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I run a certain Fire Emblem-themed wiki that some of you might be familiar with, plus a few other sites, and involved on some staff level on plenty of others. Maybe some of you have seen me before, elsewhere on the internet.*

Favourite FEs are 4, 9, and 12, in no particular order.

<- I also like Ace Attorney.

I'm also terrible at introductions, but there's not really much more you need to know about me, and nobody reads long introduction posts anyway (I should know, I moderate an introductions board on another forum :P ...which means I actually have to read all of them).

*The first W in my username is meant to be a Y, but I signed up some time ago with that username, and it apparently got blocked or something (never got the confirmation email, and can't access the control panel to resend it), so I can't use it.

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Really? You're the head of that wiki? Wow, awesome!

Greetings, Konnichiwa, Zdravo, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here! Or back to the forest, I guess?

Edited by Power Master
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Welcome to the Forest, Mowdow!

I'm also terrible at introductions, but there's not really much more you need to know about me

You're not terrible at it. You said plenty.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to the forums, Mowdow!

Ace Attorney and Fire Emblem are among my top 3 favorite series, so glad to see I'm not alone there!

Also, you and your team are doing a great job on the wiki, keep it up.

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