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Mafia Game 2


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Are people actually voting for me on the basis that I said I was mafia earlier? You're all forgetting what it means to put evidence and logic together.

First of all, revealing myself to be mafia at first, and saying that I was SUPPOSED to reveal myself to be mafia...and then making an intelligent post with all sorts of understanding of game mechanic? That doesn't make sense. Ideally a player would note that and realize that someone with "intelligent" logic would not make such a stupid blunder.

Now, you may be thinking logic isn't enough right now. However, I have some proof, and the user you know as "Meta Kirby" (along with others, especially Desdemona and Cymbeline, but they're the hosts) can attest to this fact. I have played mafia countless times on another forum where the skill level is exceptionally high, and players know what to take with a grain of salt and what to ignore. If this was my first time playing mafia, MAYBE I would be stupid enough to jump out and say I was mafia. When the number is closer to my TENTH game? That'd be unacceptable. And plus, I've won mafia games in which people thought I was a Cop because of my ability to easily pick out mafia members from the rest, but I turned out not to be (the time I was Miller is particularly famous; I was considered Town MVP for voting to kill a mafioso every single day phase save one, and also dodging death).

In summary: Don't waste your votes. Look for the people trying to be deceptive and elusive.

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The Mafia kinda has an advantage. If we state we hate Mafia, then that reveals we're town, if we state we love Mafia, it means we are Mafia.

So the Mafia gets fewer members because of this right?

Reason for Edit: Fixed areas so it can actually be readable. XD

The mafia has limited numbers. It says so in the first post dammit.

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Are people actually voting for me on the basis that I said I was mafia earlier? You're all forgetting what it means to put evidence and logic together.

First of all, revealing myself to be mafia at first, and saying that I was SUPPOSED to reveal myself to be mafia...and then making an intelligent post with all sorts of understanding of game mechanic? That doesn't make sense. Ideally a player would note that and realize that someone with "intelligent" logic would not make such a stupid blunder.

Now, you may be thinking logic isn't enough right now. However, I have some proof, and the user you know as "Meta Kirby" (along with others, especially Desdemona and Cymbeline, but they're the hosts) can attest to this fact. I have played mafia countless times on another forum where the skill level is exceptionally high, and players know what to take with a grain of salt and what to ignore. If this was my first time playing mafia, MAYBE I would be stupid enough to jump out and say I was mafia. When the number is closer to my TENTH game? That'd be unacceptable. And plus, I've won mafia games in which people thought I was a Cop because of my ability to easily pick out mafia members from the rest, but I turned out not to be (the time I was Miller is particularly famous; I was considered Town MVP for voting to kill a mafioso every single day phase save one, and also dodging death).

In summary: Don't waste your votes. Look for the people trying to be deceptive and elusive.

Like Bizz...XD

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I KNOW THEY DO. I just stated why, and I was asking if that was the right reason or not.

It seemed as if you were asking if the mafia members got fewer members.

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look I think we all know/suspect that biz is mafia, we know ssp is or he might be playing us like a violin, but that highly unlikely.

LEts look at this

Hika and Biz cant be both on the mafia because their voting against each other

Fireman voted hika so if my accusation of fireman is correct Hika isnt Mafia, if I'm wrong then Hika is mafia and fire isnt

so it cancels each other out,

Now should we vote spp out, no we shouldn't, because if you dont vote him we know who to vote for if have no leads,and we know who he/she is

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why vote out ssp, we already know hes mafia so we could rid him later, I say we take out Biz is preferably fireman

Well, we're rather sure that SSP is in fact Mafia, while we have only vague ideas about Bizz and Fireman. It's better to get rid of the ones we know are scum rather than wasting time on ones that may or may not pose a threat.

In summary: Don't waste your votes. Look for the people trying to be deceptive and elusive.

What about people trying to convince the ones voting for him that they are wrong and playing the game like an amateur?

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Hikarusa (6): Fimbulvetr, Fireman, Zephrion, TLS, Bizz

No Lynch (3): Freohr Datia, Kiba, Slayer

Bizz (7): Ocelot the Viper, Doom103, SSP, Meta Kirby, Noremac, ChaosNinji

SSP (3): Lyle Dayek, Epona64, Hikarusa

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I still say SSP. He's too smart. And he's trying to dazzle us to take the focus off himself.

Like I said earlier, he knows who the mafia people are if he's mafia. So he's focusing on either Hika/Bizz cause he knows that niether of them are Mafia, so he wants to keep him and his friends safe.

Personally, I think all three of them could be mafia people, but I have SSP voted for right now, so I'll keep it that way.

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LEts look at this

Hika and Biz cant be both on the mafia because their voting against each other

Fireman voted hika so if my accusation of fireman is correct Hika isnt Mafia, if I'm wrong then Hika is mafia and fire isnt

so it cancels each other out,

Not logical. 2 people voting for each other, for a fairly experienced player, should be a decent tell that both are mafia trying to pass as town. (In other words, it's suspicious, but you want to look for other evidence too. However, the second voter, aka the "responder," is almost ALWAYS the more suspicious to the two.) I'd discuss the proper way to go about avoiding this, but I don't want to give mafia any more hints.

The thing that will tell you a lot about who's mafia and who isn't is voting records. If you haven't seen them in a while, ask for them. (Speaking of which, can we have the votals again please, with the unvotes added in since they're typically shown too? I know it's a lot of work, but it'd really help. Thanks!)

And this is another thing...this is my first game played on this forum. All you may have heard from others is that I'm an experienced player. However, I could pass off as "experienced" in any way I wanted. If I was mafia, surely I wouldn't be dropping the town this many hints, would I?

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Hikarusa (6): Fimbulvetr, Fireman, Zephrion, TLS, Bizz

No Lynch (3): Freohr Datia, Kiba, Slayer

Bizz (7): Ocelot the Viper, Doom103, SSP, Meta Kirby, Noremac, ChaosNinji

SSP (3): Lyle Dayek, Epona64, Hikarusa

And I'll go back and get the votals from earlier. There might not be votals for a while. XD

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I still say SSP. He's too smart. And he's trying to dazzle us to take the focus off himself.

Like I said earlier, he knows who the mafia people are if he's mafia. So he's focusing on either Hika/Bizz cause he knows that niether of them are Mafia, so he wants to keep him and his friends safe.

Personally, I think all three of them could be mafia people, but I have SSP voted for right now, so I'll keep it that way.

I agree. SSP is the one we should worry about, not Bizz or Hika. The only real evidence we have against them are subtle hints in posts they made, while SSP's whole attitude is rather suspicious, not just some odd worded sentences here and there.

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