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Dark Magic in Fates


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If nosferatu is the only dark tome in the game they may as well just do away with dark magic again. -_- no flux, eclipse, luna, fenrir, ruin, not much point to dark magic if you aren't going include most of them. For that matter I seriously miss light magic... it might have been interesting if hoshido had had access to light spells and norh to dark and both having access to anima but noooo...

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If nosferatu is the only dark tome in the game they may as well just do away with dark magic again. -_- no flux, eclipse, luna, fenrir, ruin, not much point to dark magic if you aren't going include most of them. For that matter I seriously miss light magic... it might have been interesting if hoshido had had access to light spells and norh to dark and both having access to anima but noooo...


Even before the game was released, I thought it would be a great chance to bring back light magic (we already had dark) because of the light/dark themes in the factions but not only is there no light magic, there is almost no dark magic. And then they dramatically increase the availability of Shadowgift while making it almost worthless.

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What about it is arbitrary? They decide what weapons can or can't double/critical/activate skills and so forth for balance reasons.

Because It's not a class effect or anything like that. It's just a case by case basis.

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I didn't say it was bad. I said I didn't like it because it blurs the rules by using patchwork restrictions and makes it all feel very gamey.

I don't mind certain weapons having special effects, but when that is the rule and not the exception, it makes things a lot more complicated than necessary. It's akin to the numberless prestige classes and 3rd party books that haunt D&D, and make it hard to remember the rules quickly without having an encyclopedic knowledge of ALL the rules.

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