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Fire Emblem TV show


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To be honest I think the absolute best option is to turn the Future Past DLC into a series. Take out the first gen characters showing up, and create an entire show based around the 2nd gen in this post apocalyptic war with Grima. Would be the best option imo. Think Walking Dead but more stability, not so much death, and one big villain across the entire show with some smaller villains that have to be dealt with each season. Would be a perfect opportunity to expand upon some classes and characters.

I'd like to see that more than anything mainly because it'd be given us something new rather than just rethreading the plots of the games (course if we somehow ever go back to Jugdral in any form of media I'd be delighted).

And for those saying Archanea's cast would be bland, if it's an adaptation they can do what they want to improve the plots and personalities of the individual cast. Just look at how much more personality they have in the anime they already made of FE3, and that was a pretty low budget OVA that never made more than two episodes.

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