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[FE6] FE6 Draft


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It happens but in my opinion, it's not really an issue unless you take more than one or two days.

Chapter 1: 4/4

Alan, Lance and Bors give most of their stuff to Roy/Marcus, Marcus moves to the leftmost Fighter and kills him and Roy moves to the left of Marcus but stays out of range. On EP, two Fighters attack Marcus and die. Next PP, Roy chips a Fighter and gets rescued afterwards by Silver Lance!Marcus who moves as far north as possible. He equipped the Silver Lance for this EP because he can't double and ORKO the enemies when rescuing Roy with the Iron Sword so he'd get surrounded. The hit rates are kind of iffy but Marcus only needs to hit one or two attacks in order to have a clear path (the enemies prefer to attack Marcus from the sides or from below, for whatever reason). Anyway, 3rd turn PP, Marcus moves as far to the north-west as possible, equips an Iron Sword and drops Roy to the north. Come EP, a Fighter attacks Roy and another one gets killed by Marcus. On PP 4, Marcus ORKOs the boss with his Silver Lance (he needs to hit two attacks with 64% displayed hit so a 55.41% chance of success factoring in True Hit) and Roy seizes.

I could have tripled Roy's EXP income by rigging crits but I think that's not worth the effort and would be cheap. Also, I could have rigged a few more Silver Lance misses during the second EP to conserve some uses but I should be fine with the uses I have now. Lastly, I've missed the village because it would have taken too many turns to get it.


Everybody is at base Level.

Edited by Cyas
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Oh yeah I did Chapter 1 yesterday as well.

Chapter 1: 5/5

Not having anyone to fight besides Marcus and Roy sucks. Without extensive critical rigging, it's hard to go about this chapter optimally. Marcus had to drag Roy south on account of the fact that he would get boxed in up north by fighters he couldn't ORKO. I'm sure a four turn would have been possible, but it would've required a lot of rigging.

Everyone is still at base.

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I'm sure a four turn would have been possible, but it would've required a lot of rigging.

Well, the boss kill might need rigging since it only has a 55.41% reliability but the rest was pretty reliable in my 4 turn clear.

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Oh, just a question: Do you have to kill Idenn with the Sword of Seals or can you just go in and rush?

Chapter 1: 5/5

Every bandit fed themselves to Marcus. Roy and Bors helped, though.

Roy    Lord     2  19   6      6   8   8   6   0   D Sword
Marcus Paladin  1  32   9      14  11  10  9   8   D Sword, A Lance, E Axe
Bors   Knight   1  20   7      4   3   5   12  0   C Lance

Chapter 2: 6/11

Got Ellen, she's useful as a healer. Marcus finished the boss and Bors got a level.

Roy    Lord    4  19   6      7   8   9   7   2  D Sword
Marcus Paladin 1  32   9      14  11  10  9   8  D Sword, A Lance, E Axe
Bors   Knight  2  21   7      5   3   5   11  0  C Lance
Ellen  Cleric  1  16   1      6   8   8   0   6  D Staff
Edited by MagicIsOP
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Oh, just a question: Do you have to kill Idenn with the Sword of Seals or can you just go in and rush?

I'd say it's okay to kill her without the Sword of Seals, what matters is that you get to her in the first place.

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Well, the boss kill might need rigging since it only has a 55.41% reliability but the rest was pretty reliable in my 4 turn clear.

I don't believe so. If I go north at the beginning to get to the gate more quickly, Marcus has to crit one of the fighters in order to advance because he doesn't have enough speed to double. Going south leaves him just out of range to drop Roy on turn 3 and kill the boss on turn 4 PP.

Also, I pick Oujay. I'll do Chapters 2 and 3 later today.

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Yeah there's no reason to ban the normal ending, but the good one is really easy to get anyway unless you don't give Roy any boots and even then it's very doable.

@Blaze Marcus can OHKO them with silver lance at 77 true hit.

C1 4/4 turns

Roy and Alan went through the bottom on turn 1 so Alan can set up 2 kills for Roy. He rescued Roy on turn 2 and moved onto a forest tile, Marcus then took Roy and moved forward (next to the single forest tile below the castle) with an iron sword equipped. Turn 3, Alan killed a fighter that attacked Marcus from the forest tile and soaked up the rest of the fighters on EP, facing 46 hit with the iron sword. Marcus dropped Roy onto the ruin on turn 3 and killed the boss on turn 4. Didn't get the money village.

