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Mafia Game 2


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Not logical. 2 people voting for each other, for a fairly experienced player, should be a decent tell that both are mafia trying to pass as town. (In other words, it's suspicious, but you want to look for other evidence too. However, the second voter, aka the "responder," is almost ALWAYS the more suspicious to the two.) I'd discuss the proper way to go about avoiding this, but I don't want to give mafia any more hints.

The thing that will tell you a lot about who's mafia and who isn't is voting records. If you haven't seen them in a while, ask for them. (Speaking of which, can we have the votals again please, with the unvotes added in since they're typically shown too? I know it's a lot of work, but it'd really help. Thanks!)

And this is another thing...this is my first game played on this forum. All you may have heard from others is that I'm an experienced player. However, I could pass off as "experienced" in any way I wanted. If I was mafia, surely I wouldn't be dropping the town this many hints, would I?

That's just it, though. You might be trying to lead suspicion away from you and get everybody to think you're not in the mafia by giving everyone all these hints.

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Last time, Songbird was the leader of the Mafia. Maybe we should vote for people we wouldn't suspect.

That could be many though. There probably would be many that would be tied or something. It'd be confusing...

Plus these people were randomly selected.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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That could be many though. There probably would be many that would be tied or something. It'd be confusing...

Plus these people were randomly selected.

But NO ONE would vote Songbird! That's the point!

Who do we not expect...? You?

Well, right now, only Bizz, SSP, and Hika are suspected. :mellow:

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No, I was Mafia last time and was horrible, why would I be Mafia again, honestly?

You can't choose your role. Cym and Des could've given you the role again.

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Hikarusa (5): Fimbulvetr, Fireman, (Noremac), (Ocelot the Viper), Zephrion, (Doom103), (Epona64), (TLS), (SSP), Bizz, TLS

No Lynch (3): Freohr Datia, (Epona64), Kiba, Slayer, (Lyle Dayek)

Bizz (5): (Fireman), Ocelot the Viper, (Hikarusa), (Lyle Dayek), Doom103, SSP, Meta Kirby, Noremac, (ChaosNinji), (TLS)

SSP (3): Lyle Dayek, Epona64, Hikarusa

Fireman (0): (Doom103)

TLS (0): (Meta Kirby), (Lyle Dayek), (Hikarusa), (Slayer)

Will (0): (Hikarusa), (Bizz)

Fimbulvetr (0): (ChaosNinji)

Ocelot the Viper (1): ChaosNinji

It was pretty confusing, so please point out any errors I made!

After doing all of that, I can safely say that Lyle is the new Chao. :lol:

Edited by Desdemona
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