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[FE6] FE6 Draft


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Chapter 3: 7/19

Certainly not the best of starts for me. Thany charges up the left for self-improvement and to recruit Lugh, while Marcus carries Roy through the castle and kills off mooks. Hopefully next chapter will provide a nice break from all these tight spaces which are really screwing over my positioning.


Roy 2.54 18/6/5/7/7/5/0

Marcus --/2.75 33/9/14/12/10/9/8

Thany 3.71 18/5/8/14/5/6/6

Lugh Base everything (literally got no experience in this chapter)

Edited by Blaze The Great
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C4 4/20 turns

Marcus rushed, equipping a hand axe on turn 2 to kill some ranged dudes. Alan gave Roy to him on turn 3 and killed an archer in the way on turn 4 to clear Roy's way to the gate. Marcus sat within range for Erik to javelin him and dealt a bit of damage back with a javelin. Turn 4, he finished the job with silver lance. Merlinus got the door key, Ward just went along with Marcus, Alan and Roy although I don't think he did anything useful, and Chad fed a nomad to Roy on turn 2 and got the steel blade on turn 4. None of my units could get the angelic robe without slowing down a turn, so I passed up on it. Shanna went shopping, mainly getting a lot of hand axes.

Roy       5.19  22   6   6   8   9   7   2   D Swd
Marcus    2.49  32  10  15  12  10   9   8   D Swd A Lnc E Axe
Alan      7.13  26  12   7  11   6   8   0   E Swd D Lnc
Ward      5.28  30  10   3   5   4   3   0   D Axe
Chad      2.24  17   4   4  10   5   2   0   E Swd
Merlinus  1.03  base

C5 3/23 turns

Marcus opened the gate on turn 1, using a hand axe to kill the brigands and 2 out of 3 nomads. He also ended up hitting both shots against a merc, although I don't think I needed him to. Alan gave Roy to Marcus and killed a mage to make the EP more reliable. Marcus, because he had the speed to double Dory, could do the kill without attacking on PP2, so he went next to him after dropping Roy off with a hand axe equipped, hitting Dory once on EP2. Turn 3, he finished off with 2x silver lance. Chad just self-improved against some fighters above the start.

Roy       5.29  22   6   6   8   9   7   2   D Swd
Marcus    3.20  32  10  15  12  11  10   8   D Swd A Lnc E Axe
Alan      7.53  26  12   7  11   6   8   0   E Swd D Lnc
Ward      5.28  30  10   3   5   4   3   0   D Axe
Chad      3.39  17   5   4  11   6   2   0   E Swd
Merlinus  1.03  base
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Chapter 3: 8/18

Marcus kills a Soldier and Roy and Dieck move closer to the enemies. On EP, a Soldier and an Archer attack Roy. Next PP+EP, my units just kill some guys while progressing forward. Turn 3, Roy moves up and heals and Marcus equips the Iron Axe and rescues Roy. A Knight and a Soldier suicide on Marcus during that EP. On Turn 4, a Soldier is blocking the path so Marcus moves as far as he can and drops Roy off. Roy has to fight some Soldiers and barely survives. Merlinus gets the Mend staff, Marcus kills one of the Cavaliers and Roy moves closer to the boss room and uses a Vulnerary. Roy fights 4 Soldiers, 1 Cavalier and 1 Fighter and pretty much defies the RNG: He dodges everything but the Lance!Cavalier, he also critkills said Cavalier. Turn 6, Marcus kills the Hand Axe!Fighter and Roy goes into the boss room. Next turn, Marcus trades for the Armorslayer and then fights against Slauter with an Iron Axe on EP. He finishes off on turn 8 with the Armorslayer and Roy seizes. Dieck was busy protecting undrafted units the whole time.

Roy got a few crits this chapter but I don’t think any of them were needed. A 7 turn clear was probably possible considering that Roy was one tile short of reaching the Throne on turn 7 but the enemies always ended up blocking my path in the last few turns and I got tired of restarting the map. Oh well, Roy got more EXP that way.


