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Chrom as Brady's father = Tank Brady?


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I know people usually say Chrom!Brady is bad, but with acces to Aegis and Pavise, plus Rightful king. Does this not make him an insanely good tank?

Now I am sure this has been done before, but haven't searched that much for builds; so here is what I am thinking of giving him.



Limit Braker



I am not sure if I should give galeforce to someone who does not have any other attack amplifiers, so I was thinking of dropping it for an attack amplifier. What are your thoughts on all of this?

Edit: Was mistaken, thought the Great Knight gave Pavise for some reason. Any other decent build sugestions would be awesome, since I really want Maribelle to be Lucina's mother. :)

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How exactly does Brady get Pavise when neither of his parents give him Knight? Never mind the -Def mod...


According to this, his base class promotions gives both Pasive and Aegis.

The Defence mod is ofcourse unfortunate, but I was more thinking of the combo Rightful King gives with the higher chance of recieving half damage from all weapons.

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No, he needs the knight tree for General to get PavGis. But even if he did get both skills, that combination (even with RFK) is lackluster. This is because the only time you need PavGis to proc is when your unit would have died if it did not proc. It's better to be proactive than to gamble on a death don't you think?

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No, he needs the knight tree for General to get PavGis. But even if he did get both skills, that combination (even with RFK) is lackluster. This is because the only time you need PavGis to proc is when your unit would have died if it did not proc. It's better to be proactive than to gamble on a death don't you think?

Ah shoot, I did a mistake, I saw Great knight as General for some reason. xD Sorry.

I did not think of it as a gamble on death, I thought he could be a really reliable wall for dmg. Just so my squishier units could stay safe. :D

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Unfortunately, the RNG is not reliable.

Think of it this way: if Brady takes a hit, PavGis doesn't activate, and he lives, then he's alive and you can then heal him to full with a staff. If he takes the same hit but it activates, he's still alive, and you can just as easily heal him to full with another staff. If he takes a hit, it doesn't activate and he dies, then he's dead and you get a game over. If he takes that same hit, it activates and saves him, then you've just made a tactical error by placing your fate in the hands of the RNG, which is something you should avoid wherever possible (and by the time you have the resources to reach Paladin Lv.15 on a physically weak unit, you shouldn't ever need to do it).

Now, if you're not playing aggressively enough, or didn't train enough staffbots, then the HP saved from PavGis procs can indeed be helpful, but it's a random boost so you'll always have to be prepared to get by without it. And even then, Sol infinitely outclasses it as a random stay-alive skill: PavGis only reduces damage, likely by an average of ~20% depending on your Skl (that's a high estimate for ingame, 25% with RK), while Sol can and frequently does restore more HP than you take in damage- not to mention Sol being much easier to get. Sol comes at Lv.5 in a good class, Aegis comes at Lv.15 in a good class, Pavise comes at Lv.15 in a bad class.

And finally, you're going to have trouble finding a unit squishier than Brady. Bad Def base? Check. Bad Def mod? Check. Bad Def growth? Check. He's not even that good of a dodgetank.

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