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Little irks


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Fire Emblem Fates is coming soon and it looks absolutely amazing, with interesting characters, beautiful music, cool mechanics and Kozaki's great artwork. Really, I can't really be much happier about this than I am right now. However, there are a few, very minor details with character design that just irritate me a little.

1. Sakura's eyes

Ever since I saw the April trailer, and saw her kawaii cutscene, I was hooked on Hoshido. She was just absolutely adorable in a completely clueless and reserved way (although I like Elise, Sakura doesn't throw her cuteness around in your face all the time). I have no fault to her personality as I mentioned I love her timidity but strong-willed nature. Although, and she doesn't seem to have this on her full artwork, but on her in-game profile, her face looks somewhat emotionless to me and looks a bit peculiar because her pupils are shaded a deep pink colour, rather than being black, which seems weird to me.


2. Azura's hair

Azura, I'm not going to lie, seemed quite important when I first heard of her in the January 2015 trailers, however apart from her class being useful in the battlefield, I quickly forgot about her as I focused on deeper, more interesting characters. So Azura is a middle-of-the-road kind of character for me. However, there is one feature that makes me want to punch something every time I see her profile image: her hair strand that runs down her face. It looks so silly in the portrait image, although it suits her in all the cutscenes. (BTW these are just my thoughts)


So this is just my little irritations about character design, please comment if you agree/disagree with mine and/or share frustration with other parts of the game, and as I said earlier, I don't hate this game, I am looking forward to it so much, so don't take it as a hate rant. :)

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Sakura was also one of the reasons I picked Hoshido too haha!

But I completely agree with you on Azura's hair.

One irk for me is the way the small build for the female avatar looks. I don't know, it looks off/awkward to me and I can't figure out why haha.

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Exactly, Azura is so lovely in her dances and it really pulls you in that she is an interesting character, both visually and story wise. Another character that *bothers me is Flannel's transformed model, when he throws back his head and "screams' it looks like his mouth is closed. Been trying to find a clear shot of it, but can't find it now.

Edited by Anfaidora
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I still dont get why people get bent out of shape about Azura's hair. I may never ever understand that.

The amount of emphasis on Hoshidans being BLOOD SIBLINGS in the localization (see GameXplain's vids for details) kinda wigs me out considering i was banking on localization making shit more vague.


Stannis does not approve. Angry ravens and incest war incoming.

Another character that brothels me is Flannel's transformed model
Another character that brothels me

blimey...thats a typo, my dear.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I feel like I've given my opinion on this game's story and characters over and over, so I'll stick to the superficial.

Most importantly, female Kamui's thigh holes and male Kamui's...well, everything else; I hate their design, I really do. In fact, I dislike a lot of the designs and animations for feeling so over the top; Ryouma, for instance, is according to himself a boring and simple man, and he's got this serious warrior attitude all the time, but he runs around with an impossible hairdo and ridiculous armor which just clashes with his personality. I'm sorry Thor Odinson please don't punch me.

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I kind of like her hair strand thing she has going on. In her portrait to me it looks like running water and I mean her whole theme is kinda centered around water. Eh, I dunno lol.

There is one thing that has irked me a little to some degree and that is that there aren't a whole lot of great hair options for Male Kamui, at least in my opinion. I dunno, I could only really find 2 that I really liked and all the others were kinda just meh but that's probably because there weren't a ton of short hair options and I'm a bit more of a fan of shorter hair (a hairstyle like Silas', Odin's or Benoit's would've been cool).

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Like, i get that Kamui/Corrin is supposed to be around a certain age in the canon. But at the same time, i feel like it was just another excuse not to add skin tone and facial hair. Most notably, facial hair.

*argle bargle*

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I was a little off-put by Sakura's portrait art as well. It didn't seem to fit with any of her other appearances.

As for Azura, that long strand of hair that runs between her eyes looks even MORE weird in her Live2D model.

Just look at how it moves with her head, as if it's stuck to her face.

(NOTE: Her confession is at the very beginning of the video.)

EDIT: Speaking of Live2D, they definitely should have used still images like Awakening for confessions, and save the Live2D surprise for whatever activity you do in Private Quarters.

Edited by Giga Man
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Like, i get that Kamui/Corrin is supposed to be around a certain age in the canon. But at the same time, i feel like it was just another excuse not to add skin tone and facial hair. Most notably, facial hair.

*argle bargle*

Wait, is that why he's got all these horrible haircuts? He's in a phase?

