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How practical are these Conquest Pairings?


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If you decide to grind supports in other My Castles, every pair is helpful in Conquest.

A pair gives a extra chapter for extra EXP/items/money, all the limited things in Conquest.

You may or may not get a good 2-gen unit, but that doesn't matter because you already have many good 1-gen units.

Only when you decide to use a child unit, you need to think about which mother is good for him/her. Otherwise you can just pair anyone you like without worrying.

Keep in mind that Growth is more important than Mod for children in Conquest.

If you want to use all children, there is a problem: there are 3 "mage" mothers(Nyx, Felicia, Elise) but only 2 mage fathers(Odin, Leo).

Deere and Eponine have some Mag growth, so you can give one of them a "mage" mother, and the problem will be solved.

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Duke of Dozel: I actually realized that a few minutes after I posted... However, because that thread is more limited to Lunatic Mode (which I don't intend of playing on a first run), I think I might just leave this thread going as is (unless the thread has changed since the first post was made).

Tooru: I don't really intend on using all the Children on a first playthrough. I more so just wanted to recruit everyone and get all the Paralogue's I possibly could. So the Child Paralogues function more like the "Grinding" in Conquest? I actually kind of like that.

If it isn't too much to ask, how do you go about actually using Skirmishes in My Castle to get Support Points? Do you need to StreetPass with someone else?

Edited by Avalanche
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It isn't specifically catered to Lunatic alone. We are just finding the most practical pairs in general. It might change up a bit (for instance, you can't afford to wait for FlannelxEffie on Lunatic, so you go for the best option right away: ArthurxEffie) but we can still give advice on how to make your ships work or how to change it up.

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