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Hello, new to this site and series!


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Hello all!

Yes, you may call me by my username, but if that makes you uncomfortable, "N" is fine!

So... My first Fire Emblem was Awakening, and based on my username, it goes without saying that Gaius is my favorite character, and my favorite ship just happens to be him and Maribelle. I picked up Awakening around a year ago on a whim since I was bored at work and had some money to spend. I heard nothing but good things about the game, so I decided to pick it up and it blew me away! Never looked back since.

But I didn't stop at Awakening. Once I was finished with the game, I moved on to Sacred Stones, Fire Emblem 7, and currently have Radiant Dawn coming in the mail. Sacred Stones' story tugged at my heart strings, and I'm currently halfway through FE7. So far, Ninian or Hector are my favorites, Joshua being my favorite for 8 (he and Seth carried my entire game). I'm also aiming on finding Path of Radiance for a fair price before I try out RD, and if I can't, I'll have to settle for watching playthroughs.

Before I was a Fire Emblem fan, I was an avid Legend of Zelda fan. Still am, but not to same extent as I once was. Fire Emblem was a breath of fresh air for me, and I adored the characters I met in the games, (mostly).

My hobbies include drawing, writing, video gaming, and RPing mostly, (yes, my muse would just so happen to be Gaius). Other than that, I'm a University student who procrastinates on their studies with RP rather than their homework. I also have a thing for sarcastic jokes, usually at my own expense.

Glad to have met you all! Thanks for reading!

Edited by gaiusismysugardaddy
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Hey, welcome to the forest!

Nice to see another new fan in the series, and even better that you've been trying out some of the older games in the series. While I have played Awakening, Sacred Stones, and Blazing Sword as you have, I have still yet to complete Radiant Dawn.

Anyway, enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to the forums, Gaiusismysugardaddy!

His entire support string with Marribelle was just really good overall, if you ask me. I could completely understand the ship being popular.

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Welcome to the Forest, N!

Other than that, I'm a University student who procrastinates on their studies with RP rather than their homework.

What a coincidence. I also append to procastinates from times to times by doing D&D RP. There's nothing wrong with it (as long as your grades are good and the homework isn't due).

However, I highly recommand people to work before procrastinating, okay?

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay

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Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here!

Nice to see another GaiusxMaribelle fan!

Also, best of luck playing RD! It can be a little tough at times, but it's pretty fun! Lots of different map clear objectives too!

Edited by Water Mage
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Hey, welcome to the forest!

Nice to see another new fan in the series, and even better that you've been trying out some of the older games in the series. While I have played Awakening, Sacred Stones, and Blazing Sword as you have, I have still yet to complete Radiant Dawn.

Anyway, enjoy your stay!

Hey, thanks a lot! Can't wait to get started on this site!

I'm currently halfway through Blazing Sword, and I'm nearly done Eirika's route, (finished Ephraim's), but I did play the first chapter on RD once. I enjoyed the gameplay a lot!

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Welcome to the forums, Gaiusismysugardaddy!

His entire support string with Marribelle was just really good overall, if you ask me. I could completely understand the ship being popular.

I'm so glad to see another person who thinks GaiusxMaribelle was great! It's like everywhere I go, people hate it for being "OOC" (which it's not? I don't understand these claims, even after reading their arguments). I wish the ship was popular though.

And thank you for the welcome!

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Welcome to the Forest, N!

What a coincidence. I also append to procastinates from times to times by doing D&D RP. There's nothing wrong with it (as long as your grades are good and the homework isn't due).

However, I highly recommand people to work before procrastinating, okay?

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay

Thank you very much!

I have a midterm next month, but... RP just happens to be more interesting. :'D

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hey there. It's good to see you. I think I know you from tumblr and twitter. Same username?

Oh god, I didn't think people knew my Tumblr. Then again, I sometimes have friends tell me their friends adore my blog. So yes, gaiusismysugardaddy is my tumblr, @sugardaddygaius used to be my Twitter before I replaced it with @Gaiusai. Have we met?

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Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here!

Nice to see another GaiusxMaribelle fan!

Also, best of luck playing RD! It can be a little tough at times, but it's pretty fun! Lots of different map clear objectives too!

I'm so glad to see another Gaius/Maribelle fan! So many people hate it and it gets exhausting reading the ship hate. I happened to think their supports were really well written.

And thanks! I'm looking forward to playing Radiant Dawn, I've heard nothing but good things about it!

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