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[FE14 Conquest] Who would be interested in trying an FE14 draft for conquest route?


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Ch. 10 - 11/59
SVenom becomes Ninja. EXP get (also got all the houses).

Ch. 11 - 4/63
SVenom's S support with Jakob along with a Speed Tonic gives Jakob quite a bit of speed.

Turn 1: Everybody goes left. Jakob/Avatar and Elise/Niles go in. Aqua dances Jakob at the entrance and he remains 3 spots away from the next stairwell with a javelin equipped. Niles is next to aqua ready to attack. Silas/Effie wait to come in Setsuna's room
Turn 2: Niles kills two archers (one that was in Jakob's way). Jakob positions himself so cut-through can bring him right next to Kaze). Silas/Effie come in and kill the third archer.
Turn 3: Silas kills Setsuna. Jakob goes into the Myrm room and ends up 2 tiles left to the Myrm Guard stance where the support unit has a Kodachi (thankfully, the Kodachi myrm prefers to attack at 2 range so they don't block Jakob). Elise waits at the entrance before the Ninja's room.
Turn 4: Elise goes to the Ninja room. Gets danced by Aqua. Elise approaches the chest so Niles can get Spirit Dust. Jakob ORKO's Hinoka on Player phase.

(I'm holding off the paralogues i have available to me. Charlotte will probs need all the help she can get when she first joins).

Name          Class              Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks                Supports
SVenom        Ninja              14.20 23 14  8 17 16  7  8  7 E Shruikens                 S Jakob
Jakob         Paladin            12.32 28 15  6 13 14 19 11 15 E Swords, D Lances          S SVenom
Elise         Troubadour          9.41 20  2 14  8 13 18  5 14 D Staves                    C [Effie, Silas, Zero]
Silas         Cavalier           11.95 25 15  0 13 10 10 13  6 C Swords, E Lances          B Effie, C Elise
Effie         Knight             11.53 25 16  0  9  8 11 14  5 C Lances                    B Silas, C Elise
Niles         Outlaw             11.62 23 10  6 10 17  7  8 15 D Bows                      C [Aqua, Elise]
Aqua          Songstress          4.16 16  8  3 10 11  8  4  7 E Lances                    C Zero
Edited by Peppy
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I didn't have much time yesterday so I couldn't properly update, but now that I have a bit of free time I can briefly go through what my general strategies were for the midgame maps.

Chapter 15: 4/77 Turns

Reclassed Gunter to Wyvern Lord. MU uses DV and the Gunter+MU clones pairup and start moving towards the boss. MU starts moving on foot on Turn 2 and engages with all of the enemies on her way to the boss. The boss dies on Turn 4 Player Phase because he's too weak to bother targeting me on EP.

Chapter 16: 2/79 Turns

Xander 1HKO's the weakness staff adventurer, Belka with her Benoit pairup 1HKO's the Freeze staff Adventurer, Jakob starts heading southwest, and Kamui+Gunter head west. Lots of enemies dies on EP and I even got to grind out Kaze+Azura support. Jakob reaches the bottom left soldier, Xander gets refreshed and speaks to the top right soldier, and Belka flies to the far right soldier. MU talks to the last soldier and reveals Ashura. I fight a few more enemies before having MU engage the boss for a 1RKO.

I don't recruit Ashura in favor of the boots.

Chapter 17: 3/82 Turns

I start moving Boots!Belka+MU north and after a dance she switches to MU lead to top off her C->B Kunai rank. I move several units behind them as their objective is to refresh a Belka lead on Turn 2 and continue moving for the 5K gold chest. Kanna uses DV to remove the boulders blocking Belka, Kaze removes the spike trap and Belka gets refreshed before moving into the boss's range on Turn 3. Xander moves north and blocks a few enemies from reaching Azura.

Turn 3 Kaze pairs up with Xander and pilfers the 5K gold chest. Kanna pairsup with someone on top of a boulder then DV's to remove the boulders again. Everyone fights a random enemy before MU goes for the bosskill with a Silver Kunai.

Chapter 18: 3/85 Turns

Kamui heads for the top boss and Belka rushes the armor knights at the bottom. Belka went crazy with the Hammer on this map.

