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What is the future of 2D Mario games? Did Nintendo back themselves into a corner with Super Mario Maker?


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I'm sure Nintendo has plenty of things up their sleeve when it comes to 2D Mario games in the future. That being said, I do typically enjoy their 3D games more. I loved 3D World, but I'd like to see a return to something like Super Mario Sunshine.

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I don't get why people love Sunshine so much, i've recently replayed the 3D games, and that one was by far the most frustating and infuriating one.

What was so frustrating about it?

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What was so frustrating about it?

The level design in general, a lot of levels in the game just fail to create a proper difficulty curve and become cases of "Easy and boring for the first five minutes, immensely hard for the last two", not only that, but for most levels, you have to do everything from the beginning, so if you fail once in the difficult part of the level, you have to go through the easy part of it again.

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The level design in general, a lot of levels in the game just fail to create a proper difficulty curve and become cases of "Easy and boring for the first five minutes, immensely hard for the last two", not only that, but for most levels, you have to do everything from the beginning, so if you fail once in the difficult part of the level, you have to go through the easy part of it again.

I hear complaints about Sunshine, many being the post game stuff, like getting all of the Shine Sprites, which can be the most frustrating thing for a lot of people, myself included. When I was just playing the main game however, I never had much of an issue.

Edited by DragonLord
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As far as I'm concerned, the only problems with Sunshine are -

1. A few bad levels like The Pachinko Machine of Death, The River of Death, and The Boat Ride of Death.

2. The implementation of blue coins, designed to make you buy a guidebook (this was before the internet solved everything)

The rest of the game is fine for the most part. I'd give it an 8/10. Worth a shot for 3D Mario fans.

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Sunshine is the only game in the 3D Mario series that has levels that are difficult simply because of bad design. It's obvious the final bits in the game were horribly rushed, and it's a very rare (and sad) case of Nintendo going "OK, enough testing, roll this one out ASAP".

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I think they might put Mario on the shelf for a little while, which is why they put out Mario Maker. It gives fans the ability to create a ton of levels, and keep themselves entertained for a good amount of time. I think Nintendo is going to focus on other games of theirs to get them to reach new heights. Kirby hasnt had a game in years. Fire Emblem is reaching new heights that it has never seen outside Japan. Xenoblade is doing great. Legend of Zelda is picking back up. They may even create some new things to get rolling. I really think that Mario might be put on the shelf for a few years to let their other products shine.

Uh, Kirby had Rainbow Curse and Triple Deluxe within the last 2~3 years.

I love Sunshine more than most people but I could see it's issues. I do absolutely adore the setting and areas though. They make the game.

2D Mario is fine. Mario Maker likely didn't kill it.

However, when playing it I honestly get a Katamari feel before a Mario feel. All the random stuff like Mary-O screams Katamari. Has anyone else noticed that?

Edited by Miss Kira
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Uh, Kirby had Rainbow Curse and Triple Deluxe within the last few years.

As a fan of traditional Kirby platformers, I don't count Rainbow Curse, even though it's a good game. I feel like the Kirby series has reached a peak with Return to Dreamland and Triple Deluxe. However, the games are lacking in one area - content. RtD was too short for a home console game, and TD only has 6 worlds. Kirby games in the future either need more levels, or more replay value for levels, such as a "one hit-point" mode or something. Or a level editor... :drool:

However, when playing it I honestly get a Katamari feel before a Mario feel. All the random stuff like Mary-O screams Katamari. Has anyone else noticed that?

Actually most of the "random" stuff in Mario Maker is from Mario Paint. But to be honest, Mario Maker reminds me of the last two Bangai-O games more than anything.

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