Unit 	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
Roy	4.45	20	6	6	7	10	5	2	D Swords
Marcus	2.32	33	9	15	12	11	9	8	D Swords, A Lances, E Axes
Dieck	8.11	29	12	14	12	5	6	1	C Swords
Merlin.	1.00	Base

Chapter 4: 7/25

Marcus rushes into enemy masses and Dieck rescues Roy. Next turn, Dieck gives Roy to Marcus, who moves forward, drops Roy off and cantos into enemy hordes once again. Marcus keeps rushing forward and Roy+Dieck pick up the scraps. On turn 5, Dieck rescues Roy so that he can give him to Marcus during turn 6 who drops him close to the throne and then positions himself with a Silver Lance right in front of Erik. Dieck spars with Rutger on EP. Clarine recruits him on turn 7, he kills an Archer and Dieck kills the boss while Lot buys stuff from the Armory. Roy seizes on turn 7.

I cleared this map as fast as my drafted units allowed it but 7 turns is still very slow. Not having one of Allen, Lance or Thany on this map is really stupid. Nobody got the Angelic Robe village because it costs turns.


Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
Roy	5.26	21	7	7	8	10	5	3	D Swords
Marcus	2.89	33	9	15	12	11	9	8	D Swords, S Lances, E Axes
Dieck	9.65	30	12	15	12	5	7	1	B Swords
Rutger	4.23	22	7	12	13	2	5	0	C Swords
Merlin.	1.00	Base

Chapter 5: 3/28

Marcus took a few Hand Axes and rushed to the gate, Dieck rescues Roy and Rutger moves north and just self-improves for the rest of the chapter. Everything attacked Marcus on EP. Next turn, Dieck gives Roy to Marcus and kills a Bandit in front of him. Marcus equips the Iron Sword, drops Roy in seizing range and cantos to the boss. Roy doesn’t actually die instantly to everything and survives the enemy phase without me having to manipulate the RNG. On turn 3, Marcus Silver Lances the boss, Dieck and Rutger get some last minute EXP and Roy seizes.


Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
Roy	5.59	21	7	7	8	10	5	3	D Swords
Marcus	3.51	34	10	16	12	11	10	8	D Swords, S Lances, E Axes
Dieck	10.10	31	13	15	12	5	8	2	B Swords
Rutger	5.47	23	8	12	13	2	5	0	C Swords
Merlin.	1.00	Base

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Chapter 4: 6/25

Messier than I would've liked, but oh well. Marcus rescues Roy and charges down the middle. Thany backs him up then moves south at the very end. Lugh fights a few dudes. Marcus drops Roy to let Clarine recruit herself Turn 5, and Roy seizes on Turn 6 after Marcus ends Erik's sorry existence.

Chapter 5: 3/28

Marcus opens the gate Turn 1, kills off a lot of enemies. Clarine and Thany combine to rescue drop Roy 3 spaces from the throne on Turn 2, while Lugh fries a nomad to keep Thany safe. Turn 3, I have to rig an 8% crit to kill a mage (who moved himself directly in front of Dory >:( ), and then Lugh and Marcus kill him so Roy can seize.


Roy 3.37 19/7/5/7/8/5/0

Marcus --/4.32 34/10/14/13/11/9/9

Thany 6.59 20/5/9/17/8/7/7

Lugh 2.33 17/5/5/6/5/4/5

Clarine Base everything

That's all for tonight, unless Cyas makes his pick. Then I'll pick as well.

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Juno and Igrene.

By the way guys:

Obviously, you don't want to hold up the draft. If you're pretty sure you're going to be sleeping or at school or at work when your turn comes up, and you won't be back for a while, you're allowed to implement a contingency plan. This involves - generally - sending a PM to another user with a list of picks. Let's go back to this FE8 draft that's going on. We're early in the draft, and we're waiting for Furetchen to get his double-pick done. Donna knows she'll be in bed like a good girl when Furetchen makes his pick and doesn't want Soul to have to wait. So, Donna sends Soul a PM.
"Hey Soul, bestest buddy old pal, if I'm not around when you're ready to go could you draft Forde for me? If Furetchen takes him then give me Ross, then Duessel. Thanks!