Chapter 19: 5/90 Turns

Terrible map. Foxes are stupid and don't target Belka or they run by everyone to target someone at the starting point. Kaze and Azura reach S rank support at the end of this map. Fighting enemies on EP with Azura pairup using an allies Rescue skill allowed me to barely stretch this out.

Shigure and Midoriko's Paralogue: Free

EXP grinding

Chapter 20: 2/92 Turns

Belka+Kaze and Shigure position themselves to get blown into the boss area on Turn 2. Azura and Gunter are both needed in the back to help collect the Rescue staff chest, but she needs Gunter to fly her ahead at the start (Gunter is in the back). This caused some annoyance, but after some experimentation I was able to use Kanna and Benoit to transfer Gunter and Azura around so Midoriko (Went Puppeteer to get Locktouch as she used her Child Seal) could fly and collect the Rescue staff after DV.

I got really pissed that Normal mode makes it so your units get ignored by the wind mechanic if you use DV to blow it early. It ended up working out, but I had to experiment a ton with Shigure/Belka's movement so I could still use DV and have Midoriko reach the Rescue staff before seizing.

Chapter 21: 3/95 Turns

Parallel Seal'ed Mozume to GKW and had Belka/Shigure/Mozume fly through the map killing as many things as they could before escaping. It was impossible to reach the boss's range on Turn 2 EP so I had to skip the Arms Scroll drop.

Chapter 22: 3/98 Turns

Flew up the left side of the map with Belka/Shigure/MU. Shigure traded Kaze and used Rally Speed to ensure Belka could double and 1RKO Yukimura.

Chapter 23: 2/100 Turns

Here's where training up Xander finally paid off. I refreshed Belka+Xander then refreshed Shigure+MU and finally used a Rescue charge to warp in Belka so she could reach the top of the fort on Turn 1. Belka separated herself ahead (and out of enemy archer range) and put herself+Xander in Bosskill+Seize range. Mozume and Kaze started making their way on the rightside of the fort for the Boots.

Turn 2: Shigure catches up and manages to Rally Speed Xander so he could double Takumi. Kaze pilfers the boots chest and Xander goes for the bosskill. Belka seizes after Kanna finishes up healing injuries from the ballista

Chapter 24: 2/102 Turns

Shigure+MU and Mozume+Xander get double refreshed and move into bosskill range after Hinoka's DV next turn. Gunter and Azura get positioned so he can fly her close enough where Belka can move into seize range (14Mov after the DV lol). Kaze starts grinding on some mages and Kanna heals up.

MU with the hunting kunai 1RKO's Hinoka as Xander easily 1RKO's the remaining Shura. Belka gets refreshed and she seizes for the 2 Turn.

Siegbert and Ignis' Paralogues (Free)

Kamui grinding time

Chapter 25: 2/104 Turns

I still had some money leftover from Ch22 and I sold various useless weapons for a Brave Kunai. I had originally intended to collect the Silence staff in prep for Chapter 26, but the RNG had something else in mind. Turn 2 I engage Ryoma and land 2 Dragon Fang procs (one of them landing a crit) for a 1RKO.

Chapter 26: 4/108 Turns

Turn 1: Midoriko opens the starting door so Xander can break down the second. By positioning my units in the right way I can move Azura far enough where she can let Belka break down the 3rd door. Most of the heroes die on EP. Belka takes a beating on this EP, but thanks to Rally Speed and Special Song she can still double the enemies she fights.

Turn 2: I double refresh Jakob+MU and Xander immediately. Xander can break down the 4th door and Jakob transfers MU to Belka so I can open the 5th door with MU lead. Everyone starts catching up and positioning themselves for next turn. Jakob gets hit by Iago's Freeze staff.

Turn 3: Belka 1HKO's a general with her Hammer forge. Xander moves beside her and kills a berserker (both are near the previous hallway but still in range of the enemies guarding the next door). Shigure, Jakob+Kaze, Mozume, and Kanna move forward and make sure to separate from each other so I can seize next turn.

Turn 4: Gunter uses Strike-through to remove a Def.Formation General out of the way. Xander breaks the final door, Shigure takes MU from Belka, Kanna transfers Azura to Mozume so she can refresh Shigure+MU. Shigure flies MU to Iago and 1RKO's and finally Jakob pairs up with Belka so she can seize.

