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I'm VmmVaa from western Norway. I've actually been checking this forum for quite some time now, before finally deciding to sign up myself (I'm not exactly a people person).

Not quite sure what more to say. I have Aspergers, is really into video games, and is a lot more concerned about my own online grammar and sentence structure than I probably should be.

I also most likely have a much greater appreciation for "highbrow" art than most people my age.

I'm apparently one of the few remaining persons on the planet who hardly ever checks their facebook.

Also, I must say these fancy signatures really caught me of guard (they don't appear when you're not signed in). Is there anyway to toggle whether or not you want to view them? (I already see the checkbox for whether or not to allow them in my own thread, but that's not quite what I'm looking for)

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I have Aspergers, is really into video games, and is a lot more concerned about my own online grammar and sentence structure than I probably should be.

I'm apparently one of the few remaining persons on the planet who hardly ever checks their facebook.

You sound like the Norwegian version of me, tbh. I do these things too! Probably nothing to be proud of, though, but whatever.

And to toggle the signatures off, you can either manually do it with each person by clicking on the X at the top right of their sig, or you can go into your settings. Click "my settings" or "edit my page" when you're on your profile, click "Ignore preferences" on the side, then click the checkbox on top. Signatures gone!

Welcome, Konnichiwa, Aloha, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

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