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The Strumline


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Um hello, I'm Magistrum, a beginner spriter. I've been a sucker for Fire Emblem since FE6, although I haven't done spriting at all until recently. I haven't been in touch with the recent FE games ever since FE Shadow Dragon which I loathed, but when I decided to preorder FE:Fates Conquest, I looked around for FE forums until I stumbled upon this site. So yeah, enough about me and on to the sprites!

First in line is a full body sprite of a supposed Mugen Fighting Game character I created, but got discontinued.This isn't Fire Emblem style, but she's a sprite anyway, so might as well post here too. Introducing my OC, Magistelle


The stance is based on Mitsuru Kirijo's sprite in Persona 4 Arena. Oh and it's the first sprite i've ever made ^_^

Next is a collection of sprite mugshots that I've done, Fire Emblem style.


Haha yeah, it's Magistelle again. To ease myself into adjusting to the style, I recycled my existing sprite.


This guy's name is Reigmund, or Ray for short. He's supposed to be a prodigy crown prince that's kinda laid back and never takes things seriously, hence the kinda rough look despite having gaudy-looking elements here and there. You might see that it's actually a mashup of existing FE elements like FE7 Harken + FE8 Seth's hair (just in a different color), FE7 Raven's shirt, FE7 King Desmond's ornaments, and FE7 Sain's face type. I made sure to make him look different from each of them, though.


Next is this creepy guy named Firenze. He's supposedly a higher-up of the enemy army but became a turncoat after some events. His sprite is based upon FE8 Morva (Myrrh's father) with the armor based from some fodder enemy from FE8. He's nicknamed the Jackal, so i tried making his hair look like an Egyptian headress as a nod to the Egyptian jackal-headed god Anubis.

Also, if you look closely enough, these mugshots probably have more than 16 colors (I literally didn't know that there's a sprite color limit until just a few moments ago before posting this topic) so yeah, I suck.

So yeah that's all for now folks :P

Edited by Magistrum
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The full body of Magistelle is absolutely gorgeous!

Her hat somehow reminds me of Klonoa.

For the FE Sprites now, I find them really good!

The mashup you've done for Reigmund is remarkable!

Good work!

Have a nice day!

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