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So I decided to roll random Birthright Pairings for fun and...


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I got pairings that are arguably better than what I was planning. I don't even. Feel free to post your teams (planned or random) here so we can discuss, evaluate, laugh and judge each other.


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Nishiki x Oboro = Good, so good... Haha, I'm only talking about the support, Idk how good Kinu ends, but I really like the pairing, and it's my second favorite for Oboro because I can't have Oboro x Leon

I think the more random pairing I'm planning to do, its Pieri x Hinata, someone told me the pairing is not very good for Hisame (idk if that is right) but I liked the support, so... What I can say is that the hair color is not very good for Hisame but oh well

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I actually have always been planning to use random pairings for my first playthroughs of Birthright and Conquest for fun here's what I got.


Corrin x Kaden

Jakob x Orochi

Azama x Mozu

Hayato x Hana

Hinata x Oboro

Subaki x Kagero

Silas x Sakura

Kaze x Rinkah

Takumi x Azura

Saizo x Hinoka

Ryoma x Setsuna


Corrin x Odin

Laslow x Camilla

Niles x Elise (thanks random.org)

Flannel x Peri

Beruka x Kaze

Silas x Selena

Benny x Effie

Charlotte x Jakob

Xander x Nyx

Leo x Felicia

Arthur x Azura

I think yours are a lot better than mine but I mostly plan on goofing around just getting to know the game/having fun my first playthroughs so it will be fine. I tried typing their localized names still not used to them I'll get there.

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Trust me, I was planning for this to be more of a joke idea, but I honest to god might stick with them. Honestly, the only reservation I have is marrying Rhajat (I'll probably switch her out with Scarlet). Oh my god, should I actually bite the bullet and see what I get for Nohr?...

Your pairings still look okay! Leo and Felicia is apparently great and I've heard Takumi and Azura have a good Support.

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Yeah they're not the worse I just think some are a little odd but as someone who's going to fill up the support log anyway it doesn't really matter to me that much who marries who I want to read all the supports anyway. I'm glad at least some of the pairings are good. If you want to do Nohr go for it. I just find randomizing stuff fun especially because I am the most indecisive person on the planet so it usually helps me get somewhere lol.

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yeah broski you got out way better then i did

Okay so I went with an RNG team and I want to know - are any of these even remotely decent/practical





I may reroll some (still random) pairings

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This seems like it could be fun. Here are my randomly generated pairings:



























Well, Hoshido seems pretty good, at least in terms of supports. Nothing I'm vehemently against. A couple of the pairings seem like a total waste in Nohr (Leon/Elfie) but it's nothing too horrible I suppose.

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I plugged all the names in a random wheel and just went down a list. There are a ton of ways you can do this, so pick whatever works easiest for you

Also, I randomized my Nohr Pairings. With the exception of Nina being willed out of existence (Since My Avatar got Camilla someone was destined to go single and Niles was whom the wheel picked), everything was fine until the last few Pairings. Elise went to literally the only eligible person left (I spun for each character in join order so the Royal Brothers went last) and Leo and Xander felt the need to switch their "Optimal Wives". Oh well, at least my Foleo can really be the Maribelle expy...

Since I'm on a roll (and I hate myself), expect my Revelations Randoms to be up soon...


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I decided to randomize all of the pairings for all 3 paths. I even randomized marriages for the child characters, who everyone's A+ support would be, and randomized my MU's secondary class. I did this because I feel like I kinda want to see supports I might not have went out to my way to get otherwise. I've only read 5 supports from Fates and don't intend on reading more until I get it myself so support wise I have no idea if these are good pairings.

I also removed everyone that had been paired up and re-rolled whenever going down the list I encountered a couple I already had planned to use/were paired in a different path or if two characters that can't marry got paired (Elise and Leo happened). I also didn't put A+ supports in the randomizer if they didn't give the character any classes (according to the wiki). Oh, and didn't put Soliel in any of the child marriage randomizers either (because I'm personally not that comfortable marrying her off).

I'm probably gonna use these for my first playthroughs because why not!




This took me a lot longer than I expected to make, but I think it's a nice chart I like having. I maybe shouldn't have tried manually coloring all the kids' hair but idec

I def did this more for myself, but I felt like sharing the results because I'm curious about what people who are more familiar with Fates would think of these pairings.

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Wow, thanks for reminding me this existed! I'll comment on your pairings and post up my randomized Revelations once I'm back at my computer.

Edit: So... It's after 1 in the morning, so I'll probably get around to this tomorrow...

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I'll throw in my random lists, for kicks I guess. Just a sec. Not gonna bother changing hair colors.




Well, there are some interesting pairings in there. Some are good, some are decent, and others are really bad. In each set. Not gonna be using these, but it was interesting doing this.

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I opened up 2 tabs in random.org and used list randomizer. I used 1 tab to list all the male units and another for the female units and just matched up the numbers.

I feel really stupid but, how do you get their pictures? Recoloring was mentioned?

Sorry, I am pretty computer illiterate in the graphics department.... I would really like to try this though.

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I feel really stupid but, how do you get their pictures? Recoloring was mentioned?

Sorry, I am pretty computer illiterate in the graphics department.... I would really like to try this though.

You don't get portraits. We just use the faces and copy/paste/move to the pairings we get. Like the shipping grids up there.

Also the RNG has a common tendency to do Kagero x Saizo or is it just me?

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So after about an hour, Revelation is finally done! I have to admit, this isn't entirely random; I got down to the last few Pairings (Laslow, Odin and Niles) and I had an exact number of people remaining to pair everyone. So, instead of possibly leaving 2 people single, I decide to pair myself. So yes, I'm a dirty, dirty cheater in my own thread. OVerall though, this is probably my favorite batch of randoms that I got. It's not as good gameplay wise as Hoshido (In particular, I have my second stronk Foleo...), but the pairings seem really unique and fun.

Also, to justloveme94: I just typed "Fates Pairing Chart" into google to find the chart I used. Also, I went to the FE Wiki for the kids portraits with the appropriate hair. Trust me, this wasn't too difficult or technical; I did it all in Paint :)


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poor setsuna xoxo

Zero/Elise (epo9 should benefit from this :3)
Suzukaze/Nyx (suzu always gets the lolis :I)
poor aqua xoxo

tl;dr zero x elise

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I tried randomizing pairings too, and while I don't plan on posting a list, there was an interesting tidbit I wanted to share:

At one point, I picked Takumi for male. Naturally, I started rolling for females, but all of the choices were Nohrian females (I mixed up Hoshidans and Nohrians)-- ones he couldn't marry, that is-- or females that were already taken by prior rolls.

I kept rolling and rolling, and damn it, I had to have rolled for 20 times already. And I was only in the middle of the list-- it wasn't like Takumi was the third to last on the list.

Eventually, just as I was about to give up, a usable roll came up:


The persistence of a girl in love, eh?

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Peri was always rolled for Laslow in both Nohr and Revelation for me. The only reason she didn't end up with him in the latter was due to be stepping in at the end. True love indeed.

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