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Actual act of rebellion in America

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So yeah. That just happened.

Really, it's odd that such a hardcore monarchist as myself would be so absolutely livid at the actions of these traitors, but I am. These people need to be made an example of, fast. They are guilty of treason, no doubt about it. This is what happens when you get a culture of people thinking that blatant rebellion against authority is okay. So there you have it. Hopefully this at least adds more fuel to the gun control fire.

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Say, could this be considered domestic terrorism? Just a thought.

Also, they really didn't think this through did they? The guy really doesn't know how politics or even protests works.

First of all, using guns in protest is an absolutely idiotic idea, not only for ethical reasons but from a logical reasons as well.

They very fact that they used guns shows that they didn't plan this well.

I want to elaborate on this more on the logical reasons, but I'm a bit busy right now.

But I will say it again, because this really bears repeating, that using guns in a protest is a stupid idea.

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Well they should be kicked out of that place.

Not sure if that's "treason" (Maybe terrorism) per see but if they weren't white with guns they would already have been killed.

Edit: These guys should really take their pills... They are quite insane. (Supporting a person that commited arson, Gun freaks, Threatening to use violence...)

Edited by Naughx
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the feds are going to wait this out and wait for these hicks to collapse into infighting and surrender

nobody wants a repeat of ruby ridge or waco that would lead to congressional hearings and body bags, especially if the hicks are hiding behind women and children like they did at cliven bundy's ranch back in late spring 2014

speaking of cliven "let me tell you one thing i know about the negro" bundy? two of his sons are organizing this shit

Edited by I.M. Gei
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Thanks, you two. However, this is the type of source I wanted to see - all the other linked sites rehash the original newspaper's report.

I believe we should deal with these guys like we should've dealt with the terrorists - swiftly, with as many of them captured as possible. Perhaps some asset forfeiture as well.

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I believe we should deal with these guys like we should've dealt with the terrorists - swiftly, with as many of them captured as possible. Perhaps some asset forfeiture as well.

Or just put fences around that place and turn it into a prison.

It would be quite easier.

some retard on cnn literally said that these guys aren't a threat because "unlike black protesters, they don't loot!"

Hmm... Taking a whole building and all of its furnitures should count as "looting"...

Edited by Naughx
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How is what they are doing not treason?

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason[...]"

This isn't an act of war.

They don't have what we could call an army nor a flag.

They don't even have any structural nor political units. (Being a disorganized bunch without any real entity to fight for)

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Or just put fences around that place and turn it into a prison.

It would be quite easier.

An electrified fence around the border, then cut off the water to the reserve, and wait for them to starve? That's a bit cruel.

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An electrified fence around the border, then cut off the water to the reserve, and wait for them to starve? That's a bit cruel.

But making a blockade would "jail" them without worrying about any civilians going too close.

Edited by Naughx
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Some useful reading on the larger militia movement from the SPLC

Thanks, you two. However, this is the type of source I wanted to see - all the other linked sites rehash the original newspaper's report.I believe we should deal with these guys like we should've dealt with the terrorists - swiftly, with as many of them captured as possible. Perhaps some asset forfeiture as well.

Aren't you old enough to remember how ruby ridge and Waco went and the OKC bombing that came after

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"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason[...]"This isn't an act of war.They don't have what we could call an army nor a flag.They don't even have any structural nor political units. (Being a disorganized bunch without any real entity to fight for)

They are fighting against the federal government. That is treason in spirit if not letter.

An electrified fence around the border, then cut off the water to the reserve, and wait for them to starve? That's a bit cruel.

It would be the best way to deal with it. The other option would be to storm the place, which would cause a ridiculous amount of deaths. Another, more hilarious, option, is to bring in a tank, wait for them to waste all their ammo, and taser them all.


Some useful reading on the larger militia movement from the SPLC

Aren't you old enough to remember how ruby ridge and Waco went and the OKC bombing that came after

The terrorists do not have hostages here.
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Aren't you old enough to remember how ruby ridge and Waco went and the OKC bombing that came after

They don't have any hostages and what are the point of laws if you are unable to enforce them?

What kind of message does that send?

Should you stop enforcing rules in fear of retaliation?

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the feds are taking an approach of "wait long enough to starve them out" precisely because of how ruby ridge and waco went during the early 90s

and welp, now they've brought children into the facility

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Aren't you old enough to remember how ruby ridge and Waco went and the OKC bombing that came after

My family didn't really care/discuss that FSR, so nope. I do remember the OKC bombing, and thought that the guy was a moron.

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My family didn't really care/discuss that FSR, so nope. I do remember the OKC bombing, and thought that the guy was a moron.

those two events in tandem convinced far right militia types that the feds were out to get them, and timothy mcveigh acted on that when he blew up the federal buildings in okc

anyway, more background on this particular event

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the feds are taking an approach of "wait long enough to starve them out" precisely because of how ruby ridge and waco went during the early 90s

and welp, now they've brought children into the facility

If that is the case, the Feds are even more right in their approach to the situation. Edited by blah2127
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Let me ask this of the Europeans here?

Have you read the Declaration of Independence?

Have you read the American Bill of Rights?

Regardless of the reaction, was the initial event against the law to begin with?

Also, before you cry treason, let me remind you of an event in Tennessee in which an armed group such as these men overthrew a State Election without the intervention of armed forces, and not a single conspirator was charged with treason. Look up the Battle of Athens.

Edited by Hylian Air Force
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Let me ask this of the Europeans here?

Have you read the Declaration of Independence?

Have you read the American Bill of Rights?

Regardless of the reaction, was the initial event against the law to begin with?

Also, before you cry treason, let me remind you of an event in Tennessee in which an armed group such as these men overthrew a State Election without the intervention of armed forces, and not a single conspirator was charged with treason. Look up the Battle of Athens.

Are you trying to justify this? And I am aware of the Battle of Athens, however it was against a government who was breaking the law, while here it is in defense of someone who broke the law and furthermore is perfectly fine with receiving his punishment. These people must be shut down.
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He has the right to go quietly, but the judge violated amendment 8 because he sent them back to prison because new laws were passed. What the rioters are doing is wrong, but if they have good lawyers, they could get away with this. And since when has an armed uprising in America not led to reform, no matter the result? Regardless of the combatants or the cause, this could change things for the better

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