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Final thoughts on the dlc?



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I think we can all say it was very anti-climactic.

*Cloud pops up.* What are the possibilities, where are the Limits to who is going to make it into Sm4sh? Goku, Correy, Pichu? But we got Corrin, and even M2K and Omni didn't know who they were. Beyonetta, I think we can all admit was nice all over; design, play style, effects, etc. But didn't have a bigger effect than Cloud or what Sora, Wolf, Snake, Geno, Shovel Knight, Shantae, King K. could have achieved.

Cloud. Cloud. Clewd. Can you turn into a square shape smash Clewd. Cloud set the bar pretty high. Should have been left till last. I'm excited for Beyo, but at the moment of announce, I wasn't feeling the hype. Cuz Clewd.

Yeah this in how I'm feeling. I would have never thought Cloud would be in Smash so when this direct came I was ready for some great choices. However, I left more of a... eh attitude.

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For me the final DLC was "meh".

- Cloud, an iconic Final Fantasy character from a game I never played and don't care about. And the remake looks like a completely different experience, so there goes that.

- Corrin, ANOTHER Fire Emblem character from a SINGLE game that HASN'T even released yet. I remember when Smash was celebrating Nintendo's history as opposed to it's future.

- Bayonetta, a character from one of the highest rated Wii U games, published by Nintendo, with a very high popularity in the ballot. Seems like a good fit. Unfortunately, I never played her games and I dislike learning combos.

Finally, we've got over 50 characters now, with FE outnumbering all other IPs except Mario, and there STILL isn't a single Sin and Punishment rep. You know, it's ironic - with all the sword wielders crammed into Smash, you'd think by now there'd be a sword wielder who, oh, I don't know, can deflect projectiles with an energy sword and wield an attached gun for versatile close and long range combat. But I guess a single assist trophy is all the S&P content the entire game needs. Enjoy your DLC everybody.

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Fun fact: Bayonetta's designer - who happens to be a woman - designed her as a female power fantasy.

What does a designer's gender have to do with anything? You don't have to be a man to design a sexualized female.

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What does a designer's gender have to do with anything? You don't have to be a man to design a sexualized female.

The designer being a woman isn't definite proof of their intention but it may hint that objectifying their own gender wasn't their goal.

You seem to have a problem with sexualized characters, regardless of the context of why they are sexualized.

CrimeanRoyalKnight says it succinctly.


More than anything Bayonetta is extremely cheeky and provocative [...]

She is like a diva who acts in sexy and provocative ways, but not a porn star.

Edited by NekoKnight
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You seem to have a problem with sexualized characters, regardless of the context of why they are sexualized.

I would add the argument that being "sexy" does not automatically make a character "sexualized." Bayonetta is most definitely sexy, but I find it debatable whether or not she's actually sexualized within her own games.
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My response is "meh." I'm not really into characters being DLC in a "fighting" game, and the ones we did get were underwhelming. Roy and Corrin aren't really anything for me to get excited about, and Cloud, while cool just doesn't really fit with what smash is about IMO. He hardly has any history with Nintendo. Even characters like Cecil would make more sense honestly. And Bayonetta is cool and all, but... Really? That's kind of random. Especially when there are still Nintendo franchises they haven't put in the game. It feels weird to have that many guest.

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I would add the argument that being "sexy" does not automatically make a character "sexualized." Bayonetta is most definitely sexy, but I find it debatable whether or not she's actually sexualized within her own games.

I agree. "Sexualized" seems to have the connotation that a character's sexiness was amplified to appeal to a certain demographic but Bayonetta is primarily just a confident and provocative individual. Characters having a cleavage window or battle panties (certain class outfits) when their character doesn't really suggest a need or motive for it is a better definition of sexualized.

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I'm pretty satisfied

I was pretty much jumping for joy when Roy was released, so no complaints there

The others are welcome additions to the roster; Me and my bros have bought all of them so far, and I think we'll pick up Corrin and Bayonetta, since both looking fucking awesome

Edited by Pixelman
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I'm pretty happy with it. Super pumped Ryu got in, I know Lucas fans are happy, Mewtwo was kinda a bust. I think they did a great job on redesigning Roy. Corrin is cool although I don't think FE needs anymore reps. Was not expecting Cloud at all but I hope to god they can include him along with Ryu for the next one. Bayonetta was a good choice given her exclusivity to the Wii U and all.

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Swap Roy or Corrin for Shovel Knight and I would be perfectly content. Not that I have any issues with Roy or Corrin, but I just was hoping for Shovel Knight/Shantae/Isaac.

Characters like Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta were nice unexpected treats.

Edited by Alertcircuit
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