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Would you like to see a repeat of the Battle of Balhalla?


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So I imagine most of everyone should be familiar with the seminal scene in Genealogy of Holy War. Would you like to see them do something that ballsy again in a future Fire Emblem or do you feel it would be ripping off Holy War and that once is enough?

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From a gameplay perspective, absolutely not. Nothing is worse than losing people you put hard work into.

From a story perspective, I'd much rather something new be done. Make it exciting but not excessive. I'd like to see some variance in the story. Maybe a FE where you're a general on the bad guys side, and the antagonist is an idealistic prince from another country. Make the prince really devoted, yet still end up dying in the end, and thus completely subvert the story expectations.

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if there would be one, i don't want to see it be played out exactly the same way, or even have the same outcome.

like maybe have the set up happen, but instead of everyone dying, its an actual battle that you can win, and whoever survives, is still around to rejoin later in the next part.

i want more game play and story to be together, not separated.

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I'd agree that the "loose your party" aspect would not be quite popular these days.

I'd think something better to be repeated in terms of gameplay is the "loose but eventual regain" thing. Like in the early game of Thraccia, or the LM to EM/HM transition of Blazing Sword.

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I'd only be up for a complete copy of it, if it was FE4 itself remade.

But with the current IS of today they'd probably mess it up and make them all live somehow anyways ;/

I swear if they remake fe4 and have an avatar they should die in Gen 1 as well :P:

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I dunno, it's not like you can get away with the same plot-twist twice in a series. I've often thought of having it so that maybe only the main lord dies, and in a second gen, the rest of the characters slowly appear again after the many long years as their older selves. Sort of like how in Radiant Dawn, most of Ike's army is split up all over the place and you meet them after so long. From a narrative standpoint, I like it because we can see how characters change over time, you can even have some of them turn into villains and bosses.

if there would be one, i don't want to see it be played out exactly the same way, or even have the same outcome.

like maybe have the set up happen, but instead of everyone dying, its an actual battle that you can win, and whoever survives, is still around to rejoin later in the next part.

i want more game play and story to be together, not separated.

I dunno how you can do this without the player thinking "oh, I screwed up, better reset." Even if you did convince them, I imagine it turning into a game of use the benched units as meat shields. Otherwise, I think it might be interesting, assuming you can convince the player to take part in it.

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If they brought it back, the could sort of have some sort of replayability to it such as "only 3 or 4 units can survive this" type deal, and it's the player's decision on which ones survive. Each potential survivor could have a unique return in gen 2. It doesn't have to be the same as FE4's massacre, there can be new ideas and twists added to it, idk why people are saying that just because a previous entry did it, it's suddenly taboo for later entries to do something similar.

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If they brought it back, the could sort of have some sort of replayability to it such as "only 3 or 4 units can survive this" type deal, and it's the player's decision on which ones survive. Each potential survivor could have a unique return in gen 2. It doesn't have to be the same as FE4's massacre, there can be new ideas and twists added to it, idk why people are saying that just because a previous entry did it, it's suddenly taboo for later entries to do something similar.

actually i like this idea.

honestly the series was made with the intention of "you will have people that die so here's replacements", people restarting if a character died was something the development team didn't think people would do.

i'm just saying, it grinds my gears that awakening, even on classic, had atleast a dozen characters under "boo hoo i'm retreating" instead of "blarg i'm ded x_x"

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actually i like this idea.

honestly the series was made with the intention of "you will have people that die so here's replacements", people restarting if a character died was something the development team didn't think people would do.

i'm just saying, it grinds my gears that awakening, even on classic, had atleast a dozen characters under "boo hoo i'm retreating" instead of "blarg i'm ded x_x"

The thing is, they were either:

Chrom, Tiki, Say'ri, Frederick, and Virion

Or all the mothers.

The mothers are so that if you've recruited a child, they won't poof from existence just because their mother died.

As for the other five, story.

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Virion never plays a major role for how he can't be killed. Neither does Tiki even considering how she's optional.

Secondly, Awakening uses branching time travel so killing the mothers wouldn't wipe away the 2nd Gen. So that doesn't fly either.

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I wouldn't want the whole group to die off because:

1. The modern games are about getting attached to your characters. I don't want to see them all die.

2. I'm tired of Shipping Emblem and 2nd gen characters.

What I would like to see more of is chapters that specifically end in your failure. One idea I was musing with was some strategy that goes horribly wrong (perhaps because of a betrayal or the protagonist's oversight) and your position being overrun. What would have been a flawless victory becomes a disaster and a few of your characters will die. One way to do it would be to divide your units into groups and everyone in a certain group will die at the end of the chapter. Another way, and perhaps be more brutal, is to have the protagonist's highest supported character get killed. That way, there is a higher chance you will be invested in that character's death.