Consider sending me a PM if you already know your picks and know that you'll be gone for a while. I'm the last one to draft so it's literally impossible for me to steal your picks.

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I am doing Chapter 3 right now, will get stats and chapter overview up later. Chapter 3 is here!

Chapter 3(8/19)

Rushed through the building, giving Roy and Bors some needed XP. Marcus got the bosskill as per usual and Chad picked up the treasures.(Halberd and 3k gold)

Roy    Lord       5 17    7     7   9  10   7   2  D Sword
Marcus Paladin    2 25   10    15  11  10   9   8  D Sword, A Lance, E Axe
Bors   Knight     3 22    7     6   3   6  11   0  C Lance
Ellen  Cleric     2 16    1     6   8   8   0   6  D Staffs
Merlin. Transport 1 Base Everything
Edited by MagicIsOP
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Either redo the map, take the 4 turn penalty or just don't use the Halberd (I doubt 3k will change much). Choice is up to you but please check out the rules whenever you aren't 100% sure if you're allowed to do a certain move or not.

Edited by Cyas
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C6 5/28 turns

Alan routed the enemies in the middle with javelin + vulnerary. Marcus went left, carrying Roy and dropping him off on turn 2, after Ward cleared the way by killing a soldier. Turn 3, Marcus opened the door and canto'd towards the throne room, such that Sue can take a steel bow from him and kill a remaining soldier. Turn 4, Sue ferried Roy ahead, Marcus took him and OHKOed the stationary mage in front of the throne room with silver lance. Alan dropped Roy within seizing range. Turn 5, Alan killed a mage in the way and Marcus could barely feed Wagner to Sue with silver lance + steel bow. Chad got the 8000G from the south-west room since my bosskillers aren't reliant on silver lance.

Roy       5.32  22   6   6   8   9   7   2   D Swd
Marcus    3.30  32  10  15  12  11  10   8   D Swd A Lnc E Axe
Alan      9.95  28  12   8  13   7  10   1   E Swd C Lnc
Ward      6.08  31  10   3   5   5   3   0   D Axe
Chad      4.18  18   6   4  12   6   2   1   E Swd
Sue       2.41  19   5   7   9   4   5   0   D Bow
Merlinus  1.05  base

C7 6/34 turns

Alan, Ward and Sue fought their way through the left from the start on, while Marcus first killed some enemies to the right and then went left of the arena to help out. Roy had to wait for Noah to appear, recruited him on turn 3 and got picked up by Marcus on turn 4. Sue had to buy a door key (got a chest key aswell) so I can go through the door, which she gave to Alan on turn 5, and killed the right wyvern that Alan pulled before. Alan then canto'd into the boss area after opening the door and Roy got dropped within seizing range. On turn 6, Ward and Sue ganged up for a mage in Roy's way and Marcus almost killed the boss with armorslayer. Alan took the kill with Javelin:


Chad got the hero crest and Merlinus got the red gem and the KE. Had to maneuver a bit to make this happen (archers and soldiers actually prefer Chad as a target over Merlinus) due to their lack of good combat. Missed out on Zealot, so I'll have to go for Sacae route. Sue sadly got some crappy levels though.

Roy       5.48  22   6   6   8   9   7   2   D Swd
Marcus    3.64  32  10  15  12  11  10   8   D Swd A Lnc D Axe
Alan     11.93  30  13   9  14   8  10   1   E Swd C Lnc
Ward      6.63  31  10   3   5   5   3   0   C Axe
Chad      4.18  18   6   4  12   6   2   1   E Swd
Sue       4.96  20   5   8   9   6   5   0   D Bow
Merlinus  1.07  base

C8 13/47 turns

As always, this was long and is hard to describe, so I'll just say that Marcus led the charge and mopped up the vast majority of the enemies, using axes. Sue and Roy picked up scraps here and there and Alan followed Marcus somewhat closely. Sue and Alan helped Roy and Chad keep up with rescuing. My units went through the treasury, with Alan picking up the knight crest along the way and using it instantly to promote while giving Roy to Marcus. Dropped Roy into the throne room on turn 12, Marcus killed a mage on turn 13 and Alan ORKOed Leygance with Armorslayer:


Chad collected the treasure in the middle, got none of those past the boss area. Sue killed a generic thief and is starting to get good levels.

