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Mafia Game 2


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Accusations flew back and forth between the citizens.

"I DON'T TRUST THAT HIKARUSA GUY!" shouted Hika, as the other citizens declared "He's tryna' pull a Will icthar."

"lol wut, illegal move, illegal move!"

But no one cared since they hated Hika.

(You're still the cool asshole)

More lynching goes on by, Epona has her eyes on Doom, as she accused him out of bluff.

Kiba, suspicious of SSP for being a veteran at this, accuses him. Lawl Dayek is also suspicious, but goes on to suspect the suicidal Hika.

"EFF EE EFF EL BANDWAGON AHOY" shouted from the mobs created by Zeph, Doom, and Hika, where is Es Es Pee observes the topic instead of doing his homework, creating accusations towards noremaC.

"BUT HIS NAME IS NOW YOGURT." says the so called Namecists.

"shoop da woop it's okay, as long as it's spelled correctly." replies Noregurt.

dewm says I ARGEE WTIH LULe, going on to change his vote to Hika.

But he instead votes for Obama, because Palin has mouths like sidewinding missiles.

more bandwagon here and there. IT'S AN EPIDEMIC.

PROVOCATIVE I SAY, as more accusations switch around, where it's a near death for Fefful and Yoregurt.

Freohr hammers the vote, making it instant death for noremaC.

Being honorable and not resisting arrest, he dies peacefully.

Fireman then says "I got the plasma rifies..."

noremaC, I mean Yogurt, is Dumbledore, Harry Potter spoiler ohshit.

Bizz and Branded, staring down from Heaven (or up from Hell) and laughs as the town just screwed themselves for a movie that isn't released for another thousands of years.

in no specific order,


With 45 members left, it takes 2 to lynch.

Edited by Will
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Accusations flew back and forth between the citizens.

"I DON'T TRUST THAT HIKARUSA GUY!" shouted Hika, as the other citizens declared "He's tryna' pull a Will icthar."

"lol wut, illegal move, illegal move!"

But no one cared since they hated Hika.

(You're still the cool asshole)

More lynching goes on by, Epona has her eyes on Doom, as she accused him out of bluff.

Kiba, suspicious of SSP for being a veteran at this, accuses him. Lawl Dayek is also suspicious, but goes on to suspect the suicidal Hika.

"EFF EE EFF EL BANDWAGON AHOY" shouted from the mobs created by Zeph, Doom, and Hika, where is Es Es Pee observes the topic instead of doing his homework, creating accusations towards noremaC.

"BUT HIS NAME IS NOW YOGURT." says the so called Namecists.

"shoop da woop it's okay, as long as it's spelled correctly." replies Noregurt.

dewm says I ARGEE WTIH LULe, going on to change his vote to Hika.

But he instead votes for Obama, because Palin has mouths like sidewinding missiles.

more bandwagon here and there. IT'S AN EPIDEMIC.

PROVOCATIVE I SAY, as more accusations switch around, where it's a near death for Fefful and Yoregurt.

Freohr hammers the vote, making it instant death for noremaC.

Being honorable and not resisting arrest, he dies peacefully.

Fireman then says "I got the plasma rifies..."

noremaC, I mean Yogurt, is Dumbledore, Harry Potter spoiler ohshit.

Bizz and Branded, staring down from Heaven (or up from Hell) and laughs as the town just screwed themselves for a movie that isn't released for another thousands of years.

in no specific order,


With 45 members left, it takes 2 to lynch.


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Accusations flew back and forth between the citizens.

"I DON'T TRUST THAT HIKARUSA GUY!" shouted Hika, as the other citizens declared "He's tryna' pull a Will icthar."

"lol wut, illegal move, illegal move!"

But no one cared since they hated Hika.

(You're still the cool asshole)

More lynching goes on by, Epona has her eyes on Doom, as she accused him out of bluff.

Kiba, suspicious of SSP for being a veteran at this, accuses him. Lyle Dayek is also suspicious, but goes on to suspect the suicidal Hika.

"FEFL BANDWAGON AHOY" shouted from the mobs created by Zeph, Doom, and Hika, whereas SSP observes the topic instead of doing his homework, creating accusations towards noremaC.

"BUT HIS NAME IS NOW YOGURT." says the so called Namecists.

"shoop da woop it's okay, as long as it's spelled correctly." replies Noregurt.

Doom said: "I agree with Lyle", going on to change his vote to Hika.

More bandwagoning here and there. IT'S AN EPIDEMIC!

PROVOCATIVE I SAY, as more accusations switch around, where it's a near death for Fefful and Yoregurt.

Freohr hammers the vote, making it instant death for noremaC.

Being honorable and not resisting arrest, he dies peacefully.

Fireman then says "I got the plasma rifies..."

noremaC, I mean Yogurt, has been killed! He was Generic Soldier, TOWN Jailkeeper.

Suddenly, the people realized Javaman was missing! At one point, they saw smokes coming out from the ground...

"Godot must've..." said Hika.

Javaman has coffee smoke vanished! He was Linus, MAFIA Vanilla.

Townies, PM your night actions to Desdemona.

Mafia members, PM your night actions to Cymbeline.

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