of coins, but she decides not to say that part out loud.

"Well you definitely helped us out of a haiy situation back there and I can see you'll be accompanying us going forward too, which is good." pause "I uh..." Douglas scratches the back of his head not sure how to continue.

"Fox got your tongue? Don't worry," Rhianne grins, "I do that a lot. I'm sure you'll get it back eventually."

"Hey that's not what I..." Douglas narrows his eyes slightly and sighs. "Well in anycase, what brings someone like yourself to Jinin?"

"The usual," Rhianne shrugs. "Money, adventure..." New people to fluster, too, but she senses that that's not a string she should pull at this moment.

"Ah...have you ever thought about joining a mercenary company? I hear there's quite a few who offer things like that." Douglas asked.

"I had thought about it," Rhianne says, slowly dragging the words out, "but only briefly. I like to move on once the job's done, not get tied down, you know?"

"I guess I can understand. I prefer the stability, I guess." Douglas admits thoughtfully.

"Ooh, cute, hard-working and not afraid to commit? You're going to make some woman very happy someday." Rhianne comments a sly smile surfacing.

"Well, I-" The real meaning of the sentiment hit him. "H-hey! You're making fun of me aren't you?"

"Not entirely..."

"...hmph." Douglas crosses his arms. Something tells me she's the kind you don't want against you.

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As days of travel pass, the terrain becomes increasingly mountainous. The deep valleys and tall peaks create narrow paths, too narrow for a large army to march through - normally this would be to Jinin's benefit, but it seems the hobgoblins were smart enough (or maybe dumb enough) to find a way around that. Still, enemy contact is minimal - then, Rivas spots walls in the distance.

"Fort Minkai..." He signals the party to stop moving. "My sister told me this fort was taken about three weeks ago. There are probably still dozens of hobgoblins in there.. but there's no way around it.."

His eyes alight with determination. "So, get ready for a fight."

Chapter 2


Investigate the ruins (R7)
Reach the left side of the map (at least 5 units must be in the A column) -OR- Defeat all enemies

Optional Objective
Use the catapult (J17)

Party members may start anywhere within the blue rectangle (R18-U20). Lloyd, Phyllis and Feline are neutral units until someone recruits them.


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Miyako spots someone in the distance. "I think I see someone over there. I will try to get them out of the area. It would be better if no one became a part of this unwittingly," she says to Rivas.

Miyako moves to T11

[spoiler=Feline recruitment]"Excuse me miss, it is likely that a fight would break out soon. It might therefore be better for you to leave the area for the time being."

"I am sorry, are you talking to me? I would have thought carrying a lance and dark magic tomes made people less likely to try and keep you away from fights. Perhaps I do not wish to leave."

"Forgive me. I was only trying to keep those uninvolved safe from harm."

"Well, maybe I do not wish to be uninvolved. I must admit I didn't know this would be happening but now that it is I think I shall join you. It could be interesting. I could stand to learn more of warfare."

"Very well... Having an extra person on our side is probably helpful."

"It's good you see it my way. Now fly off on your horse, I have a battle to win."

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