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Need help with certain elements in FE modding


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I'm trying to make my own hack/mod for FE6, but of course I'm new at it, I can probably do some on my own, but some I might have issues with. Here are some questions I have right now:

1) Do you have to follow certain color palettes for every character?

2) What are the exact dimensions of all the parts of the portrait?

3) How do I create a mini portrait most efficiently?

4) How do I make one map only like what some of markyjoe's ragefest stuff

5)Color palettes aside, what is the fastest and most efficient way to convert my profile's portrait to a usable one for Fe6

I might add more questions if I think of any.

Edited by Paladin_Shoukaku
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most of your questions can be answered by the ultimate tutorial.

1. color palettes are different for each class in the sense that green one one area of a class could be green on a different area of a different class. EX. the green armor on a cavalier could correspond to a mercenarie's hair color instead.

2. im not sure about each part but the dimension for a the whole portrait needs to be 128 pixels by 112 pixels and using only 16 colors.

3. depends on your artistic skill and patience. you could try the lazy method of just shrinking down your headshot.

4. read arch's eventing guide or the ultimate tutorial. the answer of this covers a broad range of topics in hacking, you would need to learn quite a few things that are not limited to: making a map, eventing, color editing, classes editing, characters, etc. the basic answer would be knowing how to make a map and doing some basic eventing.

5. you would just need mouth talking frames. fastest way for colors would be knowing how to use photoshop, thats fastest for me anyways. you should look for the portrait tutorial, that would answer a bunch of your questions, if i recall correctly, there should be templates and all that good stuff as well.

Edited by Rickochet
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