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Deciding on active skills for units.


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So this is moreso a general Fire Emblem question I guess but what really determines what active skill is good for certain units?

I typically give Astra to my more speedy units(When I was younger I used to think the skill was broken and tried to put it on everything but I learned it's not really necessary for some units lol)

Luna and Sol I give to my units that are gonna hit hard

But I'm not sure if active skills are exactly that black and white. are there just some active skills that are just objectively better?(I know Dragon Fang is better than Luna for example) or is it unit dependent? to help out with answering my question, I'm currently working on Kinu and I have several options I could give her Astra, Sol, and Breaking sky and I'm sure some other actives. Her mother is Pieri but I'm not too sure what is the best skill for her. She's a speedy unit so I'd assume Astra but Breaking Sky seems like a really good skill.

Thanks in advance.

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depends on the situation. Astra does have that halved trigger rate and also rounding down so overall it sorta has lower DPS

30 Skl, we're doing 10 dmg base. Enemy has 20 Def?

Luna 30% chance of 20 dmg, 70% chance of 10. expected dmg = 13

Astra 15% chance of 25 dmg, 85% chance of 10. expected dmg = 12.25 dmg

if we reduce the base dmg by 1, Luna drops to 12 while Astra drops to 10.65 (while also only doing 20 dmg when triggering vs Luna's 19)

increase base by 4 and Luna is behind at 17 to 17.15

as enemy Def increases, Luna gets better while as base dmg goes up, Astra does better. but Luna's a lot more stable output

as for Breaking Sky, it's basically superior to Luna. an enemy is going to generally have just as high or higher Str than Def if physical. if the enemy is magical and thus low Str, they'll have low Def, too. on top of all that, Breaking Sky is 1.5x more likely to trigger, making even better on top of that

Edited by GoXDS
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Ah I see. So I guess it goes in terms of active skills Aether(?) > Breaking Sky > Luna > Astra > Sol?

In terms of priority I just put Aether there cause it does exist and it is an option but I'm not necessarily gonna go out of my way to get it on everyone I can get it on lol.

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