Roy       6.79  23   7   6   8  10   7   2   C Swd
Marcus    4.65  33  10  15  12  11  11   8   D Swd A Lnc D Axe
Alan   12/1.70  34  15  12  16   8  12   5   D Swd B Lnc E Axe
Ward      6.75  31  10   3   5   5   3   0   C Axe
Chad      6.03  20   8   5  13   8   4   1   E Swd
Sue       7.43  21   6  10  11   6   5   0   D Bow
Merlinus  1.07  base

C8x 8/55 turns

Alan and Marcus rushed. Alan hit C swords midway through the chapter and Roy self-improved a bit because there were chump fighters with steel axes etc. Dropped Roy near the throne (but not far enough to seize on turn 7) on turn 6 so Alan could get extra combat rounds against Henning with killing edge. Sue didn't rush alongside Alan and Marcus because she could get more exp staying near the start. Chad helped her get kills and got a bit of exp for himself.

Roy       8.91  23   8   6   9  10   7   4   C Swd
Marcus    4.87  33  10  15  12  11  11   8   D Swd A Lnc D Axe
Alan   12/2.79  35  16  12  17   8  12   5   C Swd B Lnc E Axe
Ward      7.18  32  10   3   5   5   4   0   C Axe
Chad      7.68  21   9   5  14   8   5   1   D Swd
Sue       9.11  22   7  12  12   8   5   0   C Bow
Merlinus  1.07  base

C9 6/61 turns

Everyone moved towards the castle. Alan led the charge and killed most things. Turn 5, Noah recruited Fir on turn 5 and got rescued by Marcus so Sue can stand on that tile to recruit Shin next turn. Alan dropped Roy barely within seizing range, with Roy being equipped with Light Brand and Alan with iron sword. This made Shin attack Alan, resulting in the way not being blocked for Sue. Marcus and Wo Dao crit!Fir killed a Merc that placed himself in front of the castle and Alan killed the boss with a KE crit and a hit (~20% chance).

Roy       9.61  24   8   6  10  11   7   4   C Swd
Marcus    4.99  33  10  15  12  11  11   8   D Swd S Lnc D Axe
Alan   12/3.92  35  16  12  18   8  12   5   C Swd B Lnc E Axe
Ward      7.18  32  10   3   5   5   4   0   C Axe
Chad      7.68  21   9   5  14   8   5   1   D Swd
Sue       9.79  22   7  12  12   8   5   0   C Bow
Fir       2.24  20   6   9  10   4   3   1   D Swd
Merlinus  1.07  base
Edited by Gradivus.
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Chapter 6: 4/32

Marcus rushed into enemy masses once again and killed many enemies. Turn 2, Rutger and Dieck caught up and help route the enemies in the middle while Marcus kills the Soldiers blocking the path to the Throne room. Rutger gives Roy to Marcus on turn 3 so he can drop Roy into seizing range and equips a Javelin to counter Wagner on EP. Dieck and Rutger clean up the middle, Marcus Silver Lances Wagner and Roy seizes.

The boss kill was super unreliable but that's typical for Wagner: 14.95% C.o.S. factoring in True Hit.


Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
Roy	5.62	21	7	7	8	10	5	3	D Swords
Marcus	4.21	35	10	16	13	11	10	8	D Swords, S Lances, D Axes
Dieck	10.84	31	13	15	12	5	8	2	B Swords
Rutger	6.06	24	8	13	14	3	5	0	C Swords
Merlin.	1.01	Base

