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I need a second opinion on some pairings.


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Hello guys doing my final JP Revelations file to play future DLC and what not and currently working on children. My current pairings right now are


I know some mothers can be placed else where for better children but in the case of Marx/Hinoka that's just a personal fav of mine and I thinks she's a pretty good mother for Siegbert.

to make it easier I will list the children that are priority right now.

Out of the mothers left who would be good for Sophie(I feel like Charlotte would be legit tbh), Matoi(I kinda wanna go with Luna but if it'll hurt her I will consider someone better) Shino and Shigure(I heard Ryouma/Azura was better but If I can make them better units with different parents I'm welcome to changing that)

Thanks in Advance.
Edited by MitoRequiem
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Camilla can be put as any child's parent and give them some good stuff, but Velour seems like a good choice to me. I did the same on my first run and Velour wrecked absolutely everything.

As for Sophie's mother, it's pretty commonly said that she'll be decent with anyone as her mother, but personally I feel Effie is a good fit for her. I can imagine Charlotte being pretty sweet too, or if you're not too attached to the first pairing she makes a pretty nice Velour.

I don't know much about Shigure but as for Aqua!Shinonome I believe he would be a regular glass cannon, lacking in defense but making up for it with heaps of str and spd, so on the surface it sounds like a good fit.

Just a question, too, are you planning on using all of these children?

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Mozu is a good mother for any physical oriented child as she has solid stat modifiers and growth rates (with resistance the only stat the unit will suffer). A Mozu!Shinonome will be an insane unit with the Line of Death/Extravagence combo Mozu normally has access to.

Edited by Dark Paladin X
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Your current pairings are set in stone, right? The only bad one I see is the Beruka!Eponine since Beruka just not a great mom and Eponine wants a magic mom since she's more inclined with magic. Nyx would be Eponine's best mom since she passes down spellcastor for the nice tomefaire and other things. Nyx!Eponine would make an awesome witch! If you didn't set it in stone yet have Felicia or Sakura as a mother to Foleo, then let Nyx mother Eponine.

Beruka should be with with Benoit since there is no saving Ignis's bad speed mod and will give him beastly defense. Beruka as a mom just weakens any kid tbh.

For Shino, as said before Azura is a good mom for him. Other options for Shino are Kagerou, Hana, and Setsuna. I personally prefer Hana and Setsuna more since they give him a good speed mod while Kagerou give him a lower mod. Also, Shino's personal skill ups his damage by three when his support unit is damaged, so as along as they have a bit of damage Shino is gonna have comparable power to higher strength mod children. Really as long as his mother does weaken his offense he will be fine.

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The kids I pretty much listed are the only ones I plan to use so I'm not too worried about the ones I didn't list like Ignis they're just be throw away children.

I do plan to use all the ones I listed though. None of the pairings are like super set in stone a side from Marx/Hinoka, Asama/Oboro, Elise/Odin, Kamui/Ophelia and Saizou/Orochi.

So I'm open to suggestions.

I considered Kagerou for Shino I didn't even think about Mozu that seems legit and is Eponine really magic oriented? Didn't look at her stats yet.

I'm mainly going Charlotte!Sophie because I want a female fighter :>

Edited by MitoRequiem
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The kids I pretty much listed are the only ones I plan to use so I'm not too worried about the ones I didn't list like Ignis they're just be throw away children.

I do plan to use all the ones I listed though. None of the pairings are like super set in stone a side from Marx/Hinoka, Asama/Oboro, Elise/Odin, Kamui/Ophelia and Saizou/Orochi.

So I'm open to suggestions.

I considered Kagerou for Shino I didn't even think about Mozu that seems legit and is Eponine really magic oriented? Didn't look at her stats yet.

I'm mainly going Charlotte!Sophie because I want a female fighter :>

Zero has a -2 Str mod and +-0 Mag. and while she's an Outlaw, she could get usage out of Shining Bow. if you make her an Adventurer, she'd have 50% Str and 45% Mag Growth total. though as Bow Knight it's 55% Str, 30% Mag

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Oh really? Alrighty can I get multiple Shining Bows? Cause I would like to give one to Sakura as well if I'm gonna go the Magical Adventurer route.

ahaha, there's the problem. I know there's 2 in the shop. I don't know if any drop but otherwise, DLC

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If there is two in the shop I think I should be fine for the most part then. Thanks for the heads up cause I straight up assumed that she was a Physical unit but I guess she's much like Mitama lol.

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I know some mothers can be placed else where for better children but in the case of Marx/Hinoka that's just a personal fav of mine and I thinks he's a pretty good mother for him.

