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Opinions, thoughts about game, post-game (spoilers)


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You can't have everything you want.

Exactly, so grow up and deal with the fact that there ARE and most likely WILL BE bisexual/gay characters to come.

While it's not the best implementation in a video game, it's certainly taking steps in the right direction.

Idk I'm pretty kinky and gay, I think Zero/Niles is great ;)

This is the best response I've seen to this argument.

As for the OP I agree with everything that's been said. I would like them to take a few steps back for the next FE and really work out what they want to do, because Fates, while a great game gameplay-wise with certainly some good elements, is undoubtedly a clusterfuck of everything. I'd like them to rework supports, maybe in a way that allows for more same-sex (romantic and platonic) paired endings. Speaking of which, where have unique endings for each pairing gone? That was possibly one of my biggest disappointments and makes your pairing choices seem so empty and shallow (maybe IS is commenting on something on the sly)

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While I don't want gay S-Supports in FE, I do understand why people want it in. It is a role playing game after all, and people want their avatar to represent themselves as much as possible. If said player happens to be gay, they want to be gay in game. I'd rather not have it, but it's there and I'm willing to compromise with there just being one to two options.

Here's the failure in this issue. If you don't want it a gay S support then choose from the like 30 other options they gave you. Just like in real life "don't like gay marriage? Don't marry a gay person."

I'm not sure why we should have to compromise on an issue that you're not even going to use.

And ? So all the character has to be bisexual ?

This argument seems so silly to me in a game where heterosexual compatibility can be summarized by penis + vagina = happy marriage. Having everyone be bisexual isn't any more ridiculous than that.

Edited by ckc22
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Here's the failure in this issue. If you don't want it a gay S support then choose from the like 30 other options they gave you. Just like in real life "don't like gay marriage? Don't marry a gay person."

I'm not sure why we should have to compromise on an issue that you're not even going to use.

What I find hallarious is that if I gave the "It's optional" argument to people who didn't like Phoenix mode, people still get mad anyway. I'm not going to use the same sex options, but I'd like to be able to play this game without feeling like if my parents saw something in it, in this case, the same sex marriage options, I'd lose the right to play said game. It's not that it's an option that's my problem with it, my problem with it is that this option prevents me from playing this "portable" game anywhere outside a private location and feel comfortable playing it. I mean no offense to those who like the feature, in fact more power to ya, I'd just rather not try to have to convince my parents that it's optional. Never mind that I don't agree with it, I'm still okay with those who like the feature, or actually are gay. hate the sin, not the sinner ya know.

Edited by MCProductions
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What I find hallarious is that if I gave the "It's optional" argument to people who didn't like Phoenix mode, people still get mad anyway. I'm not going to use the same sex options, but I'd like to be able to play this game without feeling like if my parents saw something in it, in this case, the same sex marriage options, I'd lose the right to play said game. It's not that it's an option that's my problem with it, my problem with it is that this option prevents me from playing this "portable" game anywhere outside a private location and feel comfortable playing it. I mean no offense to those who like the feature, in fact more power to ya, I'd just rather not try to have to convince my parents that it's optional. Never mind that I don't agree with it, I'm still okay with those who like the feature, or actually are gay. hate the sin, not the sinner ya know

Are your parents the type of people who would look the other way if a straight couple kissed but would sneer if a gay couple did the same? If so, don't listen to them.


>implying that I'm doing something wrong

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What I find hallarious is that if I gave the "It's optional" argument to people who didn't like Phoenix mode, people still get mad anyway. I'm not going to use the same sex options, but I'd like to be able to play this game without feeling like if my parents saw something in it, in this case, the same sex marriage options, I'd lose the right to play said game. It's not that it's an option that's my problem with it, my problem with it is that this option prevents me from playing this "portable" game anywhere outside a private location and feel comfortable playing it. I mean no offense to those who like the feature, in fact more power to ya, I'd just rather not try to have to convince my parents that it's optional. Never mind that I don't agree with it, I'm still okay with those who like the feature, or actually are gay. hate the sin, not the sinner ya know.

:rolleyes:I'll just tell myself to hate the bigotry and not the bigot, y'know.

Edited by ckc22
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Are your parents the type of people who would look the other way if a straight couple kissed but would sneer if a gay couple did the same? If so, don't listen to them.


>implying that I'm doing something wrong

No they are not, me and my parents don't approve of public displays of affection of any couple. Heck, I myself do not get involved in relationships for various reasons, but that's besides the point.

>Implying I accused anyone here of anything

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No they are not, me and my parents don't approve of public displays of affection of any couple. Heck, I myself do not get involved in relationships for various reasons, but that's besides the point.

>Implying I accused anyone here of anything

Well, this whole conversation is besides the point since this is a thread about the terrible Fire Emblem storyline, not its terrible portrayal of sexuality and relationships.

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No they are not, me and my parents don't approve of public displays of affection of any couple. Heck, I myself do not get involved in relationships for various reasons, but that's besides the point.

>Implying I accused anyone here of anything

You accused us of being sinners...

Reality check 1 2 3.... reality check 1 2 3.

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You accused us of being sinners...