Garon: For Anankos' sake, Kamui, you're a Nohrian prince! You can't go out like that!

Kamui: Screw you! You're not even my real dad!

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My biggest gripe so far from the game itself anyway is more or less a nitpick, I REALLY don't like Charlotte's design. The rest I either like or am just indifferent to, but there's something that just feels wrong to me about that one.

Thankfully, I like Beruka's design so much that I stopped caring about Charlotte's design

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My only small nitpick is female Corrin's open thighs. They look so dumb and forced. They design females with a lot of open thighs now, in fact. Why is IS so allergic to females with fully covered legs these days? This is a reason I miss Tellius-like designs. Nearly all females wore pants or leggings or in the case of Callil, a long dress. Even Petrine, who was designed with some sex appeal. Why Camilla couldn't be dressed something like her, I don't know.

Glad Sakurai at least decided to cover Corrin's thighs in Smash.

Oh yeah, and is it ever said why Corrin goes barefoot? Azura I kind of get because she's a dancer and sometimes dancers actually dance barefoot in real life, but... Yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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Like, i get that Kamui/Corrin is supposed to be around a certain age in the canon. But at the same time, i feel like it was just another excuse not to add skin tone and facial hair. Most notably, facial hair.

*argle bargle*

Dude, not even the manliest of men have the slightest bit of facial hair in this game, not even Arthur, or Xander or Elise. Did you expect then to put a beard on Corrin? Is there even anyone in the game that has facial hair besides Garon's chin's unicorn horn? :p

I don't think Awakening had any facial hair either except for that one guy. We're not seeing fully bearded Avatars for a long time. :( Someone has to make a beard mod for fates...

Edited by SilverPants
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Oh yeah, and is it ever said why Corrin goes barefoot? Azura I kind of get because she's a dancer and sometimes dancers actually dance barefoot in real life, but... Yeah.

Come on, we both know the real reason Corrin is barefoot is that they REALLY want to nail in that the characters have feet this time.

I guess another nitpick of mine would be that unless I'm mistaken, I can't make my characters wear a headband like Beruka or Snake from MGS.

Edited by MCProductions
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Wait, is that why he's got all these horrible haircuts? He's in a phase?

Garon: For Anankos' sake, Kamui, you're a Nohrian prince! You can't go out like that!

Kamui: Screw you! You're not even my real dad!


Dude, not even the manliest of men have the slightest bit of facial hair in this game, not even Arthur, or Xander or Elise. Did you expect then to put a beard on Corrin? Is there even anyone in the game that has facial hair besides Garon's chin's unicorn horn? :p

I don't think Awakening had any facial hair either except for that one guy. We're not seeing fully bearded Avatars for a long time. :( Someone has to make a beard mod for fates...

Yeah i did notice. Not even Fuuga has manly facial hair. : ( Its so lame...no nappy hair, no facial hair...argh!!!

lmao Elise

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The lack of facial hair and rugged guys is annoying. Probably why 9/10 are one of my favorite FEs, it's like IS is scared to make them anymore. At least some stubble? I love facial hair.

Charlotte's design looks hideous and a somewhat copy paste from Nyx (Who's english voice I hate, two more units for the fodder)

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The lack of facial hair and rugged guys is annoying. Probably why 9/10 are one of my favorite FEs, it's like IS is scared to make them anymore. At least some stubble? I love facial hair.

Well i am glad more people are taking the lack of manly facial hair and rugged good looks in FE rather seriously! We should start a campaign! FE Fans For Facial Fuzz!

Hello all! Don't mind me, just gonna leave this here...


good gobblety goop, that looks terrible. Again, i dont quite get why people have beefs with her hair.

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Like, i get that Kamui/Corrin is supposed to be around a certain age in the canon. But at the same time, i feel like it was just another excuse not to add skin tone and facial hair. Most notably, facial hair.

*argle bargle*

This bugs me, too. They give us avatar customization, but it's extremely limited. I'm black and have a beard. Let me be me in my fantasy, but a little taller and muscular!

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. -_-

Edited by Giga Man
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I feel weird because the only other time I've seen a strand of hair go down someone's face like that was a sketch of a character I drew once. And the fact that that is the only other place I've seen it makes me feel... watched...

On the actual topic of nitpicks though...

I hate the names Saizo and Fuga. Saizo just looks cut off to me without the u, and Fuga reminds me of Fugu fish and looks too darn short to fit the way Fuuga looks.

Edited by AsherCrane
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