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Tiled (tile layer) problem


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Hi everybody !!

I have a question about the Tiled program :)

I followed the MarkyJoe's tutorial to make my own map, and when it comes to assemble all the stuff, everything is fine. But I added a tile layer so the door on my map could open, but when I use my door key it's never opening :/ any ideas ? I'll show you some pictures so you can see if anything's wrong with my values.

Thanks a lot :)

PS : My offset is not the one in the picture, I changed it for D00000 :P (someone told me it's not a good idea to write something over a used offset. I started everything again with a new ROM and I still have the same problem !)



Edited by cartier_gabriel
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Do you have the door setup in your events?

Getting doors to function requires two parts: Having the tile changes inserted (which you appear to have), and setting up the door's location in the chapter's events.

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Do you have the door setup in your events?

Getting doors to function requires two parts: Having the tile changes inserted (which you appear to have), and setting up the door's location in the chapter's events.

I do ! In location event, I have my Door(7,15). Is there anything else I have to add...?

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