Reality check 1 2 3.... reality check 1 2 3.

Well, I mean, I too am a sinner. In my beliefs everyone is a sinner, so it's not exactly an accusation, but I apologize if anyone got offended by my statements.

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You accused us of being sinners...

Reality check 1 2 3.... reality check 1 2 3.

Please realize people have different views and beliefs than yours. If someone is in no way harming anyone, just stating what he personally believes then just agree to disagree and move on. I would like to get back on topic before this gets worst. I am being cautiously excited for this game. I am already under the impression the story won't be great, but from the gameplay alone it will be one of my favorite games of the year. Edited by Tolvir
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For instance, Kjelle and Severa in Awakening or Camilla and her girl squad here have so much subtext that it would make sense if they could actually marry.

These supports could have gone beyond platonic friendship for sure, and giving players the option to S support these characters would have been awesome. There's obviously a limit to how much new stuff the developers can put into a single game, but I have hope that same-sex supports will take on more heart and nuance in the future.

I'm not going to use the same sex options, but I'd like to be able to play this game without feeling like if my parents saw something in it, in this case, the same sex marriage options, I'd lose the right to play said game. It's not that it's an option that's my problem with it, my problem with it is that this option prevents me from playing this "portable" game anywhere outside a private location and feel comfortable playing it. I mean no offense to those who like the feature, in fact more power to ya, I'd just rather not try to have to convince my parents that it's optional. Never mind that I don't agree with it, I'm still okay with those who like the feature, or actually are gay.

Hmm... I get what you're saying, but I have to say that I don't think this should be a concern. First off, I don't think your parents would get that an S support = marriage, unless seeing it really piqued their curiosity and they pored a fair amount of time researching Awakening or Fates. Second, most characters have multiple other characters that they can potentially S support with. If I were someone looking at the game who hadn't played it before, I would have thought that the S support meant super best friends. Or soulmates. Or just something confusing that I wouldn't think twice about.

Also, if you are with team "I'm okay with it, but personally wouldn't use same-sex supports", then your parents wouldn't even be seeing any "funny business" at all.

Edited by ingu
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Fates' narrative has too many World of Warcraftisms.

What do you mean by that? I know blizzard has a habit of turning the good characters evil through corruption, but that is more all of their games than just Warcraft.
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Please realize people have different views and beliefs than yours. If someone is in no way harming anyone, just stating what he personally believes then just agree to disagree and move on. I would like to get back on topic before this gets worst. I am being cautiously excited for this game. I am already under the impression the story won't be great, but from the gameplay alone it will be one of my favorite games of the year.

With all due respect - I'll engage in the conversations I want to engage in. I have no need for you to attempt to police my speech.

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I expect nothing from the writing except a change from Awakening's walking robotic tropes that I replaced with Einherjars and hopefully a change in the supports that aren't "I like food" "I can make food" "Let's get married."

But I won't keep my hopes up, as long as the gameplay is good I'm fine.

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This is pretty much my opinion on the pros and cons of the game. It's a pretty good game as far as gameplay and music are concerned but if you were hoping for even a decent story, prepare for disappointment.

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I expect nothing from the writing except a change from Awakening's walking robotic tropes that I replaced with Einherjars and hopefully a change in the supports that aren't "I like food" "I can make food" "Let's get married."

But I won't keep my hopes up, as long as the gameplay is good I'm fine.

You've just about described half the supports... I think the women in Fates are even more domestic than the ones in Awakening. But yeah, gameplay is solid and they've addressed a lot of its previous shortcomings.

This is pretty much my opinion on the pros and cons of the game. It's a pretty good game as far as gameplay and music are concerned but if you were hoping for even a decent story, prepare for disappointment.

I'm realizing now that I should manage my expectations. Still hoping on better story development and characterization for future installments, but won't get too invested in the idea.

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I don't really mind if the plot is shit, since FE plots were never stellar anyway. But some supports in older games were pretty interesting, so it's disappointing to see them take the Awakening approach of quantity over quality for the sake of opening up match-making. IS should just go back to limited support options, as they clearly can't maintain a high standard like this.

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the problem with the game's narrative is that it's too Kamui-centric


>prince of Hoshido by birth, prince of Nohr by adoption, and son of Hydra who is Invisible Kingdom's ruler. There it is, all three relevant nations and Kamui is somehow related to all these 3

>only use the plot gives to Fujin, Raijin, Yggdrasil and Siegfried is to make Kamui's Yato more powerful

>Kamui leading the army instead of actual capable people such as Ryouma, or Marx ( i know Yukimura is the one leading the army on Birthright, but Kamui is still the leader of his little group trying to overrun Nohr )

>Hinoka trains as a pegasus knight so she can rescue Kamui

>Camilla is overprotective to Kamui ( and apparently just Kamui )

>only three relevant nations: one of these invisible. So political intrigue really is non-existant

I also hate the way the Invisible Kingdom was handled in Hoshido ( haven't completed Nohr yet but it probably is the same ). There are 2 or 3 instances you fight them in the main plot, and noone says something like "hey isn't it weird those guys were invisible?" or "where did they come from?". Apparently fighting invisible armies are commonplace in these lands

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