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Mafia Game 2


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Nah, didn't take me much. Also sorry guys, I was sleeping the whole time. lololol

Aaaaaaanyway, here's the text! It was written by Des, btw, not me.


The citizens were rather fickle with their votes, unable to decide who seemed scummy and who did not.

“I vote for Bizz!” a few of the citizens said.

“But I’m innocent!” Bizz cried out.

“’Kay. I’ll change my vote to then.”

“But I’m innocent too!” SSP groaned in agitation.

“Uh…Ocelot the Viper, then?” ChaosNinji suggested.

“You’re right! He does seem rather scummy!” Ethereal Hero agreed.

“I say we vote for either Bizz or Hika,” SSP sighed.

“Hm…that makes sense.”

The votes, however, slowly began to trickle back to Bizz.

Soon, she had the necessary eleven votes…

“No! I’m innocent I tell you! But…It’s too late now,” Bizz whispered.

“Sorry, Bizz, but I’m keeping my vote,” Lyle said as he pulled out the rope.


Bizz has been lynched. She was Karel, SELF-ALIGNED Serial Killer.

Townies, PM your night actions to Desdemona

Mafia members, PM your night actions to Cymbeline


Funny how Bizz was her favourite class in both games.

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