Fix pls.

Edited by Eriotto
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Thanks for not contributing to the post but commenting on my typo :D fixed just for you sugar

Np~ Ehh, i have no idea what to tell you there about pairings, i'm not good at'em. ;-;

I won't write anymore about any misspell meanie. :c

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If there is two in the shop I think I should be fine for the most part then. Thanks for the heads up cause I straight up assumed that she was a Physical unit but I guess she's much like Mitama lol.

I mean, Saizou has +1 Str and +-0 Mag, too though I guess +1 is hardly an incentive when Grey's personal growths 45% Str and 50% Mag. but yes, Bow/Staff classes are weird like that =P

do note that Mitama... inherits +2 Str and -3 Mag from her father (with 40/35 Personal growths). so not like Mitama but more like Sakura, the other "canon" War Priestess

Edited by GoXDS
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- Rinkah!Shinonome is better for Ryoma I guess, because Ryoma wants Rinkah pair up stats (+Str Def) and she gives a valuable class too (Oni Savage, Ogre Strike ftw).

- Mozu!Sophie is decent.

- Grey wants speed... while Orochi will make him more slow.

- Charlotte is best mom for Siegbert and she is the best pair up for Marx (+Str Spd)

- Beruka should just mother Ignis or dead elsewhere :v

- Felicia is good for Eponine, because Nyx is better with Syalla and Orochi will made her slow but with cost Tomefaire and Exorcist access.

- I personally do Jakob x Azura because their mods are good and Shigure gets Wyvern Rider not Cavalier because this pairing :v

- Matoi would want Lance Fighter access.

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I mean, Saizou has +1 Str and +-0 Mag, too though I guess +1 is hardly an incentive when Grey's personal growths 45% Str and 50% Mag. but yes, Bow/Staff classes are weird like that =P

do note that Mitama... inherits +2 Str and -3 Mag from her father (with 40/35 Personal growths). so not like Mitama but more like Sakura, the other "canon" War Priestess

I meant more like Mitama in the sense that you'd think since her father is a Priest and her starting class is Shrine Maiden you'd think she would have + in Magic and same goes for Zero and him being a Physical based class but that isn't the case at all haha.

Yeah the whole Grey thing is odd too but it opens up for the whole Copy Butler buff/Healer which is kinda neat.

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- Rinkah!Shinonome is better for Ryoma I guess, because Ryoma wants Rinkah pair up stats (+Str Def) and she gives a valuable class too (Oni Savage, Ogre Strike ftw).

- Mozu!Sophie is decent.

- Grey wants speed... while Orochi will make him more slow.

- Charlotte is best mom for Siegbert and she is the best pair up for Marx (+Str Spd)

- Beruka should just mother Ignis or dead elsewhere :v

- Felicia is good for Eponine, because Nyx is better with Syalla and Orochi will made her slow but with cost Tomefaire and Exorcist access.

- I personally do Jakob x Azura because their mods are good and Shigure gets Wyvern Rider not Cavalier because this pairing :v

- Matoi would want Lance Fighter access.

I guess I shoulda specified more but I noticed on some you probably just totally skipped some things on the post.

I'm running a copy Buffer/Healer set for Grey so that's why I'm going with Orochi as a mother he won't be doing much combat.

I know Charlotte is the best Mom for Siegbert but Hinoka is pretty good for him as well not the best but good enough for me and I really like the Marx/Hinoka pairing anyways

Ye I decided on not using Beruka as Eponine's Mother in this post.

If Nyx is objectively better for Eponine I'd rather go with that unless Felicia is actually better. I don't really care for Syalla tbh

I'll have to look more into that

I planned on getting Matoi Lance Fighter from Shino.

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well people generally pick Hinoka or Oboro as Matio's mother. the mods/growths are mostly similar with Hinoka having slight advantage. both pass Lance Fighter class. so if you're not going Hinoka, maybe Oboro?

also, excluding when using Magic, Breaking Sky >> Luna

Edited by GoXDS
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Well marriage sealing Shino is an option no? I kinda wanted to go Holy Lancer Mitama which is why I'm doing Oboro!Mitama and Hinoka!Siegbert is more so my stupid shipping preference lol.

Going Luna!Matoi gives might hurt Matoi in the end in the stat department? I just checked out the mods. These mods are pretty frustrating to look at.