I skipped everything on this map, but at least the Excalibur drop sells for a nice chunk of cash.

Chapter 27: 2/110 Turns

I flew through the bottom right-side room with MU and the double/triple refresh brigade. Belka needed to land a Killer axe crit on the Holy Lancer on the top of the map so Xander could help kill the boss on the next turn. I danced MU on the other side of the staircase so she could reach the boss. Xander finishes off the boss.

Endgame: 1/111 Turns

Triple refresh to the boss and burnt my second Rescue charge in doing so. Gunter used Strike-Through to remove another enemy blocking my path. lol

I'll do my unit results tomorrow but for now I'm dead tired.

Edited by Gwimpage
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Ch. 12 - 5/68
This was a pretty annoying chapter to do. Used quite a bit of tonics (Silas got HP, Str and Spd tonic while having a Concoction on him so he can prepare for the onslaught of attacks during Turn 4).
Turn 1: Pieri gives Effie the Steel Lance, Lazwald gives Azura the Vulnerary. Niles breaks the leftmost pot near the starting point. Silas and Effie lure in a samurai and a Ninja (with Effie using a Javelin). Azura dances Jakob and he baits Kagerou into attacking (SVenom is paired up with him).
Turn 2: Niles kills the Samurai Effie attacked. Silas breaks the left-most pot near Kagerou's location. Effie uses Attack Stance from Silas to kill the Ninja in the way (Azura helped Effie get there). SVenom uses the Dragon's Vein. Samurai attacks Azura during EP. Kagerou decides to run away to get healed.
Turn 3: Azura chugs a Vulnerary while Niles chips away at the Samurai. Effie kills the ninja nearby Azura. Jakob goes left and attacks a Lance Fighter with a Javelin. Silas moves forward as much as possible while Effie is still able to pair up with him.
Turn 4: Jakob/SVenom moves forward. Silas/Effie are 1 tile left, 1 tile down from Jakob so the enemies that attack Silas don't block off the route to get to Ryoma. Niles kills off the Samurai.
Turn 5: Effie chips at Ryoma with a Javelin. Jakob takes the Steel Lance (he got to C Lances just in time) from Effie and finishes Ryoma off.

Ch. 13 - 6/74
Really lucked out here on the last turn. Not having a flier here kinda blows. Managed to get the money dump. I utilized the gate entrances at the top part of the map to make things easier. Jakob got a Str and Speed Tonic while Effie gets a Speed Tonic.
Turn 1: Everybody goes left. Effie/Silas goes on the left gate (Effie ready to attack with a Javelin). Jakob/SVenom are danced and then go right in front of the mage at the end of the left bridge to kill his friend right next to him. Niles is in range of the three mages to the left, ready to attack. Elise stays nearby.
Turn 2: Jakob heads to the bushes and SVenom becomes the lead unit (luring in all of Reina's group). Niles kills Orochi (Azura helped Niles get there). The rest are on the left bridge.
Turn 3: Niles kills Reina. Charlotte makes her appearance and goes on the Middle gate to increase her survivability. Benoit runs left. The rest of the group start chipping away at the Wyvern/Knight duo.
Turn 4: Charlotte kills off the armors near the beginning of the map. We kill the Wyvern/Knight duos while Crimson's group is lured in.
Turn 5: Jakob ORKO's Takumi thanks to Steel Lance and Speed Tonic. Charlotte goes left to deal with Wyvern reinforcements (Benoit now runs to the right). Crimson's group dies during this turn (Niles does wonders here). Elise visits the village that gives 5000G's.
Turn 6: SVenom becomes lead unit and chips away at the Javelin Knight (also in range of the Cavalier reinforcements). Effie Javelins the Outlaw that came in. Charlotte finishes off one Wyvern. Silas/Niles books it to kill the other and gets Azura's help (thankfully, Niles gives Silas movement). SVenom finishes off the rest of the enemies during EP (a lucky miss prevented her from dying, so to say).

Kanna - FREE/74
Quite a bit of promoted units to get a lot of EXP from. Sadly, Kanna stole some EXP in the process. Forged an Iron Axe and bought both a Beast Killer and Steel Bow before i began this chapter.

