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Do you think it is possible to Pair Optimally for Children while also Pairing everyone?


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I'm mostly referencing Revelation, but it can apply to the game as a whole. Given the sheer amount of Children and the limited amount of characters to Pair, does it really seem possible to create Children who are mostly optimal, while also obtaining every child in a single playthrough? I am really curious about this, as Pairing Optimization was one of my favorite aspects in Awakening.

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So far, I'm still trying to figure out what I should Pair for from a gameplay perspective. I've separated out all of the Father's and Mothers that give the best Strength and Magic Modifiers, it's mostly everyone else that I'm having trouble with.

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Your probably should not just single them out like that since sometimes two characters who may have mods that are completely opposite to each, go very well. An example would be Orochi!Gurei. A very potent mixed unit, while having bad speed, Master Ninja, alongside a +Spd pair-up can run an Explosive Katana or can go Basara for full on mixed battle with an A+ with Shinonome for LF and again, a good +Spd pair up such as Caledori or Nina.

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I see. Sorry about that, I never really got around to realizing that Unbreakable Weapons let you run Mixed set's way more effectively. That actually makes things a bit more interesting. I'm almost wondering if something like Orochi!Mitama could be pretty viable as a Basara...

Edited by Avalanche
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I probably sound like a huge hyprocrit, but Mitama is a bi of an exception. Orochi works with much better people, and Mitama is probably much better with an actual all-offense unit.

Mixed units do work, but you don't want to waste mods. Azama has a -3 Mag mod which cancels out Orochi's +3, giving Mitama +1 if they still have that +1 to all kid's mod, while Gurei will get a +4.

Sometimes, you do want to think about mixing kids, but you also want to think about f the kid would actually do well as a mix. If Str and Mag mods don't conflict, then you can pull it off, but if like Azama's case, it is probably best to just go for an another option such as Effie.

Edited by Azz
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