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If you're going Matoi x Shino then Aqua might not be the best choice in terms of the classes he'll get, considering there will be a ton of overlap for him, and Ryouma doesn't benefit either. I mean, she'll still be good, because +5 speed mod is pretty great regardless, so it depends on what you care about the most on him. Go ahead with that if mods are all you care about and you don't care about optimizing for Ryouma--who might be worth considering since he has effectively a +5 str mod due to his sword.

Shino does get a lot of proc-based skills by himself as well as access to several damage-boosting skills, so he's not too dependent on his mom and will still have a reasonable range of options. In a vacuum (in relation to other kids), in terms of skills, Oboro is hands down his best mom since not only does she provide him with Herb Merchant without having to marry Midoriko, which grants him access to Extravagance and Copycat, two really great skills, but she can also A+ Rinka for Ogre Strike, and while Ryouma does the crit build thing better than Shino thanks to Ryouma's personal, Shino's still a native Holy Lancer and can still benefit. Modswise I feel like speed's generally more beneficial to Shino than Strength (since he has a ton of damage-boosting options), which is where Aqua shines, though Oboro gives him a +3/+3 and is pretty solid either way. "Problem" with Oboro is that she's a bit high-demand since she's so good, and Shino, in a postgame-optimization sense is already so strong so if you wanna play favorites that isn't him, or spread out the stronger genes more, or skill-buy everything which renders Oboro's stronger selling point null, might not take first dibs on Oboro.

Breakdown of some other potential moms:

-Mozume is a reasonable substitute for Oboro, since she still provides Extravagance, though her mods strictly lose to Oboro's and if you want Shino to have Copycat here he'll either have to A+ Grey or have Ryouma pass it up through A+ Saizou.

-Setsuna functions similar to Aqua, though she has much worse strength growth--I don't know how badly it'd affect Shino because Shino's pretty naturally strong, so he might actually be able to take it well enough--but a class he'll benefit more given a Matoi marriage, and a less extremely bad defense mod. Also, can pass Copycat without needing another ninja.

-Kagerou is very strong with her str mod and gives copycat. I'm not too big of a fan of that one because it kinda turns Shino into a Ryouma without the 1-2 range from Raijin, (+5str, +1 spd and all) and not really much that stands out from him (might as well just use Ryouma, etc) but you might like it. However, like Oboro, Kagerou can pass Rinka's Ogre Strike, so that's something.

-I'm entirely biased towards Ryouma/Rinka just in a general sense i ship it, and if you want Ryouma to be great (Shino's stats do take a bit of a dip, but it's not too awful considering his vast array of damage boosters mentioned earlier) Rinka's hands down the best there. Shino by himself has access to 2 faires, Line of Death, 2 Procs (Breaking Sky, Astra) just by existing (which can synergise with Flamboyant if you wanna go there), and easy access to at least another proc (Luna or Lethality) through also at least 2 different venues (considering both him and his dad can A+ a Ninja and a Cav) and if you want to dip into DLC classes since it seems like you're getting both routes, he can get Aggressor off Dread Fighter even without buying additional DLC. So the dude has a lot of options anyway. Ryouma works really well for a crit build because his class is +crit and his very-easily triggered personal skill is also +crit. Rinka gives him stats he likes, and in IK Rinka has access to Berserker should he want a more hard-offense support unit in the postgame. Worth a note that Rinka can also toss Shino Copycat from her own subclass so he can go ahead and A+ Siegbert for Luna or something if he wants to procstack and you don't wanna get Aether from the DLC.

-Hana gives pretty solid mods, but the class she gives is really not what he wants. Priest does nothing for him.

-Elise and Felicia for Basara options? IDEFK Elise is probably better than Felicia here, kinda niche though

-Camilla has similar mods to Oboro, which is solid, and Wyvern is an interesting option for Shino if you want him to be a strong, relatively bulky flier. Shino has natural access to Lancefaire, so that synergises well with both flier types.

-I'm glad you're doing Copycat healer Gurei with Orochi bc she's worst choice, don't even go there

In the end it's up to you. I'm just laying out the options here bc shino is son and i spend too much time analyzing him I don't know shit about the other kids lmao

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Ah I know you as the Ryouma guy haha. Thanks for the info I have more options to consider. I was strongly considering Kagerou, and Mozume I completely forgot about Setsuna.

I'm leaning towards Mozume cause of aptitute and reading up on Extravagance that seems like a pretty funny skill.

So I guess we'll completely cross of Aqua!Shino I just need to figure out who would be good for Shigure. I also had no clue you could pass down A+ classes to children so I guess I'm gonna have to put in more work.

EDIT: I read that wrong. A+ Skills not classes whoops lol.

Edited by MitoRequiem
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