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Hi! My name is Kat. I got into Fire Emblem back in 2005 when Path of Radiance released for the GameCube. Since then I've owned and played every FE released in English (though I'll admit I haven't beaten all of them.). I'm currently looking forward to FE Fates. I'm getting both Birthright and Conquest (physical copies) as birthday presents since my birthday is within the same week that the games launch. I will be starting with Birthright since my brother wants to use my copy of Conquest ("You can only use one at a time, Sis...") rather than buying his own. (Why he wants the harder one I have no clue, but okay... *laughs* )

I found this place by accident because of all the uproar about censorship. I didn't want to get pulled into that mess, so at first I just lurked, but with the game drawing nearer, I hope there will be lots of interesting discussion on what actually is in, and not just what is / may be out. I look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully making new friends. :)

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Hi! My name is Kat. I got into Fire Emblem back in 2005 when Path of Radiance released for the GameCube. Since then I've owned and played every FE released in English (though I'll admit I haven't beaten all of them.). I'm currently looking forward to FE Fates. I'm getting both Birthright and Conquest (physical copies) as birthday presents since my birthday is within the same week that the games launch. I will be starting with Birthright since my brother wants to use my copy of Conquest ("You can only use one at a time, Sis...") rather than buying his own. (Why he wants the harder one I have no clue, but okay... *laughs* )

I found this place by accident because of all the uproar about censorship. I didn't want to get pulled into that mess, so at first I just lurked, but with the game drawing nearer, I hope there will be lots of interesting discussion on what actually is in, and not just what is / may be out. I look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully making new friends. :)

Hey, welcome to SF!

I'm kind of new myself (well not really, but that's a long story), and I also like Path of Radiance. Though, it's not the first FE game I've played. (That honor goes to Binding Blade)

Though I must say, you selected a wonderful game to begin playing the franchise on. The best FEs to start with IMO are Genealogy of the Holy War, Blazing Sword, and Path of Radiance. My personal Top 3.

Have fun, and if you need anyone to talk to, feel free to PM me or hit me up on Skype. I'm always willing to make new friends and talk. xD

Edited by Falaflame
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