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I've got problems.


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One of my friends hasn't said anything to me for a week, even when I almost accidentally bumped into her(maybe she didn't notice me, I really don't know). And recently, when I waved hello, she gave me the "I'll kill you, but I'll hang you by your thumbs first" kind of look as she waved back to me or to my friend(I really don't know).

So should I be afraid or am I just overreacting or should I find out what's going on...

Or is there some sinister mastermind behing this all? (I really don't know)

Here's a picture of a cupcake...


(As you can tell, this whole situation has driven me crazy.)

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Well, going os the fact that she is a girl, it just one of of many moddy stages that they go through, as teenage girls suffer from acute bi-polar-ness. Is she's anything like my friend, all you have to do is wait a week or two, and she'll bring you a cupcake and apoligize for being such a jerk. Why? I don't know. That's just how they work.

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Well, going os the fact that she is a girl, it just one of of many moddy stages that they go through, as teenage girls suffer from acute bi-polar-ness. Is she's anything like my friend, all you have to do is wait a week or two, and she'll bring you a cupcake and apoligize for being such a jerk. Why? I don't know. That's just how they work.

I take slight offense to this.

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Well, going os the fact that she is a girl, it just one of of many moddy stages that they go through, as teenage girls suffer from acute bi-polar-ness. Is she's anything like my friend, all you have to do is wait a week or two, and she'll bring you a cupcake and apoligize for being such a jerk. Why? I don't know. That's just how they work.

I do have to admit. This does sound a little offensive.

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Would you be able to speak with any of her close friends about your concern?

I'm not sure. I don't really know any of her close friends.

Anyway, the situation no longer bothers me. I just "went back to my roots" and found the answer to all my troubles there...

And no, the answer I found is not drugs.

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is the girl your talking about more of a friend, or a long-time friend that you have feelings for?

either way, my friend has been coming to me for advice in situations like this. for you, i say wait it out.

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is the girl your talking about more of a friend, or a long-time friend that you have feelings for?

either way, my friend has been coming to me for advice in situations like this. for you, i say wait it out.

If about 6 months count as "long-time", then yeah, I guess have feelings for her. I suppose that's why it's bothered me so much. Well, anyway, I fixed the problem earlier today. At least I hope I did...

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Just wait it out a little longer. This is why Hilary shouldn't be president. She'll make a stupid decision every month.


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If you take offense to that, you really don't wanna hear my theory of men vs women throughout the ages and why they are like they are.

*gets kinda curious about what his theories are*

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If you take offense to that, you really don't wanna hear my theory of men vs women throughout the ages and why they are like they are.


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