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Corrin/Kamui in Smash


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Ummm pretty sure the N64 didnt come out in 1995. EarthBound was released in the US a wee bit over a year before the N64 did. And talking as someone who was there, most people did not completely abandon the SNES. I didnt stop seeing SNESes in the households of my friends until around 1999.

Geneology came out in may of 96

The N64 came out in june of 96 in Japan

what I'm saying is that I don't think NoA was going to spend money on a game that wouldn't sell all that well

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I'd imagine if she was in smash she'd be light too. As for a moveset... No idea lol.

Who cares?

Me, since I asked

Also, this guy seems more like a dumbass rather than an evil guy. Shows how human he is

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I can. Corrin has some uniqueness to him/her because he/she can transform into a dragon and stuff.

Oh yeah, on that note...

I didn't know this Corrin guy could turn into a dragon. This character reveal basically spoiled this for me, and no doubt many of others, too.

Thanks a fuckin' bunch.

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Oh yeah, on that note...

I didn't know this Corrin guy could turn into a dragon. This character reveal basically spoiled this for me, and no doubt many of others, too.

Thanks a fuckin' bunch.

That sucks. I just realized how this reveal would be spoilers. Lmao wow Nintendo good job..

Still hyped though.

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Oh yeah, on that note...

I didn't know this Corrin guy could turn into a dragon. This character reveal basically spoiled this for me, and no doubt many of others, too.

Thanks a fuckin' bunch.

Corrin transforming into a dragon was literally shown in the very first Fates trailer.
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Oh yeah, on that note...

I didn't know this Corrin guy could turn into a dragon. This character reveal basically spoiled this for me, and no doubt many of others, too.

Thanks a fuckin' bunch.

It's not really a spoiler, they revealed that in the second trailer for the game, and the transformation becomes available very early in the game.

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Oh yeah, on that note...

I didn't know this Corrin guy could turn into a dragon. This character reveal basically spoiled this for me, and no doubt many of others, too.

Thanks a fuckin' bunch.

To be completely fair, that was common knowledge since the first Fates trailer. I don't think there was ever any secret about it even in the prerelease materials?

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It could lead up to spoilers about things though, but oh welp

EDIT: Also if someone was avoiding all pre-release info on Fates and potential spoilers, how are they supposed to know that a Fates character was to be revealed in sm4sh?????????????????????????????????????????????????

Edited by Ukero
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Oh yeah, on that note...

I didn't know this Corrin guy could turn into a dragon. This character reveal basically spoiled this for me, and no doubt many of others, too.

Thanks a fuckin' bunch.

That sucks. I just realized how this reveal would be spoilers. Lmao wow Nintendo good job..

Still hyped though.

It was heavily implied in the very first trailer before being out-right shown in the second, in addition to being revealed very early on.

Did you two avoid every single tidibt of analysis, speculation, and pre-release coverage?

The only "spoiler" of sorts was the Omega Yato, and that itself is still incredibly vague.

You guys are acting like this "Aerith dies" level spoilers when it's on the same level as "Luke's a Jedi".

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I'd imagine if she was in smash she'd be light too. As for a moveset... No idea lol.

I have some ideas, about the B Moves. Probably the Smash Attacks could reflect some magic animation in the series, like the GBA's Aura. My problems thinking with the moveset are mostly with the Normal moves, that probably needs a more "vanilla" aproaching.(With several of them with magic effects, but, I'm still thinking about it :p)

Edited by Troykv
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on another note did anyone else notice that coliseum is getting 8 player smash

no one seems to notice that little detail

^what I was more upset inregards to spoilers was the desigin of the third path Yato blade

Edited by Captain Karnage
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If there ever was a Fates stage in Smash, what would guys think it would be?

My best guess would be either the Water Theater or My Castle.

Water Theater could have Azura dancing in the background and My Castle could be something similar to the Mario Maker stage.

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Coliseum would be great if it wasn't a walk-off stage. Oddly enough, it's still my most played stage somehow.

It's a fun stage overall, I do wish it wasn't walk-off either.

It would be LEGAL then. :P:

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It's a fun stage overall, I do wish it wasn't walk-off either.

It would be LEGAL then. :P:

I could see it getting banned because of bullshit vertical KOs tbh

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I could see it getting banned because of bullshit vertical KOs tbh

They still allow Dreamland and that has kind of a similar issue, its more like Pokemon Stadium in Melee, than anything, but I guess I can see what you mean.

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They still allow Dreamland and that has kind of a similar issue, its more like Pokemon Stadium in Melee, than anything, but I guess I can see what you mean.

I don't think dreamland has it nearly as bad?

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If having Corrin in Sm4sh means no Corrin for Sma5h, it can be okay though...

But still, it's waaay to early to have him in Sm4sh I think...

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