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Who in Hoshido wants a +Mag mother?


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So, for my first runthrough of Hoshido, I'm going to have a +Mag spellcaster Femui (who will eventually A+ Crimson into a magical Revenant Knight because I'm 12 and magical wyvern riders are my weakness), but I'm kind of at a loss as to who to pair her up with. The only one who'd really appreciate having her as a mother that I can see is Syalla, and, well, there's no way I'm marrying her off to Tsukuyomi, since he kind of sucks and I honestly don't really like him as a character. Deere and Mitama both have magical class sets, but they also both have -Mag mods from their parents. Other than that, I've heard things about Grey being decent, but he'd have to deal with E tomes.

So, is there someone I'm missing, or is Hoshido just not very keen on magical Femui?

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Mod means nothing before you start to hit caps.

If you want to max stats, Revelation is a better choice for doing this.

I know that; it's just going to be a casual first time through playthrough. But like, characters with negative mods tend to have low growths, and so their kids won't have great growths even with a +Mag mom, which kind of wastes her.

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"Characters with negative mods tend to have low growths."

Actually they don't.

Jakob has -2 Mod but Deere has 30% mag growth.

Asama has -3 but Mitama has 35%.

"tend" allows for exceptions you know. and I'd consider 30% and 35% somewhat low at the very least. as for Deere, 45% Str compared to 30% Mag...that's definitely low then. Mitama you can consider an exception (but she's a Priestess so...)

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I know that; it's just going to be a casual first time through playthrough. But like, characters with negative mods tend to have low growths, and so their kids won't have great growths even with a +Mag mom, which kind of wastes her.

It's usually in MU case, you're choosing flaw or asset ad mod and growth together.

If we're talking about mods and growth for example.

As Tooru said Jakob/Joker have -2 mag but 25% growth(as butler), deere have base 30% growth + magic mother = he likes it. xD

Elise have -1 str mod (better -mod right?) but have 5% growth

Charlotte have 0 mod on magic, as maxing her she can be potentially mage right? Wait, but there's 0% growth on Mag.

And last but not least, favourite Nohrian sadistic eyepatch! (str in his case)

Zero have -2 str (not nice as for archer right?) But he also have 35% str growth, this isn't bad, but it's not the best either.

You need to look separatly on growths and mods unfortunally, you can find potantially good mage for again example Zero:

He have only 20% mag mod, however as Sorc 45 which should be enough for him to increese his mag. Also 0 mod on Mag will help him eventually for better result after maxing him, even if he's by deflaut physical class.

On hoshido path? potentially good/fine magic unit as exorcist can be:

Jakob - 35

Subaki - 40

Saizou - 65

Asama - 40

Also kids who would like growth from femui:

Deere - 60

Gurei - 70

Mitama ~ 63

Syalla - 75 (however you don't want dis)

And potentially Matoi ~ 53 with exorcist

Sophie (50 as exorcist)

and Kinu ~ 53 as exorcist (however Kinu have already spellcaster, so she would get sorc if you would choose exorcist?)

^ Those are growths with Famui as mother with +mag mod, pure Mag, without Luck or Resistance as flaw cause those will lower your growth by 5%


Magicial classes viable for those kids:

Deere - Butler/Strategist. - Can marry Syalla or Kinu for Exorcist

Gurei - Buddy Deere for Strategist/Butler or buddy Shinonome for Basara. - Can marry Syalla or Kinu for Exorcist.

Mitama - She have Exorcist by deflaut however she can buddy Syalla for bonuses from pre-promotion and Basara.

Syalla - Deflaut class is Exorcist

Matoi - Buddy Syalla for Exorcist and Basara

Sophie - Can't, if you are able to get Shocksticks she can do fine as Magic Paladin, Also you can Marry her for Deere (Maid,Troubadour) or Shinonome (Basara)

Kinu - Have Exorcist by deflaut.

Edited by Eriotto
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and Kinu ~ 53 as exorcist (however Kinu have already spellcaster, so she would get sorc if you would choose exorcist?)

Kamui only passes their secondary class to Kanna. Any other kids Femui (or Shigure in the case of Mamui) will always inherit Nohr Prince(ss).

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Kamui only passes their secondary class to Kanna. Any other kids Femui (or Shigure in the case of Mamui) will always inherit Nohr Prince(ss).

Oh, my bad then~

Edit: Edited post before, added how and what magical classes you can get for those kids.

Again sorry, my bad, i thought Kamui class won't pass somehow xD, Well in this case it sucks anyway, White Blood uses Stafes, not Tomes.

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