Dia - FREE/74
More EXP gathering once again.

Name          Class              Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Weapon Ranks                Supports
SVenom        Ninja              19.12 27 17  8 21 21  7 11  8 D Shruikens                 S Jakob, C [Silas, Elise, Kanna, Dia]
Jakob         Paladin            16.76 30 16  6 15 16 21 11 18 E Swords, C Lances          S SVenom, C [Kanna, Dia]
Elise         Troubadour         14.78 20  2 18 11 15 23  5 19 C Staves                    C [SVenom, Silas, Effie, Niles]
Silas         Cavalier           17.06 28 18  0 16 13 14 18  6 C Swords, E Lances          A Effie, C [SVenom, Elise, Charlotte]
Effie         Knight             17.46 26 21  0 13  9 15 18  7 C Lances                    A Silas, C [Elise, Niles]
Niles         Outlaw             17.04 26 13  9 12 20  9 13 16 C Bows                      B Azura, C [Elise, Effie, Charlotte]
Azura         Songstress          8.52 17 11  4 14 14 11  4 10 E Lances                    B Niles
Charlotte     Fighter            17.70 34 18  0 15 19 13 11  3 C Axes                      C [Silas, Niles]
Kanna         Nohr Prince        14.92 26 14 10 14 15 14 11  9 D Swords, D Dragonstones    C [SVenom, Jakob, Dia]
Dia           Troubadour         15.04 25 11 11 13 14 12  8 14 D Staves                    C [SVenom, Jakob, Kanna]
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Ch. 14 - 4/78

Turn 1: Jakob takes the bottom route and goes as far as he can while avoiding the freeze staff range (SVenom is dropped into it). Elise freezes the Dual Guard Pegs while Charlotte/Zero heads upward to kill some Samurai. Enemies rushing to SVenom & Jakob die. (Silas/Effie are not far behind from Jakob/SVenom)

Turn 2: SVenom is frozen but pairs up with Jakob (who can move). Jakob goes to kill the Freeze Staff priest (who was in the way of Jakob). Aqua dances Silas and then Effie kills a peg. Charlotte kills one last myrm

Turn 3: Jakob makes his way to the boss. Charlotte goes back near the start and Zero becomes the lead unit to bait the GKW. Elise freezes a nearby Archer so Aqua doesn't die (the peg knight duo can't ORKO aqua). Silas kills an archer in Jakob's way.

Turn 4: Zero kills off the GKW, Charlotte kills the peg knight supporting the GKW. Silas and Effie finish off the Peg Knight duo while blocking off the archer so he can't kill Aqua. Jakob makes his way to Kumagera and SVenom attacks during PP and finishes him off during EP.

Ch. 15 - 4/82

This just consisted of making Gunter a Wyvern Lord and a rush to the boss. SVenom was in range (2 range attack) of the boss at turn 3 but wasn't able to kill the boss during Turn 3 so 4 turns it is.

Ch. 16 - 3/85

I gave Charlotte a lot of Tonics (Str, Spd, Skl, Luck) and the reverse club so she could be able to do her part. Gunter also receives a Str and Res tonic so he could kill one enemy during EP while staying alive. SVenom recieved a speed tonic so she could double Asyura. I used tonics in the other two chapters but i forgot the exact distribution

Turn 1: Charlotte/Zero pair up and kill the topmost Adventurer (Aqua helped them). Jakob/SVenom took care of the other Adventurer (SVenom was the lead unit here). Everybody else takes bottom-left route. Gunter and Kanna bait the 2 fighters and dark mage (Gunter kills one fighter and Kanna heavily damages the other). Effie is paired up with Dia for mobility sake. Elise is positioned so Aqua can reach her.

Turn 2: Charlotte and SVenom head to their respective soldiers to talk to. Gunter talks to the bottom-left soldier after Elise heals her. Kanna kills the Fighter and Effie kills the Dark mage. Silas heads leftwards (and baits a Berserker).

Turn 3: Elise gives Aqua to Silas. Gunter talks to the top-left soldier with assistance from Aqua. Charlotte talks to top-right soldier. SVenom talks to bottom-right soldier (triggering Asyura to appear) and ORKO's him.

Asyura gets sacrificed for the boots.

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