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Fire Emblem: Heroes of Jinin- Gameplay


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Sweetgrape regains 17 HP
Party gains 2 XP
Miyako gains 2 Staff XP

[spoiler=Trifecta]Phyllis vs. Khan: 38 vs. 86.5 - Hit!
Crit roll: 33 vs. 10.5 - no crit
Khan takes 10 damage

Party gains 2 XP
Phyllis gains 2 Light XP

Enemy Phase

Khan decides to go down fighting. He moves to B1 and attacks Phyllis.

[spoiler=Khan axes a question]Khan vs. Phyllis: 90 vs. 66 - Miss!
Phyllis counterattacks! 36 vs. 86.5 - Hit!
Crit roll: 16 vs. 10.5 - no crit
Khan takes 10 damage
Khan is defeated!

Party gains 15 XP
Phyllis gains 3 Light XP

The remaining Archer quickly decides that there's no point in fighting now that there's no one left to pay him for it.

(Archer surrenders. Party gains 5 XP)

"We did it!" Rivas laughs. "Fort Minkai is ours again!" He looks around and smiles. "Thank you, all of you. We make a great team."

Chapter complete!

(Loot from the battle: a Heal staff, a Fire tome, and a Vulnerary)
(New additions to the party get 1000 gold each)

Shopping, supports, and item management are once again available.

(You can do up to 3 supports this time around, but doing 1/2 of a B support counts toward that number)

Edited by Nimbostratus
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[spoiler=Rivas meets Gazzak]Along their way to the next destination, the party makes camp at one of Rivas' childhood stomping grounds. When Rivas steps outside during the night to enjoy some fresh air and nostalgia, he sees an unfamiliar man near the campsite. Not a hobgoblin... but I'd still better be cautious. "Hey! You, there! Identify yourself, please!"

"Stay your blade, messere! I come to warn that the local towns are under attack! I came to raise a militia, but it seems I found something more. Help us, and I offer my service in exchange."

Rivas gives him a look of confusion. "What? Who are you? Are you from Jinin?"

"I hail from Shokuro, your Southern neighbor, but I accept your people as mine. And as I said, my axe is yours to wield."

"Um, alright." Rivas nods. "Nice to meet you then. I am Prince Rivas. We'll discuss your payment in the morning."

"My worldly needs matter little to my Samsaran lineage. I care more for the villagers."

"Fair enough, then. We'll help you save those villagers."

Edited by Nimbostratus
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"I would not suggest bowing out based on preference. This band is savage, and their leader went so far as to poisoning the water supply and then sacking. I refuse to let that happen here." Gazzak looks to the young girl, sensing indignation in her as he chastised.

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"poisoning the water supply? i thought this was just a simple raid you were talking about, why didnt you say that sooner?" :she cracks her knuckles: "fine then, ill join you, but only because a crime like that is inexcusable."

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Nestled near Fort Minkai, this village is indeed surrounded by hobgoblins. Luckily the party arrives during a relative lull, allowing ample time for strategic positioning.

Chapter 2x


(I couldn't seem to make a decent map for this chapter, so I used a map from FE6 :v)

Survive for 13 turns
Protect the villages

Player units may start anywhere in the blue area. Gazzak may deploy as a player unit. Syas is a neutral unit until someone recruits him. Francis will appear mid-chapter.

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Lloyd starts at M26

Player Phase 1 begins!

Rivas kicks things off by talking to the guy next to him.

[spoiler=Syas recruitment]Rivas eyes the swordsman beside him. "Did you intend to fight all these hobgoblins by yourself?"

"If I can buy the people in this village time to escape, then so be it."

"Not so fast now, we're here to help." He points to the Jininese emblem on his armor. "Fight with us and you'll be rewarded."

"Ah, so you're with the Jinin army. Very well, I will lend my sword to you."

"Thank you. My name is Rivas, by the way. And yours?"

"I am Syas. We shouldn't talk right now, these hobgoblins need to be taken care of first."

(Syas may now take his turn as a player unit)



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:Sweetgrape looks over at the pegasus rider: "if i were you id stay right where you are till that archer gets closer." :as she keeps her sword out, just encase any brigands have funny ideas while staying where she is.:

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