Sure, Fire Emblem has had scripted deaths of NPCs but very rarely does it happen to your characters.

[spoiler=Fates Spoiler]

Lilith and Suzukaze can die in Fates but the impact is minimal because Lilith is never focused on outside of her introduction and Suzukaze's death may not matter to a player that didn't use him anyway.

I swear if they remake fe4 and have an avatar they should die in Gen 1 as well :P:

We both know that the Avatar and his waifu would survive, no matter what. The stated reason would be "Incredible charisma and the power of love".

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Sure, Fire Emblem has had scripted deaths of NPCs but very rarely does it happen to your characters.

[spoiler=Fates Spoiler]

Lilith and Suzukaze can die in Fates but the impact is minimal because Lilith is never focused on outside of her introduction and Suzukaze's death may not matter to a player that didn't use him anyway.

We both know that the Avatar and his waifu would survive, no matter what. The stated reason would be "Incredible charisma and the power of love".

Does Jill changing sides in FE9 if she doesn't have an A support with Mist or Lethe when her Dad talks to her in his chapter count?

Yes I know, which is part of why I don't want them to remake FE4, they couldn't do it any sort of justice and they'd neuter all the mechanics that made it unique in the first place.

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Even though I mentioned it feeling like a rip off in my opening statement, I do think there should be some kind of statute of limitations on re using an idea. Holy War is going to be 20 years soon. Aside from having an entire new generation (heh) of fans to work towards the idea itself wouldn't have to be played exactly the same. After all about 90% of idea were already old by the time we were finished with Ancient Greece, how you use them if often times more important. I can see the idea definitely coming across as cheap and haphazard but that's more my disillusionment with modern IS's writing than the fact that it was already done once.

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If not something like Balhalla how about a traitor situation like Orson or Zeek (In Tear Ring Saga).

But have it be a REAL huge player punch, like seriously some trusted person who felt overshadowed by "insert new lord or avatar here" and they cause them a crushing defeat. Give it weight.

Orson was handled very well, Zeek was pretty brutal (but foreseeable).

Edited by Jedi
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The exact same thing? No. But I would love to see something similar that involves multiple, real PC death and the like. FE almost seems to be scared of death lately.

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Only in an FE4 remake, if they do it more than once it loses it's impact, it becomes less iconic and hurts the scenes effectiveness in both FE4 and the new game. (Although a lot of the new fans don't know about it, so for them this wouldn't really apply).

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Well we've had an army killed by fire magic and a lord killed by a thunder spell in an alternate future.

We still need to meet that wind magic quota.

That said, it won't happen. FE4 was a case where it just worked. You already had units that left permanently due to story and not in the same way as Orson in FE8 (And Orson kinda screamed not trustworthy from the onset in a lot of ways...) and then two who died due to story outside of it all anyway. It was a perfect setup. If they do it again, there'll be backlash.

/Especially/ outside of Japan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It doesn't have to be the same as FE4's massacre, there can be new ideas and twists added to it, idk why people are saying that just because a previous entry did it, it's suddenly taboo for later entries to do something similar.

Honestly. Intelligent Systems already frequently recycles old plot points and ideas, oftentimes with at least a semblance of a new spin on them; why not take another whack at some of the potentially-more-interesting ones?

I don't think that the Battle of Belhalla should just be lifted straight from Genealogy of the Holy War, plopped into a new game, and given a different name, but I do like the idea of having another game do the generation split that way as opposed to how Awakening did it.

That is, conclude the first generation story with some sort of disastrous "Bad End", and then move the focus over to the second generation, who now have to pick up the pieces and set the world to rights. You wouldn't necessarily need to kill all the first-gen characters like Genealogy did (well, except for a lucky few), but make sure there's a definite and decisive shift in focus to their children come the second act. Maybe have the first-gen characters who survived show up in various story roles throughout the game, with some being rerecruitable, some being NPCs, others being enemies, etc. but I don't think having all of them rejoin would necessarily be a good idea from a story perspective. At the very least, you should have to wait until later in the second generation to get them back so you're forced to at least try using the kids instead of just ignoring them in favor of your first generation team.

I wouldn't object to bringing back the first generation in its entirety as "bonus" characters for postgame, though.

Well we've had an army killed by fire magic and a lord killed by a thunder spell in an alternate future.

We still need to meet that wind magic quota.

Also this.

Edited by Topaz Light
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