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So... Fates was just Rated by the ESRB

Jagged Jagen

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Just because some aspects of the game aren't realistic doesn't mean everything has to be. We take it for granted that this is a fantasy world where magic and mystical creatures exist. But just because it's a fantasy world doesn't mean things like gravity no longer exists, or people can breathe underwater, or wearing battle panties on a horse will not chafe your skin and hurt.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Who cares if they're wearing armor of not, or if it chafes their skin. Their battle performance go off stats that are 100% unrelated to their design. Rinkah has one of the highest defenses in the Hoshido side of the story and she is nigh topless if it weren't for some bandages. It is God's Will that Camilla will go into battle with an ample cleavage and a window for her buttcrack to be shown, for she was conceived that way, and in god's name I will defend that right we have.

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If I can speak for myself: the title of these so called battle panties just makes me laugh so hard, it's so ridiculous and hilarious. Although I enjoy it, so what can I say...

Edited by ♡黒猫~
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Just because some aspects of the game aren't realistic doesn't mean everything has to be. We take it for granted that this is a fantasy world where magic and mystical creatures exist. But just because it's a fantasy world doesn't mean things like gravity no longer exists, or people can breathe underwater, or wearing battle panties on a horse will not chafe your skin and hurt.

I feel like the creepiest case of this isn't even on Camilla but like... Sophie. wtf Silas letting your daughter run around in that on an armored horse?

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Who cares if they're wearing armor of not, or if it chafes their skin. Their battle performance go off stats that are 100% unrelated to their design. Rinkah has one of the highest defenses in the Hoshido side of the story and she is nigh topless if it weren't for some bandages. It is God's Will that Camilla will go into battle with an ample cleavage and a window for her buttcrack to be shown, for she was conceived that way, and in god's name I will defend that right we have.

A lot of us, obviously.

Lol, wow.

Does anyone know when/if the ESRB website usually changes to reflect the full description? From memory the game I last followed this much, Dragon Age, received its ESRB description about a month or two before its release, and given Fates has got the rating already, I wonder how long it'll take for the website to acknowledge this.

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Let's all come down a bit, yeah? Pants vs. No Pants is a matter of opinion, all that matters is that we can all reserve the right to look at a character (male or female) and be like:

[spoiler=Unguligrades freak me out man...]


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Who cares if they're wearing armor of not, or if it chafes their skin.

Enough people in this thread, clearly. I really don't give a fuck if you enjoy battle panties, I personally think it's stupid but I can at least acknowledge that people like it. You on the other hand seem to have a hard time accepting why people just may dislike it. But regardless of whether you like it or not, battle panties are just not a good design period and you don't have to dislike it to at least admit that.

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Let's put aside the sexual side of the battle panties.

It just looks stupid. Basically you expect me to believe that the women in this game are willing to put on some but are unwilling to put some pants on? It really looks like they're too dumb to dress themselves properly, which I don't think is what is intended.

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A lot of us, obviously.

Lol, wow.

Does anyone know when/if the ESRB website usually changes to reflect the full description? From memory the game I last followed this much, Dragon Age, received its ESRB description about a month or two before its release, and given Fates has got the rating already, I wonder how long it'll take for the website to acknowledge this.

Nintendo games don't get their ESRB pages on the official site until a few days before release. Xenoblade Chronicles X got its own only last week.

So hold on to your hat while you wait for that.

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All this "battle panties" apologism immediately brings this to mind:


The center button being a given is so true. It's funny but it's also the reality for marketing. (especially to those niche gamers)

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Let's put aside the sexual side of the battle panties.

It just looks stupid. Basically you expect me to believe that the women in this game are willing to put on some but are unwilling to put some pants on? It really looks like they're too dumb to dress themselves properly, which I don't think is what is intended.

Or like they gave up.

"It took five hours to put on all of this... I don't wanna take longer... fuck it, the pants gotta go!"

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Enough people in this thread, clearly. I really don't give a fuck if you enjoy battle panties, I personally think it's stupid but I can at least acknowledge that people like it. You on the other hand seem to have a hard time accepting why people just may dislike it. But regardless of whether you like it or not, battle panties are just not a good design period and you don't have to dislike it to at least admit that.

Actually, just like how you're reacting to me defending it, I am reacting to you attacking it. It's a constant cycle. If you really accepted people liking it, you wouldn't have continued this argument for so long. Likewise I keep going on and on about because I know it's an unpopular opinion on this cite, but also know that the ideals of people of this cite by no means reflect the overall fandom, as only those who care are speaking up. We can't be more than 10 people right now, for instance.

I do not think battle panties are bad design, and I will never admit to something I don't agree on.

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Nintendo games don't get their ESRB pages on the official site until a few days before release. Xenoblade Chronicles X got its own only last week.

So hold on to your hat while you wait for that.

Ah sweet, thanks for the info.

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Actually, just like how you're reacting to me defending it, I am reacting to you attacking it. It's a constant cycle. If you really accepted people liking it, you wouldn't have continued this argument for so long. Likewise I keep going on and on about because I know it's an unpopular opinion on this cite, but also know that the ideals of people of this cite by no means reflect the overall fandom, as only those who care are speaking up. We can't be more than 10 people right now, for instance.

I accept people liking it. I was absolutely fine ignoring this argument about battle panties until you told someone who wondered why we can't have pants on women that no pants were more attractive than having pants like it was objectively fact. That is a no-no. Here, I'll even quote you.

Pants are not really as attractive as a lack thereof.

