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Why i see people that hate FE Awakening?


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Every game has its flaws.

Issues I have with the game includes higher difficulty and the unbalanced pair up mechanic. Both things in which (I believe I heard atleast) Fates on.

It's not my favorite in the series, but I don't hate it

Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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Oh dear... this again...

That is certainly one of the reasons, but its not the only. Various things include (apparently) poor level design, unbalanced game play, the pair up system, the many plot holes present in its story, some characters not being very well written, the return of the waifu wars , eugenics (for me, anyway), a lot of wasted potential, etc. To put it lightly.

While I wouldnt call it my favorite, it IS the one FE game that I've invested the most time in than any other (granted, I only ever completed the Akaneia remakes) thus far (and even among all my other [4] 3DS games), so I accept it for what it is, really. All in all, its still a fun game, and you shouldn't let other opinions affect your enjoyment of it. Just play as you see fit, and then form your OWN opinion of the game.

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The reasons Awakening gets hate are various reasons. These are all subjective reasons, that I see or even some I have issues with personally (I like Awakening overall though)

1. It has almost no chapter objective variety (Subjective)

2. It's story is pretty lame compared to the rest of the series (subjective)

3. It's characters aren't that reliable (Again subjective)

4. The mechanics while celebrating the franchise are also dumbed down (subjective)

5. Pair up is utterly broken when you know how to utilize it

6. The marriage aspect is too heavily focused on and not used nearly as well as in FE4.

Etc, there are some of the issues people have.

Edited by Jedi
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I've spent a considerable amount of time dissecting the story only so I have no opinion on anything else like gameplay.

But the story in my opinion is quite bland, terribly directed and awfully written. The maps are also really boring looking.

I could write an essay at this point about my issues with the plot. But I'll save that for another day.

Edited by markstation
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You can't just put a subjective comment followed by an (objective)...

Most of the hatred stems from a salty vocal minority.

i'd say this is quite wrong because its rough to organize every single person in the world that played the game.

with that said, people dislike it because they have different opinions, for me it was the lack of different map objectives and designs is what killed it for me.

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Because the elitists who take pride in choosing the most obscure entries in the franchise as their favorites think FE13 was to Fire Emblem what the Black Album was to Metallica.

Edited by Cerberus87
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Seriously, all of you people who say that only "elitists" don't like Awakening need to stop. While I don't disagree that there are elitists in the fanbase who think that Awakening "ruined" FE and are highly unpleasant, there are people who dislike Awakening for reasons that are NOT that. People who legitimately feel that Awakening didn't live up to their expectations. And that is perfectly fine as long as the people aren't being unpleasant about it. It's almost like people who try to make this an "us vs. them" issue want it to be an "us vs. them" ;/

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Nobody likes folks without the context and qualities they expect of their social circles joining those circles.

Nobody likes people pointing out the flaws in their New Favorite Thing.

Categorically judging a chunk of the fanbase helps nobody. The elitism divide exists, but there's no reason for you, personally*, to make it worse by doing so.

*hint: this is directed at anyone thinking "noobs/old-timers a shit"

Edited by Terrador
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Seriously, all of you people who say that only "elitists" don't like Awakening need to stop. While I don't disagree that there are elitists in the fanbase who think that Awakening "ruined" FE and are highly unpleasant, there are people who dislike Awakening for reasons that are NOT that.

Most are just elitist veterans.

I like the game though.

That is why I included 'most'. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you are one, but most who don't like it are...so...........................

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The reasons Awakening gets hate are various reasons. These are all objective reasons, that I see or even some I have issues with personally (I like Awakening overall though)

1. It has almost no chapter objective variety (Objective)

2. It's story is pretty lame compared to the rest of the series (Objective)

3. It's characters aren't that reliable (Again Objective)

4. The mechanics while celebrating the franchise are also dumbed down (Objective)

5. Pair up is utterly broken when you know how to utilize it

6. The marriage aspect is too heavily focused on and not used nearly as well as in FE4.

Etc, there are some of the issues people have.

That's not how being objective works, and here's why.

1. Probably the closest to "objective". It's a pity that a lot of the variety comes from recruitment options, and not completing the chapter itself.

2. That is NOT objective. "Pretty lame" is subjective.

3. Define reliable, because this also sounds subjective.

4. Like recruitment, there's several different things that can be used and exploited, and not all of them are apparent on first blush.

5. This requires someone who's familiar with the game, which is not a good chunk of people who've picked it up for the first time. Or the second. Or those who don't go online to look for more info regarding FE mechanics.

6. All I remember from FE4's marriage is the jealousy system. Awakening, at least, doesn't require me to have two people sit next to each other for a million turns.


Actual objective answer: Awakening changed many things, from the damage calculations to stat caps to skills to mechanics and then some. When a lot of things change, it's bound to make multiple people unhappy.

Subjective answer: The story should've been split in three, instead of having it all crammed in at once. That way, there'd be more time to develop everything, as opposed to having things go from point A to point B so damn fast. The characters do have depth, but it requires support grinding, and grinding is boring.

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That is why I included 'most'. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you are one, but most who don't like it are...so...........................

You don't even know that, though. Most of the vocal ones, maybe, but most of the people who dislike Awakening in general? You can't say that for sure.