Chapter 7: 7/39

Deployed Allen and Thany for NPC rescuing/shopping/tradeswapping. Rutger went to the north-west part of the map and killed the Knight with the Armorslayer, Allen tradeswaps to Killing Edge. Marcus goes north-east killing a Knight and getting a Hand Axe tradeswapped later. Roy and Dieck follow Marcus while Merlinus closes in on the Villages to the right side. Next turn, Hand Axe!Marcus charges into the range of pretty much everybody, Roy gets a Merc kill fed, Merlinus visits a village and Rutger continues to critkill everything. During turn 3, Roy recruits Noah who kills a Soldier. Thany rescues Zealot (he was heading to the completely wrong direction), Marcus kills a Wyvern and Dieck gets another village. The next turn was kinda problematic because 2 cavaliers moved south, close to my undrafted units: Thany gave Zealot to Allen and cantos out of range of the Cavaliers but ends up in range of the Archer, Merlinus saves the day by blocking the way to Thany. Allen drops Zealot close to Roy, then cantos away. Roy recruits Zealot who rescues Allen out of range. After that, Noah rescues Roy and Marcus takes him and brings him close to the gate. Finally, Rutger baits out the Cavaliers so that they don’t go for my undrafted units, NPC!Treck does that too. It’s pretty simple from this point onward: Rutger cleans out the middle and gets the Village closest to him. Dieck kills the Archer and he and Merlinus get two Villages. Zealot and Allen go shopping. Noah takes Roy and Marcus opens the door with the key but doesn’t move closer to the boss. He ORKOes him with the Hammer next turn while Noah drops Roy in seizing range. Marcus gets some WEXP by fighting (and missing) a Priest and Noah kills him for some more EXP, Roy seizes on turn 7.

I missed the Torch, the Elixir and the Horseslayer Village. By the way, if you kill the boss, no reinforcements will spawn. That made this 7 turn clear possible/more reliable. I’m pretty sure that Rutger should be good enough for Henning once I get to him. Though, I wish I could have gotten Noah more EXP.


Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
Roy	5.97	21	7	7	8	10	5	3	D Swords
Marcus	5.03	36	11	16	13	11	10	8	D Swords, S Lances, C Axes
Dieck	11.17	32	14	15	12	5	8	2	B Swords
Rutger	8.47	26	9	15	15	4	6	0	C Swords
Noah	7.55	Base
Merlin.	1.01	Base

Edited by Cyas
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C10A 6/67 turns

Alan rushed into the masses and Marcus followed him, killing enemies in the way. Sue, Fir and Roy got some exp from picking up scraps. Alan dropped Roy near the castle on turn 4, but Roy fell short of seizing, so I had time to give him a shaman kill and get extra rounds of combat with Alan against the boss, making things more reliable. Marcus got the Swordreaver.

Roy      10.49  25   9   7  11  12   7   4   C Swd
Marcus    5.36  34  10  16  12  12  11   8   D Swd S Lnc D Axe
Alan   12/5.31  37  17  12  19   8  12   5   B Swd B Lnc E Axe
Ward      7.18  32  10   3   5   5   4   0   C Axe
Chad      8.03  22   9   5  15   9   6   1   D Swd
Sue      11.84  22   7  14  14   8   5   0   C Bow
Fir       4.09  22   6  10  12   6   3   1   D Swd
Merlinus  1.07  base

C11A 8/75 turns

Roy, Fir, Marcus and Lalum went down. Alan, Chad and Sue went right, with Sue baiting enemies through the wall for exp, while Alan broke the wall with slight help from Chad and took on most fighters. Ward went for the Orion's Bolt and Axereaver villages. Trained Fir quite a bit. Since I missed out on Clarine, Roy recruited Klein, who then got ferried towards the top-left corner to recruit Tate on turn 8. Marcus got the Restore and Dracoshield before Klein spawned, assisted Fir for some kills and ferried Roy towards the gate after recruiting Klein. He gave Roy to Alan, who came through the top and broke the wall with some help, so he can drop Roy within range to seize. Alan hit the boss twice on EP7 with iron sword and continued next PP, whiffing one and connecting the other, letting Sue take the kill. Got all the villages.