Roy       1.80  base                         D Swd
Marcus    1.32  base                         D Swd A Lnc E Axe
Alan      2.86  22   8   4   6   3   7   0   E Swd D Lnc

C2 6/10 turns

Roy ate the 2 melee soldiers at the start and Marcus equipped a Javelin to counter the hand axes. He still whiffed one attack, so he had to kill a melee fighter in the way on PP and Alan ferried him ahead. He dropped Marcus off on turn 3 and the two of them along with Ward took on the enemies near the gate. Turn 4, I dropped Roy ahead, but not far enough to reach the gate in 2 fullmoves. Marcus pulled the Mercenary, who I then fed to Roy, and then rescued Roy with Alan on turn 5. Marcus dropped him within seizing range and positioned himself 2 tiles above him so the Archer doesn't block the way. Turn 6, Marcus ORKOed Ruud with Armorslayer.

Roy       3.64  20   6   6   8   7   6   1   D Swd
Marcus    1.59  base                         D Swd A Lnc E Axe
Alan      4.05  24  10   5   8   4   8   0   E Swd D Lnc
Ward      4.22  30   9   3   5   4   3   0   D Axe
Merlinus  1.03  base
Edited by Gradivus.
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I don't believe so. If I go north at the beginning to get to the gate more quickly, Marcus has to crit one of the fighters in order to advance because he doesn't have enough speed to double. Going south leaves him just out of range to drop Roy on turn 3 and kill the boss on turn 4 PP.

Also, I pick Oujay. I'll do Chapters 2 and 3 later today.

He has just enough Att. to OHKO any generic Fighter with the Silver Lance.

Cecilia and I guess Rutger (Yes, I already have Dieck but he has so much Con that nobody can really ferry him. Some more help early-game also can't hurt).

Chapter 2: 6/10

Roy moves south and critkills the Soldier, Marcus moves next to him and trades Roy’s Iron Sword at the top of his inventory. Merlinus goes to the village and Allen to the Armory. 2 Soldiers and a Hand Axe!Fighter attack Roy but he survives. Marcus moves on the fort and kills one of the Hand Axe!Fighter with a Javelin, Roy and Dieck kill Soldiers. In the 3rd PP, Lance trades the Armorslayer to Marcus, Roy heals himself up and Marcus rescues him and moves to the east. Dieck jumps into the middle of an enemy horde and ORKOs anything that attacks him at 1 range on EP. Next turn, Marcus kills a Soldier and Dieck an Archer, nothing of importance happens on EP. Turn 5, Marcus gives both Roy and the Armorslayer to Dieck, kills another Soldier and Dieck moves up and drops Roy in seizing range. A Fighter and an Archer attack Roy on EP. On turn 6, Marcus kills the Archer who blocks the way to the boss, Dieck ORKOes him with the Armorslayer and Roy seizes. Dieck got the exact same Level twice: HP/Str/Skl/Spd, I’m not complaining.

Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
Roy	2.53	19	5	5	7	8	5	1	D
Marcus	1.65	Base
Dieck	7.27	28	11	14	12	5	6	1	C
Merlin. 1.00	Base
Edited by Cyas
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C3 6/16 turns

Alan and Marcus ferried Roy through the building, dropping him off while possible so he can get exp. On turn 4, Alan killed a soldier on a chokepoint so Marcus can move through after picking up Roy. Turn 5, Alan ORKOed the Javelin!Cav reinforcement so Marcus can enter the throne room and drop Roy there. Turn 6, Alan killed a fighter that blocked Roy's way using Javelin. Chad and Ward remained at the bottom, protecting undrafted units and self-improving I guess. Merlinus got the mend staff.

Roy       4.78  21   6   6   8   8   7   2   D Swd
Marcus    1.94  base                         D Swd A Lnc E Axe
Alan      6.11  25  11   6  10   5   8   0   E Swd D Lnc
Ward      5.17  30  10   3   5   4   3   0   D Axe
Chad      2.09  17   4   4  10   5   2   0   E Swd
Merlinus  1.03  base
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Chapter 2: 7/12

And now my inexperience at this game/general lack of FE skill really begins to show. Marcus and Roy killed stuff in the south, Thany grabbed the Armorslayer from my undrafted units, etc. I got screwed over by having Thany only able to drop Roy 6 spaces from the throne on Turn 5, and then I resetted for 10+ minutes on Turn 6 trying to get good RNs, but it was not to be.

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