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Story wise, I mostly see people bothered by an intense lack of worldbuilding. This includes things as complex as motivations (exactly why do the Grimleal worship an insane chaos dragon?) to as simple as location names (compare, say, The Northroad to FE11's Lefcandith Gauntlet). There are also a good number of references made to older games that don't actually stack up with what really happened and/or make no sense (Tiki in Valm), and there are frequent gaps in storytelling that cause apparent plotholes (often to do with what happened in Lucina's future).

Some of those, especially the last one, are indeed explained- or at least able to be pieced together- if one goes digging super deep into the game's script, in obscure conversations in DLC maps that 99% of players might not even know exist (there are two different bad endings for FP3, and one of them has a good bit to say about how Grima works. Who knew?), and even in random JP-only official media and the like. Unfortunately, only the people who already like the game would care enough to go and find all that, so its existence really doesn't help things.

Ironically, FE4 (one of the best regarded stories in the series) had exactly the same issue, with a good 50% of the story found from external sources and not in the game itself. But because that game was never localized and the only people who can play it now are people who are willing to do a bit of work to find out what's going on, nobody's ever bothered by it.

Gameplay wise, there are also a few issues- the biggest of which is that the lower difficulties not only fail to teach you strategies to deal with the harder ones, they actively reinforce ways of playing that will get you killed, giving higher difficulties a possibly undeserved reputation as fake difficulty. Some difficulties, especially vanilla Lunatic, have issues with there being a very fine line between what you can do to make the game nearly impossible, or have it lay down and die- none of the difficulties are balanced unless you know them well enough to play them as they're intended.

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You don't even know that, though. Most of the vocal ones, maybe, but most of the people who dislike Awakening in general? You can't say that for sure.

Can you get off my back?

From what I have witnessed myself:

I think yes. Most people that I have seen who dislike Awakening are just elitist Fire Emblem fans. Which they usually worry too much if someone likes Awakening or not because they think it is such a problematic game. And they ruin it for some people who actually like the game.

I don't have any problems with people who just don't like Awakening in general, it's an opinion.

Yes, I don't know a statistical number or am sure of exactly why some people dislike Awakening, but does that really matter? (It does not.)

This is how I feel about the matter and you can think differently. It's just perspectives here, nothing more..

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Can you get off my back?

From what I have witnessed myself:

I think yes. Most people that I have seen who dislike Awakening are just elitist Fire Emblem fans. Which they usually worry too much if someone likes Awakening or not because they think it is such a problematic game. And they ruin it for some people who actually like the game.

I don't have any problems with people who just don't like Awakening in general, it's an opinion.

Yes, I don't know a statistical number or am sure of exactly why some people dislike Awakening, but does that really matter? (It does not.)

This is how I feel about the matter and you can think differently. It's just perspectives here, nothing more..

Then I think that your opinion is misguided.

There's plenty of things to like about Awakening. There's plenty of things to dislike about Awakening. Attempting to slap a label on anyone because they like/dislike something doesn't do anything but make other people upset. I can understand the frustration behind someone not liking what you like, but it doesn't mean that you should then give THEM a negative label for disliking what you like. In the end, we're all a bunch of random nobodies on the Internet, so our opinions mean very little.

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People hate, people like. Hate just happens to be what stands out the most between the too and it's what most people are vocal about on the internet since it comes with little to no repercussion.

I've not played the game myself and from what I've heard and seen, I'm sure it's another fine entry in terms of gameplay. The whole notion of an avatar character meant to integrate the player into the story just falls to me since the character is worshiped and the whole thing just ends looking like more of an ego stroke for the player rather than anything interesting.

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Yeah you're right Eclipse. But I don't entirely agree with everything in the game and I'm not mad if someone just dislikes the game.

(Like I've said now a thousand times.)

I'm not putting a label on someone who just dislikes it for whatever reason, I literally do not care. I was talking about the people who are elitist in the FE community disliking it and bash it over and over again. So please don't get what I've said it mixed up. Thanks.

Edited by Ukero
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Can you get off my back?

From what I have witnessed myself:

I think yes. Most people that I have seen who dislike Awakening are just elitist Fire Emblem fans. Which they usually worry too much if someone likes Awakening or not because they think it is such a problematic game. And they ruin it for some people who actually like the game.

I don't have any problems with people who just don't like Awakening in general, it's an opinion.

Yes, I don't know a statistical number or am sure of exactly why some people dislike Awakening, but does that really matter? (It does not.)

This is how I feel about the matter and you can think differently. It's just perspectives here, nothing more..

People dislike things about Awakening that are more than just "Hi, im just that much stuck in Jugdral." People dislike Fates for a lot of reasons too. I make a lot of posts about people needing to deal with the fact people like different junk. Perhaps you missed those. People disliking this game does not make them elitists. It does not mean they hate fun either. You need to get off the backs of those who may dislike this game for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with being on a too-large Dala horse, dear.

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Yeah you're right Eclipse. But I don't entirely agree with everything in the game and I'm not mad if someone just dislikes the game.

(Like I've said now a thousand times.)

I'm not putting a label on someone who just dislikes it for whatever reason, I literally do not care. I was talking about the people who are elitist in the FE community disliking it and bash it over and over again. So please don't get what I've said it mixed up. Thanks.

Gotcha. Wording's tricky, in this case. I'd just lump them in as "serial complainers", and leave it at that.

Even if Awakening did things wrong, it didn't do everything wrong. For example, I have yet to encounter anyone with a shred of sanity who prefers the GBA method of building supports over Awakening's.

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