Roy      11.80  25  10   7  11  13   8   5   C Swd
Marcus    5.61  34  10  16  12  12  11   8   D Swd S Lnc D Axe
Alan   12/6.08  38  17  12  20   9  12   5   B Swd B Lnc E Axe
Ward      8.04  33  11   3   5   5   5   0   C Axe
Chad      8.04  22   9   5  15   9   6   1   D Swd
Sue      14.21  23   9  16  16  11   5   0   C Bow
Fir       8.05  26   8  13  15   9   3   1   D Swd
Tate      8.00  22   6   8  11   3   7   6   D Lnc
Lalum     1.60  14   1   2  12   9   2   4
Merlinus  1.08  base
Edited by Gradivus.
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Deployed Allen and Thany for NPC rescuing/shopping/tradeswapping.

So we are allowed to bring along undrafted units for stuff like that without incurring a penalty? I'm about to start Chapter 7 right now, so that will be hugely helpful if that is true. Edited by Blaze The Great
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Yeah, see OP:

1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.4

EDIT: It's also fair to field thieves only for FoW vision as long as they don't do anything disallowed.

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I completely forgot it was my turn, so Cath. I need a thief anyways.

CHAPTER 4(9/32)

Marcus did Marcus stuff, Roy leveled up and Bors cleaned up some low-HP guys.

Roy    Lord       7 22    7     8  10  10   8   2   C Sword
Marcus Paladin    3 34   10    15  11  10   9   8   D Sword, A Lance, E Axe
Bors   Knight     4 23    7     7   3   6  11   0   C Lance
Ellen  Cleric     3 16    1     6   8   9   0   6   D Staffs
Merl.  Transport  1 Base Everything

CHAPTER 5(8/40)

Marcus, actually, did not get the bosskill, Roy did. Everyone else did stuff.

Roy    Lord       9 24    8     9  11  12   8   2  C Sword
Marcus Paladin    3 34   10    15  11  10   9   8  C Sword, A Lance, E Axe
Bors   Knight     5 24    8     7   4   7  11   0  C Lance
Ellen  Cleric     3 16    1     6   8   9   0   6  D Staffs
Merl.  Transport  1 Base Everything
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Chapter 8: 14/53

This chapter is hard to describe so I’ll just give a brief summary: Marcus rescue dropped Roy the whole time so he can get EXP and Noah kind of does the same thing with Rutger because he needed EXP as well. Astore steals some stuff then starts opening chests in the middle room. Dieck just tags along and picks up the leftover enemies. Once Rutger got enough EXP, Noah went after Marcus, who was rescuing Roy all the time, and trained a bit with the enemies that Marcus left weakened. Marcus drops Roy into seizing range on turn 13 and Armoslayer crits the boss during turn 14 (I don’t like rigging low % crits but it would have probably taken 2 or 3 turns more without it).

I didn't get the treasures past the boss and the Elfire tome.


Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
Roy	6.65	22	8	8	9	10	5	3	C Swords
Marcus	6.25	37	11	16	14	11	10	9	D Swords, S Lances, C Axes
Dieck	11.58	32	14	15	12	5	8	2	B Swords
Rutger	10.22	28	11	17	17	4	6	0	B Swords
Noah	10.28	30	8	9	10	7	9	1	C Swords D Lances
Astore	10.94	25	7	8	15	11	7	3	C Swords
Merlin.	1.03	Base

Chapter 8x: 10/63

See chapter 8, I’ll just give a summary: Dieck went south and killed all the enemies there. Astore stole some Vulneraries and a Door Key. Marcus and Noah rescue dropped Roy and Rutger forward. Rutger promotes during turn 8 and gets rescue dropped to fight Henning on turn 9 EP. He leaves him at 9 HP so Noah can finish off with the Light Brand.

You might think that I could have shaved off turns by promoting Noah and rescue dropping only Roy but defeating Henning in a timely fashion would have taken way too much rigging. I’ve lost one turn but gained tons of reliability so I went with this clear.


Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
Roy	7.36	23	9	8	9	10	5	3	C Swords
Marcus	6.75	37	11	16	14	11	10	9	D Swords, S Lances, C Axes
Dieck	12.57	33	14	16	12	5	8	2	A Swords
Rutger	10/1.10	33	13	19	18	4	9	2	A Swords
Noah	12.47	31	9	10	11	9	9	1	C Swords D Lances
Astore	11.83	25	7	8	16	11	7	3	C Swords
Merlin.	1.03	Base

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