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General Questions about Fates' controversial content


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Hey all--it's been waaay too long since I've stopped here (almost 2 years). Anyway, I'm about to pick up Fates next week and I wanted to ask a few questions about the content.

Now I'm not a prude, and I get cultural differences, but I've seen comments here and there (like at Polygon) that suggested that incest was more open in this game and that other content was included that could be taken as somewhat exploitative (especially of women). I know the "petting" feature was taken out or edited for the US release, but I also read you an undress characters?? I just want to understand what's going on with this game because it sounds like a different genre than a tactical RPG (namely a dating/sex sim which is not what I am out to buy)

Can anyone with more specific knowledge of the game comment on this? Thanks so much!

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Thanks for the quick reply--I haven't looked too deeply into the incest stuff (was trying to dodge spoilers) but I saw one spoilery post suggesting it was possible on multiple fronts. Now I know FE has been cagey about it in the past, but I personally would not be cool with full on incest (caveat: I don't regard cousins marrying as incest)

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I'm really sorry if its a bit of a spoiler, but I dont want to discourage you from playing the game. Its that fake incest you see in a lot of anime type things, which is kinda annoying... But yeah, this game has very good gameplay. Probably my favorite fe in terms of gameplay, I hope I can see you on the PVP front of things maybe?

EDIT: You also cant marry siblings to other siblings.

Edited by GrayClouds23
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