Also, I consider any design that would be impractical in real life to be not good. Doesn't matter whether I enjoy looking at it, if I can't wear it in real life comfortably I think it's bad. If that's not your design of "bad", whatever.

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I accept people liking it. I was absolutely fine ignoring this argument about battle panties until you told someone who wondered why we can't have pants on women that no pants were more attractive than having pants like it was objectively fact. That is a no-no. Here, I'll even quote you.

I was fucking JOKING on that you cannot be that dense. You really thing everything I've thrown out here has been said with utmost thought and seriousness. And I am so amazed THAT was what make you jump on the gun.

Also, I consider any design that would be impractical in real life to be not good. Doesn't matter whether I enjoy looking at it, if I can't wear it in real life comfortably I think it's bad. If that's not your design of "bad", whatever.

That's a lot of "I"s, meaning it's your own personal opinion

All this "battle panties" apologism immediately brings this to mind:

For you


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I was fucking JOKING on that you cannot be that dense. You really thing everything I've thrown out here has been said with utmost thought and seriousness. And I am so amazed THAT was what make you jump on the gun.

Wow, personal insults on my intelligence. And I'm supposed to be the bad guy here?

That's a lot of "I"s, meaning it's your own personal opinion

Which is why I said at the end, if you don't agree, then whatever. I don't care. I feel it's bad, if you don't feel it's bad then fine I don't care.

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If there's any such thing as objectively good armour design, it's armour that real-life soldiers wear or used to wear. After all, it's literally a matter of life and death for them.

I was fucking JOKING on that you cannot be that dense.

Boron, don't feed him, it's what he wants.

Edited by Baldrick
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Wow, personal insults on my intelligence. And I'm supposed to be the bad guy here?

Which is why I said at the end, if you don't agree, then whatever. I don't care. I feel it's bad, if you don't feel it's bad then fine I don't care.

"Dense" doesn't really mean you're stupid, just that you don't get jokes well. Don't worry, it's nothing serious, I mean it IS hard to read on some implicit on the net.

It's a shame Fates has a supposedly weak story, otherwise you would've had bingo there.

I was actually searching for the bingo, but I couldn't find it. I might have gotten it if we were talking Charlotte rather than Camilla.

So you're just a troll?

Depends on what you take a troll for, I just tried to say that pantless designs are attractive in a silly manner.

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"Dense" doesn't really mean you're stupid, just that you don't get jokes well. Don't worry, it's nothing serious, I mean it IS hard to read on some implicit on the net.

And you obviously missed the implication that I do not appreciate it either way. "Don't worry" only makes it worse, and your argument did not sound like a joke argument at all.

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Fine, then I want you to go out wearing a battle bikini and chainmail panties while riding a horse pantsless for a considerable time and distance and tell us how it's like. If it's actually comfortable doing all that, then maybe we'll relent. Maybe.

Wouldn't be if you get gutted.

Why IS made it so you cannot use these outfits in battle.


FE is only going in this direction now with unlimited grinding, online play and stuff because the series sold like shit for a long time and were not going to get Fates if Awakening did not sell 250k copies worldwide. Less cencership should be induced. They should allow same sex marriages as the supreme court in rl allows it and they should edit things like Camilla, Kagarou, Fuuga, Charolette and because stuff like that revealing cleavages, brawny chests and skinship shouldn't belong in war games. ...And I support it in full to have these removed from the game as this is war, the mechanics in it are evil enough and adding these features in makes this game more infuriating than it has to be.

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Since everyone is still complaining about battle panties I may as well add my two cents.

Camilla and Charlotte I can live with, a certain level of fanservice is expected and Camilla is in a magic class so we can just say magic protects her (There you now have a bingo).

But the fact that a heavily armoured knight (Effie) has battle panties is just extremely annoying.

Edited by Mackc2
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Games like Starcraft, other FE games, FFT, Doom, Duke Nukem, Metal Gear, and Advanced Wars know how to do it right. Once your unit is felled on Classic, it's all going to betray in an instant especially to things that are capable of killing any unit. Venom, Deadly Breath, Four Fangs, Sealing skills, weapon debuffs and Cut Through will makes having skinship and fanservice useless as this is war. Doom, other FE games, FFT, Duke Nukem, Metal Gear, Starcraft and Advanced Wars make it how it is supposed to be because when your at war, the strong and wise only lives on. FE 14 however is infuriating. ...And to further piss you off because of the nerfs and debuffs of the skills and weapons to actually make the game more fair to the enemies. C'MON IS, THIS ISN'T POKEMON. THIS ISN'T FAIR. In these games, who really cares about being fair. Especially if your unit is felled in these games, they are dead for good without rebuying them from the logbook(Logbook characters), bifrost staff, reset on classic. Pokemon is acceptable with all the bans and stuff because they're uncompetitive and Pokemon is a competing series, not real combat. As they can get healed in a Pokemon Center after the battle is over. Supposedly they've added Casual and Phoenix for this reason. For the infuriatiers. We only play on classic because were series vets. Other FE games never brings this fanserivce to a ridiculous level.

Why we have to forge Iron, Steel, E and D ranked weapons to bypass some of the un-fairness that the enemies get by using these greater weapons. =]

Why we should have the durability and Con system back in the next game, because the debuffs are only there because of the weapons having unlimited uses. Galeforce and Counter should be nerfed as they were ridiculous last game!


Either way, this isn't a game!

Edited by Lin_Lee_Koo
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Urgh, i hate it whenever the "revealing outfit" topic comes up. can we just accept that it's pandering to men and that we all have different tolerances for that and move on.

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